Deion on Newman's "Cowards" Comments

FLCowboyFan;2554253 said:
I posted this on a similar thread (below) but this whole topic ticks me off enough to repost it again

The Cowboys have NEVER had a divided locker room as far as the media/fans have ever known about. TO has been part of 3 divided locker rooms. Even if Romo is a problem and isn't trusted by everyone on the team, does it help to go on national TV and say it?

Deon is a mouth piece for TO. They are best friends and TO is feeding him info. To complain that there is a media leak when Deon is doing nothing but talking about what is going on internal to the team, is a joke.

TO has been criticizing Romo and Garrett the whole year. Every since the Commanders game (and probably before then) he has been divisive about the team. Now we have a full blown locker room meltdown with players calling others cowards. Have we ever seen our boys do this before?

If I have to guess if it is a guy who has a career long track record of dividing locker rooms, or a guy who has never done so, I pick the guy with a track record. This is exactly what happened in Philly where some guys were with TO and others were with McNabb. doesn't it sound familiar? Heck it has even divided the fans as it did in Philly. Talking to fans on the Beagles they had the exact same fight amonst their fans. But people still blame Romo.

Did Romo play like crap this year? Yes! Did JG call a great game plan this year? No! But it doesn't excuse players for ripping this team apart and that is what has happened this year. This is not a team folks! This is a bunch of ME first people who don't know the first thing about being a team (and yes I'm including TO and Deon in this list).
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Who's Deon?
5Countem5;2554336 said:
He was calling the person who gave Werder the story a coward for not putting his name on it and hiding behing being an "anonymous source".

IF someone gave that to Werder, I would agree with Newman's characterization.

But I doubt it was giving by Romo or Witten because whoever gave it to Werder (IF there was anyone) clearly screwed up most of the details. Romo and Witten would not have made those mistakes.

My money's on Bobby Carpenter, who seems to appear on every single BSPN interview they've had.
Idgit;2554299 said:
It's probably unnecessary. There's a high likelihood this is just a poster twisting what Sanders actually said. Deion Sanders is Hall-of-Fame-annoying, so it's possible that he made this direct quote, but he's probably just trying to insinuate that he's got inside info from TO/Newman in order to get attention.

See Post #87 in this thread. Nobody is twisting what Deion said. Eisen asked him who was Newman talking about? Deion emphatically said it was Romo and Witten. Whether or not Deion was implying he heard this from Newman or not is irrelevant. He said it in such a way as to make it clear there is no question in his mind who Newman was talking about, as if it is pointless to even ask the question because it is plain as day. That puts Newman in the position now of either confirming it, denying it or remaining silent and letting the controversy fester. It will be interesting to see what he does. ;)
casmith07;2554424 said:
My money's on Bobby Carpenter, who seems to appear on every single BSPN interview they've had.

I'm still betting Werder heard a little something third-hand about a meeting with the wrs and Garrett and made up the rest.

How else does it get screwed up so bad?
I'm assuming Deon knows nothing and is a fool, but I'll also add this. If Tony Romo or Jason Witten are the guys leaking the poison to the media without putting their names on it, then yes, they are cowards.

It would crush me if I really found out that Witten was one of the cowards leaking anonymous info to the media for selfish self-serving reasons...I'd be ready to cut him loose and never say his name again. However, I find it hard to believe he would be that type of teammate.
Eddie;2553656 said:
We've have gotten that third Super Bowl without him.

Agreed. Deion was just sprinkles on the sundae! It sucks how those teams of the 90s set the standard for us Cowboy fans expectations. I don't think any team will ever be that dominate in the salary cap era ever again.
wayne motley;2554498 said:
I'm assuming Deon knows nothing and is a fool, but I'll also add this. If Tony Romo or Jason Witten are the guys leaking the poison to the media without putting their names on it, then yes, they are cowards.

It would crush me if I really found out that Witten was one of the cowards leaking anonymous info to the media for selfish self-serving reasons...I'd be ready to cut him loose and never say his name again. However, I find it hard to believe he would be that type of teammate.

Newman is a marked man, now, as far as knowledgable fans go.
He opened his mouth about something he was not clear about and started this drama.

If the hard decision came up: Witten or Newman? It would be a landslide. And this is something you should know, T.
Deion Sanders is just stating his opinion and has no proof whatsoever that Tony Romo or Jason Witten were the snitches.

And don't think for one second that either Terrell Owens is telling him this or Deion Sanders is telling Terrell Owens this.

Terrell Owens is too close to Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders and I think it undermines what this team is trying to do in some ways.
Romo sucks bottom line, and until he steps up or they find a big time QB, Dallas will be in trouble for a long time.
GimmeTheBall!;2554516 said:
Newman is a marked man, now, as far as knowledgable fans go.
He opened his mouth about something he was not clear about and started this drama.

