Demarcus Lawrence is fat


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Illusion my foot! Thats a belly, were talking the context of a pro athlete who coukd afford a beach front house in maui to boggie board all offseason and run in the sand and drink papaya smoothies etc.

This is a big problem, ive had a microdiscectomy of the l5-s1. There is nothing worse for a lumbar injury thanhaving a belly and being a little overweight and out of shape.

The only thing that ever worked for me and many of my fellow athletes in the Venice beach entertainment league (the one that TO & Metta come to play in) is to be in true top athletic shape!

Having a strong and flexible core and a focus on yoga/martial arts practices and a clean diet is the only thing that works for me!

If i stay lean and flexible I can still swing on the rim and im 6'1" and 45 years old. If i get out of shape or stop playing/surfing etc. im practically crippled in 90 days.

If the plan is to be a DT then Im not sure his back will hold up with the extra girth, hes not built like Tyron obviously.

Its also why Ive personally been hard on Romo for being a pudgy choker. If he had a true love for training and actually got ripped, then he probably wouldnt have been hurt so often imho. Im from Hawaii where the average teenager or 50 year old with a surfboard is in way better shape than half these guys with their nutrisystem and crunches.


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I sure hope that pic of D-Law is an old one and not something recent. He's been pretty much of a disappointment up 'til now, so it'd at least be a small blessing to see him come to camp in shape. Is that really too much to ask? Well, I don't think so. :rolleyes:

Apparently, you're a "bad fan" if you think so.

Lower those standards!


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The trick is that if you lower your bar of expectations enough, everybody and everything exceeds them.


Yeah, I had pretty much done that with the whole team the year before Dak and Zeke came onto the scene -- and just when I start getting my hopes up, whammo, a demon returns in the person of guess who . . . I guess maybe Gregory needed some company, huh? :eek:

Yakuza Rich

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Pictures can be deceiving. Ironically, a few years ago when Eddie Lacy was a rookie they showed a picture of him being 'fat' in practice and then a different camera angle from the same practice showed him not looking fat at all. Of course, Lacy then later had weight problems...but at *that* particular time he wasn't out of shape and did have a great season.

DE's usually don't have guts especially in a Marinelli system that lives by not loafing and getting upfield as fast as possible. I wouldn't exactly panic, yet because a lot of players get badly out of shape during the offseason and then workout like madmen right before the season starts. I wouldn't recommend that regimen, but it does happen quite a bit.

Also, I have to wonder about Lawrence's PED violation. If he was taking HGH, there's a side effect often referred to as 'GH Gut' in the bodybuilder world where use of HGH can cause a distended belly.



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Pictures can be deceiving. Ironically, a few years ago when Eddie Lacy was a rookie they showed a picture of him being 'fat' in practice and then a different camera angle from the same practice showed him not looking fat at all. Of course, Lacy then later had weight problems...but at *that* particular time he wasn't out of shape and did have a great season.

DE's usually don't have guts especially in a Marinelli system that lives by not loafing and getting upfield as fast as possible. I wouldn't exactly panic, yet because a lot of players get badly out of shape during the offseason and then workout like madmen right before the season starts. I wouldn't recommend that regimen, but it does happen quite a bit.

Also, I have to wonder about Lawrence's PED violation. If he was taking HGH, there's a side effect often referred to as 'GH Gut' in the bodybuilder world where use of HGH can cause a distended belly.


I'm guessing he wasn't taking nearly the dose for nearly the duration to get HGH gut. That takes high doses for a long time. Bodybuilding/competition type doses, it wouldn't do much for a guy in his early 20's anyway.

If it were me and I had a playing weight of 260 or so and had offseason surgery, i'd be eating too to keep my muscle. Also, if you've never been around real athletes or bodybuilders before, the offseason is when you eat 5000 calories a day because you need to put on muscle. That's how it works. Then, over the course of offseason workouts and camp you trim down, and by that time you put on a *good* 5-10 pounds and increased your strength quite a bit.

If you have offseason surgery and don't eat, you're going to lose a lot of good weight. I don't care what he looks like now, and he was injured the entire season last year. (If you want to debate why his injuries, you can look at why he was LIMITED in every single practice during 2016).

Call me at the end of camp.


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Pictures can be deceiving. Ironically, a few years ago when Eddie Lacy was a rookie they showed a picture of him being 'fat' in practice and then a different camera angle from the same practice showed him not looking fat at all. Of course, Lacy then later had weight problems...but at *that* particular time he wasn't out of shape and did have a great season.

DE's usually don't have guts especially in a Marinelli system that lives by not loafing and getting upfield as fast as possible. I wouldn't exactly panic, yet because a lot of players get badly out of shape during the offseason and then workout like madmen right before the season starts. I wouldn't recommend that regimen, but it does happen quite a bit.

Also, I have to wonder about Lawrence's PED violation. If he was taking HGH, there's a side effect often referred to as 'GH Gut' in the bodybuilder world where use of HGH can cause a distended belly.


Anytime a player is being compared to Eddy Lacy, there are potential problems.


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Dudes had more sourdough jacks than me in the last six months


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Same here.

Guys. It's a bad clothing selection coupled with an atrocious camera angle. I doubt he has eaten his way to China in the offseason. Especially knowing what's on the line for him coming into this season.

Money year for the guy.


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A D-lineman with a gut? Say it isn't so!


I got excited for a second, i thought we signed this guy, i think he would tear it up better than the guys we ve been trotting out. AT the very least, help us out.


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Lawrence was absolutely ripped just two months ago. He didn't gain 40lbs of fat and lose his muscles because of a back surgeory in that amount of time. If anything he'd probably get smaller from the recovery.