First off, drop the name calling if you want to discuss anything with me. I'm not impressed by some dude running his mouth on a msg board. If you want to argue a point do it by arguing the point. To quote Socrates: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” So keep that in mind. Moving on....
Secondly, the Chiefs have one of the best RB's in the league and he has 10 fewer carries on the year than Zeke, so that argument about a "run first" offense compared to us doesn't hold any water. Mahomes also isn't even in the top 10 of QB's when it comes to pass attempts per game. He averages about 5 more attempts per game than Dak. He's just a lot more efficient and effective with his throws, averaging 2.3 more yards per attempt and 3.7 more per completion at a 4% higher rate.
If you want to make that all about Hill and Kelce, you may have a point. Let's say, just for the sake of fantastical hypothetical conversation that Dak was in KC. He's currently on pace for about 3400 yards and Mahomes is trending toward 5200. How much better would you see Dak doing there? Keep in mind that Dak currently plays behind the 8th ranked offensive line and struggles under any kind of pressure and Mahomes is behind the 17th ranked line.
Do you think he will develop anticipation of receivers getting open there? Do you think he will stop being one of the worst QB's in the league (30th) at holding the ball too long (2.98 seconds) because he doesn't have aforementioned anticipation of receivers getting open? Will he stop staring down his first read? Will he all of a sudden develop proper throwing mechanics and stop doing that stupid hop-throw? Will he stop feeling pressure that isn't there and running into the actual pressure? I say, if he can do all that, then combine it with those playmakers you mentioned, then yes, he will have better numbers.
Finally, you want to debate that sitting on the bench for a year somehow prepared Mahomes better than actual on the job experience? Look, if Dak had come in and been given the David Carr/Troy Aikman treatment and had his rear end handed to him for 16 games, then you might have a point. Dak came in and was able to gain an entire year of actual game experience operating from the relative safety provided by our offensive line. There is no way to simulate that in practice. There is no way to simulate that in film study.