If the hard decision came up: Witten or Newman? It would be a landslide. And this is something you should know, T.

Did Newman say it was Witten?
5Countem5;2554531 said:
Did Newman say it was Witten?

No, but Deion seems to think there is no doubt he was calling out Romo and Witten. I am assuming Deion's comments will get back to Newman, Romo and Witten. It will be up to him to confirm, deny or remain silent. But what are Romo and Witten to think, if he does anything other than deny them?
GimmeTheBall!;2554516 said:
Newman is a marked man, now, as far as knowledgable fans go.
He opened his mouth about something he was not clear about and started this drama.

If the hard decision came up: Witten or Newman? It would be a landslide. And this is something you should know, T.

Your agenda against Newman is obvious.

Here, proof, proof, proof, proof...

He was crystal clear. Cowards hide in the dark. He called them what they were. He didn't say "Jason Witten" or "Tony Romo". He called them 'cowards'. Why didn't the media ask Romo or Witten if Newman was talking about them?

Deion Sanders is too close to Owens, a paraniod person, to be taken seriously. He's tainted. Sanders comes out and tries to define Newman's unknown targets, and then, apparently, Sanders says that "everything will be o.k.".

No. It's not all right when star players feud with other star players. This is what Sanders is trying to convey. He's causing trouble about a story that was dead. He has no proof, and you don't, either.
casmith07;2554420 said:
Who's Deon?

Deion talk about picky.......ok I didn't look up the name.......feel better :D
Maikeru-sama;2554520 said:
Deion Sanders is just stating his opinion and has no proof whatsoever that Tony Romo or Jason Witten were the snitches.

And don't think for one second that either Terrell Owens is telling him this or Deion Sanders is telling Terrell Owens this.

Terrell Owens is too close to Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders and I think it undermines what this team is trying to do in some ways.

Exactly. It's going to take more than Sanders to convince me. Wasn't he the guy that gave Owens the platform to throw the quarterback and offensive coordinator under the bus. Wasn't that his buddy, Marshall Faulk, going after Jason Garrett and playing the race card? The Dallas media may be stupid, but they are not racists.

The faster Owens is out of that lockerroom, the better. He's poison.
links18;2554445 said:
See Post #87 in this thread. Nobody is twisting what Deion said. Eisen asked him who was Newman talking about? Deion emphatically said it was Romo and Witten. Whether or not Deion was implying he heard this from Newman or not is irrelevant. He said it in such a way as to make it clear there is no question in his mind who Newman was talking about, as if it is pointless to even ask the question because it is plain as day. That puts Newman in the position now of either confirming it, denying it or remaining silent and letting the controversy fester. It will be interesting to see what he does. ;)

Which would make Tnew a coward if he stays silent and doesn't address it........correct :lmao2:
FLCowboyFan;2554624 said:
Which would make Tnew a coward if he stays silent and doesn't address it........correct :lmao2:

Not necessarily, but saying nothing is often saying something. :rolleyes:
I guess Newman told Deion that he's talking about Romo and Witten or did TO tell him this? Or is Deion just making his usual leaps to a conclusion?
FLCowboyFan;2554624 said:
Which would make Tnew a coward if he stays silent and doesn't address it........correct :lmao2:
Yeah. You see it.

TNEW is a "coward" for not going to the unknown cowards' faces and telling them what he thinks. How dare he call out unknown cowards in the media. Afterall, Newman knows who they are. Oh, wait, Deion Sanders isn't biased in this case. Using Deion Sanders to pin Newman down is suspect. Owens taints him.

Didn't Newman get in a fight in the lockerroom one time, so I don't think he's a coward. If he was dumb enough to think Romo or Witten were the moles, he would confront them, face to face, imo.

I wish Newman would address this. If Owens is in his ear, he needs to wake up, but I highly doubt Newman was talking about Romo and Witten. There is no proof.

Innocent, until proven guilty, but what ever...

Some can continue a witch hunt or Newman hunt.
41gy#;2554682 said:
Yeah. You see it.

TNEW is a "coward" for not going to the unknown cowards' faces and telling them what he thinks. How dare he call out unknown cowards in the media. Afterall, Newman knows who they are. Oh, wait, Deion Sanders isn't biased in this case. Using Deion Sanders to pin Newman down is suspect. Owens taints him.

Didn't Newman get in a fight in the lockerroom one time, so I don't think he's a coward. If he was dumb enough to think Romo or Witten were the moles, he would confront them, face to face, imo.

I wish Newman would address this. If Owens is in his ear, he needs to wake up, but I highly doubt Newman was talking about Romo and Witten. There is no proof.

Innocent, until proven guilty, but what ever...

Some can continue a witch hunt or Newman hunt.

So Newman needs to address Deion's comments one way or the other?
The reason why Newman is getting dragged into this is because he opened his mouth and said several stupid things this year. This is what you get.

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