Video: Dak's uncle discusses family, frustration with media

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Which is more likely to be delusional, fans or family?

Probably both. But at least I can understand why the family is doing it. That's what family ware supposed to do. I can't understand people going after players family for doing what they are supposed to do.

Call me crazy but if anyone comes after my family, I'll do all I can to defend them. I think most people will do the same.


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You claimed Dak would be ripped if his family did not come to his defense. He has been criticized ruthlessly since his first preseason game and never once have I seen even his biggest haters criticize Dak for his family not defending him against criticism. It doesn’t happen.

You’re welcome!

Because his family has defended him. Had they not, I'm SPECULATING based on what I saw from the spring break incident. You want to call it made up story. Go right ahead. What do you call people speculating who will win the game? Or who the HC might be next year? Are those made up stories too? LOL.


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Because his family has defended him. Had they not, I'm SPECULATING based on what I saw from the spring break incident. You want to call it made up story. Go right ahead. What do you call people speculating who will win the game? Or who the HC might be next year? Are those made up stories too? LOL.
Why speculate? You have 6 years of criticism in which it did not happen. You’re just pulling crap out of your butt in a pathetic attempt to defend Dak, too. You’re also making things worse for him. It’s embarrassing.


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Why speculate? You have 6 years of criticism in which it did not happen. You’re just pulling crap out of your butt in a pathetic attempt to defend Dak, too. You’re also making things worse for him. It’s embarrassing.

You haven't seen all the ridiculous Dak sucks threads and posts? Are you new here? LOL.

Embarrassing? It's embarrassing that you condone people who attack player's family members for defending one of their own. You must be the type who'll do nothing when someone attacks your family. Now that's really embarrassing.
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Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Probably both. But at least I can understand why the family is doing it. That's what family ware supposed to do. I can't understand people going after players family for doing what they are supposed to do.

Call me crazy but if anyone comes after my family, I'll do all I can to defend them. I think most people will do the same.
I'd guess that most of the people here wouldn't say crap to Dak if they had a mouthful, and they only complain because it's an opinion based fan forum, and they expect their opinions to stay within it.

The people Dak's family is going after aren't the ones on this site, but if they expect any kind of response other than derision or strongly worded points of view, they need to express themselves without vitriol, because passion is usually answered with passion.


Go Seahawks!!!
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You haven't seen all the ridiculous Dak sucks threads and posts? Are you new here? LOL.
Embarrassing? It's embracing that you condone people who attack player's family members for defending one of their own.
Are you reading my posts? If you are, are you comprehending what they say? Let’s take a quiz, shall we?

What part of me saying “you have had 6 years of criticism” and “he has been criticized ruthlessly since his first preseason game” sparks you to ask a question such as “you haven’t seen all the ridiculous Dak threads and posts?”

Obviously I have seen them. So, let me repeat my point again since it is over your head. He has been criticized for 6 years and never has anyone criticized him for his family not rushing out and publicly defending him as you are SPECULATING they will do. If they were going to do it, they would have already done it.

What I speculate will happen is that Dak’s family will be material for future Dak bashing when he has a bad game. They have created low hanging fruit for Dak haters to feast on.


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This is a forum discussing facts and opinions where members speculate what might happen. You haven't seen threads here where we SPECULATE who will win the game? How about who the HC might be in 2022?

You want me to show you a proof on something that I speculated based on what has happened previously. I'm guessing you have no idea what speculation means
Now you're out here trying to make game predictions and your strawman argument the same thing? Smh. You're moving like some of these women I've dated in the past. Just don't want to admit you're wrong so keep saying crazier and crazier things to justify your junk. Try that I don't know what speculation means stuff on someone else.


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Are you reading my posts? If you are, are you comprehending what they say? Let’s take a quiz, shall we?

What part of me saying “you have had 6 years of criticism” and “he has been criticized ruthlessly since his first preseason game” sparks you to ask a question such as “you haven’t seen all the ridiculous Dak threads and posts?”

Obviously I have seen them. So, let me repeat my point again since it is over your head. He has been criticized for 6 years and never has anyone criticized him for his family not rushing out and publicly defending him as you are SPECULATING they will do. If they were going to do it, they would have already done it.

What I speculate will happen is that Dak’s family will be material for future Dak bashing when he has a bad game. They have created low hanging fruit for Dak haters to feast on.

