Dalton throws for 300+ yds: fans say keep him. Dak threw for 450+ yds 3 times, fans say cut him?


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Want to discount his performance? Dalton is playing behind a backup o-line, first year playing in Dak's friendly offense.

There were a couple of slips by the egals defense, as well as blown coverages, and the false start penalties that killed some eagles drives, leading to the egals defense being on the field a lot late in the game.

But what's happened during 14 games of a season is a better indicator of one game, to go 4-9-1 you can't be a very good football team...


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The difference: Romo was a CHOKER (as time proved to be true...I warned y'all). Dak is not.

Romo went Hollywood after his first year as a starter in 2006. Dak did not.

That's the difference you guys up till today refuse to understand.

One QB LIVES FOOTBALL 24/7. The other one didn't. Clear as day.
Laugh of the day, again and again. You do know Romo doesn't play any more and is irrelevant to the DC. 9 point clutch Dak, yeah he's your man crush.


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Dak failed to deliver in clutch time, 9 big points , Dalton delivered all game long not just a quarter or two keeping the PO hopes alive. These players and coaches platy to win unlike a loser mentality fan. Truth is neither are keepers unless at a super team friendly deal.
Yes Yes...Dak has never won clutch games, never led Cowboys to play-offs and has never won a play-off game...

Andy history inspires so much of what we haven't seen...............Eye Test

Dak Haters are the worst people....Even after Dalton finds a nut....

America's Cowboy

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Dak failed to deliver in clutch time, 9 big points , Dalton delivered all game long not just a quarter or two keeping the PO hopes alive. These players and coaches platy to win unlike a loser mentality fan. Truth is neither are keepers unless at a super team friendly deal.
Did Dalton lead a win against a .500+ winning record team??? You know, the very same thing you criticize Dak!

...I'll wait.


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There were a couple of slips by the egals defense, as well as blown coverages, and the false start penalties that killed some eagles drives, leading to the egals defense being on the field a lot late in the game.

But what's happened during 14 games of a season is a better indicator of one game, to go 4-9-1 you can't be a very good football team...

That's irrelevant, he has done what Dak failed to do this season win 3 straight games. And one of those wins came with Zeke been inactive, when was the last time Dak won a game with so many starters out?

America's Cowboy

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Laugh of the day, again and again. You do know Romo doesn't play any more and is irrelevant to the DC. 9 point clutch Dak, yeah he's your man crush.
Hey, numbnuts, I didn't bring up Romo. @foofighters did!!!! I was simply replying to him.

Go play with your marbles or crayons already.


Taco Engineer
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Dak failed to deliver in clutch time, 9 big points , Dalton delivered all game long not just a quarter or two keeping the PO hopes alive. These players and coaches platy to win unlike a loser mentality fan. Truth is neither are keepers unless at a super team friendly deal.
You're leaving a lot out. When Prescott was playing he had to put up monster statistics just to try and catch up. And, our defense wasn't getting turnovers which in turn helps the offense start off with shorter fields.
Prescott and Dalton are two very different caliber QBs.


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Seriously??? You have to ask? Were you not alive back then to actually see what he was up to off the field?

Here, I'll give you 1 little tidbit out of many that he did to prove Romo went Hollywood during his early starting years...


This is so true.......lots of fans either don't remember or are too young. But he was heavily involved in the Hollywood cutural his first few years as a starter. Remember Keyshawn Johnson and few other former players calling him the most over hype player in the league at the time.


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That's irrelevant, he has done what Dak failed to do this season win 3 straight games. And one of those wins came with Zeke been inactive, when was the last time Dak won a game with so many starters out?

Every game is different, we cannot know if Dak would have had a 3 game winning streak, or not. Looking at Dalton's career, he had stretches where he played very well, others where he didn't.

But after 9 years he had no playoff wins, and was well known for not handling pressure very well. You know what you have in Dalton, and Dak.

Factoring in their ages and history, I just am on the keep Dak side. I've consistently said I don't think he's the supposed "elite" quarterback, but he's very good, just don't see Dalton, based on 9 years in Cincy, that he's better than Dak....


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Hey, I've always said Dak needs to accept a contract offer somewhere in the low 30s million per season, plus be lengthy enough to allow the team to create some cap space for other players to be signed.

Where were you when Romo not once but twice was given top positional pay during his Cowboys career? Why weren't you demanding the same of Romo at that time as you are now demanding of Dak?

PS: I can't stand hypocrites.
I don't know that I am demanding anything of Dak. I don't have enough information to be able to demand Dak does anything. Anymore, I am just along for the ride with this team because Jerry is going to whatever he wants. You're assuming that I have something against Dak. I don't. He has areas that he does well as well as areas of improvement. I was the same with Romo. You still haven't really clarified your Hollywood statement. Tony's a good looking guy that's good on camera. That's why he was on TV. Honestly, it's the same with Dak. Both have charm and charisma that sponsors crave. And the Cowboys QB is ALWAYS going to be a star as long as he can put two coherent sentences together and can back it up with play.


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Dalton allows for you to build a team around. Dak may not given how much he wants. We have a lot of holes to fill. I honestly don't care either way because no matter who the QB is, Jerry is still the GM and that's the real problem.

Also, I also remember a certain member (with the Initials of AC) that would argue that stats are for losers back in the Romo days. Now we freely are throwing out stats?

Interesting. Interesting, indeed...
ROFL. Dalton is a stop gap 1 year guy.
No one is building a team around him.
He has zero mobility at this point in his career and is a sitting duck versus even mediocre pass rushes.

Dalton is the kind of guy you sign when you draft a rookie or as the back up if you have title aspirations.

In a QB starved league he can probably get a starting job next year but it isn't as a long term answer.

He lost his starting job in Cincy and drew no starting nod looks last year. Improved play this final month will likely get him those starting looks but only for desperate teams who strike out on all other options.


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Did Dalton lead a win against a .500+ winning record team??? You know, the very same thing you criticize Dak!

...I'll wait.
Twist twist twist, squirm some more, you are one who posted about AD not me, like I said neither are worth it, In this case Dalton kept the PO hopes alive, Dak same exact scenario with all his starters, no he failed, just the facts. Just admit it neither are worth premium pay.


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You're leaving a lot out. When Prescott was playing he had to put up monster statistics just to try and catch up. And, our defense wasn't getting turnovers which in turn helps the offense start off with shorter fields.
Prescott and Dalton are two very different caliber QBs.
Agree, two different QB's, AD plays a whole game, Dak likes to disappear for long stretches and then fight his way back. Stop with the stats, they don't mean anything except in fantasy football when the result is a failure. Is Dak a better QB , yes but not what many try and make him out to be.


Taco Engineer
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Agree, two different QB's, AD plays a whole game, Dak likes to disappear for long stretches and then fight his way back. Stop with the stats, they don't mean anything except in fantasy football when the result is a failure. Is Dak a better QB , yes but not what many try and make him out to be.
Lmao, you have it all figured out! Just leave out the facts, lmao!!!

I can't with this place.:facepalm::laugh:


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while I agree with you 100 percent it’s more about the cost per yard not the total yards.

those that dislike dak and don’t want to sign him don’t feel the value is there at 35 mil....but for a dalton at 2 mil they are stoked
its not about cost per yard. its about putting a winning team that can go to playoffs and win....Dalton finally finally finally got 300 yards....we beat three teams, with their back up QBs, with defense contributing 9 turnovers.....even scoring and special teams scoring.....in the meantime we got BLOWN OUT by some very average teams like Arizona, WFT and Ravens........ you get to playoffs, teams aren't 4-10 any longer.......

so do you want to save money? or do you want to win?