We should just wait another year, I guess. No Marino or Elway.
What is funny is people actually say this, but in the same breath swear up and down that picking this high in the draft has zero chance of happening again any time soon.
So next year. Or maybe the year after that.
There will be an Elway when we pick 32nd after winning the Super Bowl and Romo retires, riding off into the sunset.
It will work out that way. You'll see.
every fan base does this. I'm pretty sure there's a significant portion of Cleveland's fan base that's clamoring for a non QB. Everyone's afraid to take a QB at the top of the draft, they want to get lucky with a Brady, Romo, Wilson, ect, but that's tough.
however, the reason most QBs fail, is they really don't have the support around them to succeed, which is not the case here, we have the infrastructure in place for a rookie QB to do well.