Have you been reading my posts? There were tons of people ripping on Dak for no one coming to help him during the spring break incident. It's not hard to think and SPECULATE that same posters will do the same if none of his family members defended him when asked publicly.

It's oblivious you haven't been reading my post for you to think it's about defending Dak. It's more about the clowns going after his family for what they are supposed to do. It's clear to see that your hate for Dak makes you read into what you want to see instead of what was actually posted.


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Look dude just say you want everyone to agree with you and be done with it. Don't post this reply because I said I can do what you seem to think you can't. What kinda bs strawman is people can't get under your skin? Nobody said or implied such smh.

lol i don't care if you agree with me or not, but i don't understand your point of view. You can say you wouldn't care about the criticism if you had his money, but fact is you'll never know. even if you won the lottery tonight and had the same money as Dak, not enough people would know who you are to care to criticize you, and thats not an insult, its to call out how unlikely you'll ever be to empathize with Dak or his family...the discussion here is that Dak needs to accept all criticism no matter where it comes from because he is a rich cowboys qb, and his family needs to shut up and not come to his defense because he is a rich cowboys qb. I don't agree with that. which again, is why i said we can agree to disagree


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Have you been reading my posts? There were tons of people ripping on Dak for no one coming to help him during the spring break incident. It's not hard to think and SPECULATE that same posters will do the same if none of his family members defended him when asked publicly.

It's oblivious you haven't been reading my post for you to think it's about defending Dak. It's more about the clowns going after his family for what they are supposed to do. It's clear to see that your hate for Dak makes you read into what you want to see instead of what was actually posted.
Yes, we discussed. That is a physical confrontation. Much different than criticism over playing football. You know, Dak’s job that people discuss and allows him to make the absurd amount of money he makes?


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Now you're out here trying to make game predictions and your strawman argument the same thing? Smh. You're moving like some of these women I've dated in the past. Just don't want to admit you're wrong so keep saying crazier and crazier things to justify your junk. Try that I don't know what speculation means stuff on someone else.

What? Do you have issues understanding what speculation means? Go look it up and then come back if you can grasp the concept of what speculating is.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Have you been reading my posts? There were tons of people ripping on Dak for no one coming to help him during the spring break incident. It's not hard to think and SPECULATE that same posters will do the same if none of his family members defended him when asked publicly.

It's oblivious you haven't been reading my post for you to think it's about defending Dak. It's more about the clowns going after his family what they are supposed to do. It's clear to see that your hate for Dak makes you read into what you want to see instead of what was actually posted.

But, Dak came out and stated that, "I'm a big". If he thinks that is what he is, why does his bro Tad and his Unc have to defend that big Dak is pampered like a baby boy...either that or they want some of his coin.

I did like his leadership when he asked his teammates to donate $500 to the practice squad players because they don't make as much as the starters. lol. I wonder if he threw in his $500? lol. What a guy. If he was such a great teammate and wanted to help his practice squad, the dude could give each player one million of his coin and it would be like handing out a dime to the players with the money he makes. I guess that was one of the lessons in his Workplace Leadership degree, ask others to pay and then he would be loved even more in the locker room? lol


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Yes, we discussed. That is a physical confrontation. Much different than criticism over playing football. You know, Dak’s job that people discuss and allows him to make the absurd amount of money he makes?

The point is the same. They were questioning his character by implying that his friends and teammates don't care about him and try to use that reasoning to say he's not a good person and will be a terrible teammate. That's how ridiculous some people are.

You want to keep making this into a Dak thing when I clearly pointed out that this is about the clowns who attack the player's family just because they don't like the player.


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But, Dak came out and stated that, "I'm a big". If he thinks that is what he is, why does his bro Tad and his Unc have to defend that big Dak is pampered like a baby boy...either that or they want some of his coin.

I did like his leadership when he asked his teammates to donate $500 to the practice squad players because they don't make as much as the starters. lol. I wonder if he threw in his $500? lol. What a guy. If he was such a great teammate and wanted to help his practice squad, the dude could give each player one million of his coin and it would be like handing out a dime to the players with the money he makes. I guess that was one of the lessons in his Workplace Leadership degree, ask others to pay and then he would be loved even more in the locker room? lol

What would you do if someone came after your family?


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The point is the same. They were questioning his character by implying that his friends and teammates don't care about him and try to use that reasoning to say he's not a good person and will be a terrible teammate. That's how ridiculous some people are.

You want to keep making this into a Dak thing when I clearly pointed out that this is about the clowns who attack the player's family just because they don't like the player.
Ok, then please explain why people haven’t already done what you speculate might happen? The opportunity has been there all along. A logical response might make me change my mind.


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Ok, then please explain why people haven’t already done what you speculate might happen? The opportunity has been there all along.

I already told you. Because his family HAS defended him. I speculated, had they NOT defended him, that will happen.


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He should send Dez over there to slap em around . Lol


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You said "people" in reference to people who talk about you based on your job or job performance. Those "people" can be either co-workers or non-co-workers. But if you're talking about people with ordinary jobs - many if not most of which aren't under public scrutiny - where else is the criticism going to come other than co-workers? :huh:

By the way, the majority of my career has been as a newspaper reporter. My work was public, so people could criticize it if they didn't like it. Some did. But I recognize this, which is why I tried to do the best I could. Do I like criticism or getting cussed out because people don't want to talk to me? No. But it's part of the job. And if you can't handle that, you have to get another job.

As for cyber bullying, let's make a distinction. Criticizing a person's job performance, especially if he is in a public position like, say, a football player is NOT cyber bullying. Saying ugly things about Dak's deceased mom IS.

While I abhor cyber bullying, I also don't want to create a climate where people can't legitimately critique or engage in constructive criticism without it being labeled cyber bullying. That is simply unrealistic, ESPECIALLY when you also seek fans to support you in your business.

Dak's and any other players' performance on the job is fair game for criticism because they are appealing to fans to support them and watch their games, which contribute to their enormous salaries and sponsorships.

What's ironic here is that Dak can encourage the fans throwing objects at the refs, who were only doing their jobs. But he can't handle fans criticizing him because he was only doing his job - and poorly at that based on the last game he played.

Moreover, there is a reality we must face as people, i.e., as much as we want to rid the world vice, corruption, evil and bullying ... WE WILL NOT. So we must prepare ourselves to live in a world where despite our admonition, people are going to be bullies.

Our culture, with all its good intentions, is leaning to a side where we don't want ANYONE to say ANYTHING bad about our performance, and that is UNREALISTIC because it doesn't teach other qualities like long-suffering, patience and endurance, qualities people need to learn to live in this world.

Dak (and his family) must realize this (assuming this is their issue) because not only does he have to live with disappointments in life and people critiquing his job performances, but Dak gets to walk away at any time and sit back and relax for the rest of his days, while many of the poor shmoes who watch him are stuck in dead-end jobs or broken families and can't escape or get the reprieve Dak can.

So, to me, it's not an either/or, i.e., cutting out all criticism vs. totally supporting Dak by not criticizing him at all. There is room for the middle and for balance.

And, in his case, he plays a sport that invites fandom - which includes praise and scorn - a sport that compensates him richly and a sport that upon his conclusion in it will allow him to either continue to engage the public or withdraw to a desert island and never have to hear another word of criticism again.

Most of us aren't that fortunate and don't have those options.

I want you to point out where I said Dak shouldn't be criticized. I feel like all these back and forths between everyone is just you all missing the point i'm making, which is that I feel it is wrong to assume Dak and his family should just take these criticisms/comments and just be ok with it, and not have any negative feelings towards the media, fans, and whoever else isn't apart of the NFL. "Dak should've thrown to the open man instead of the guy being doubled" is a job criticism. "Dak should've handed the ball to the ref instead of to the center" is a job criticism..."Dak needs to continue working on his throwing motion to become more accurate" is a job criticism.

"Dak sucks" is not a job criticism, "Dak is a crybaby and needs to man up" is not a job criticism, "Dak and his brothers are clowns" is not a job criticism, "Dak needs to put a muzzle on his family" is not a job criticism, "Dak is overpaid trash who will never amount to anything great" is not a job criticism...these are personal attacks, can absolutely be put in the field of cyber-bullying, and they should not be lumped into criticisms on how he can be a better QB for this team. Someone who gets a job that indirectly puts them in the public eye, and their family should not be expected to accept any and everything said about them. That is the point i'm making.
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