Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

Zordon;4623329 said:
i never said she was clean for a decade, i said she said that. might be true, might be false. idk. big difference btw what i pointed out and people in here calling her a crackhead wh_re.

problem is that she really was a "crackhead wh_re." that means the name is probably an accurate portrayal.
up until now.:rolleyes: Bayless was on ESPN this morning saying he doesn't condone ANYTHING Dez did but went into detail about his Mom. She's just rotten guys. Yeah, I know....NOTHING she said or did justifies physical violence. I get it. I really do. But if Bayless and others can be believed, he's been propping her up since his OSU days, and she still behaves brutally in public and private. I will be blasted to kingdome come, but I don't care: it might be good in the long run it has come to a head and no one got seriously hurt or killed. She's an addict, and we all know the way addicts roll. Even if they are a wonderful person deep down they'll do ANYTHING for a fix and that inludes lying, cheating, stealing and generally making the people closest to them MISERABLE. Yeah, I'll get slammed for it, but it's the way I feel until more details come out.

I say suspend the young man for 2 games, encourage him to re-evaluate his relationship with his Mom (Yeah, that means cutting the chord for good) and continue to get him professional help. Something tells me she's screwed him up but GOOD and this is just the latest salvo. BTW: thanks to the mods for keeping this to one thread: better for everyone IMO
cowboy_ron;4623347 said:
I guess Irvin reccomended him...I think he was Irvin's atty back during scissorgate

David West was also Irvin's body guard.

I dunno. Maybe it's just a network of personal relationships from TD Jakes' church and there's nothing more nefarious to it.
AbeBeta;4623325 said:
Please. The whole "she is lying" deal is really immature. You think she wants to get her son -- someone who may be helping her financially -- in trouble just to be spiteful. The piece about her not letting him do this to her again and again on the 911 tape is pretty compelling.

LOL dude its obvious you havent been around crack or herion addicts....LOL
AbeBeta;4623355 said:
Four is the most we can give. if you go 1 you are pretty much suggesting that the next time, you might go 2 or even 4. Four says "that's it, here comes your last chance"

Every single stadium we visit is going to be all over Dez now. Slap you mama signs, taunts, etc. He has tarnished the image of the team.

.....we've lived through much worse than this. (90's) It sucks but every team goes through it. Look at the lions right now: friggin' soap opera.
erod;4623349 said:
The Ticket is the most successful AM radio station in the country in its target demographic, and second place isn't even close.

You have to understand the history of it to appreciate it. There is so much inside humor and discussion that the person just dropping in now and again is completely lost. That's the genius of it.

Yeah I listen to Sirius, Howard stern. Thats it nowadays. but try and get a local take and hear what there talking about in big D
AbeBeta;4623355 said:
Four is the most we can give. if you go 1 you are pretty much suggesting that the next time, you might go 2 or even 4. Four says "that's it, here comes your last chance"

Every single stadium we visit is going to be all over Dez now. Slap you mama signs, taunts, etc. He has tarnished the image of the team.
It depends on what actually happened I guess.

If Dez is out there beating his mother for no reason then ok, four games.

I suspect that's not what happened and there's more to it.

One game for bringing unwanted attention to the team, not being smart enough to not associate with people like his mother.
AbeBeta;4623355 said:
Four is the most we can give. if you go 1 you are pretty much suggesting that the next time, you might go 2 or even 4. Four says "that's it, here comes your last chance"

I'm all for giving him as many game suspensions as any other person who gets their very first misdemeanor.

Are the fans on the Denver boards clamoring for Elvis Dumervill to receive a 4 game suspension for his road rage incident earlier this week?
newlander;4623357 said:
up until now.:rolleyes: Bayless was on ESPN this morning saying he doesn't condone ANYTHING Dez did but went into detail about his Mom. She's just rotten guys. Yeah, I know....NOTHING she said or did justifies physical violence. I get it. I really do. But if Bayless and others can be believed, he's been propping her up since his OSU days, and she still behaves brutally in public and private. I will be blasted to kingdome come, but I don't care: it might be good in the long run it has come to a head and no one got seriously hurt or killed. She's an addict, and we all know the way addicts roll. Even if they are a wonderful person deep down they'll do ANYTHING for a fix and that inludes lying, cheating, stealing and generally making the people closest to them MISERABLE. Yeah, I'll get slammed for it, but it's the way I feel until more details come out.

I say suspend the young man for 2 games, encourage him to re-evaluate his relationship with his Mom (Yeah, that means cutting the chord for good) and continue to get him professional help. Something tells me she's screwed him up but GOOD and this is just the latest salvo. BTW: thanks to the mods for keeping this to one thread: better for everyone IMO

And if that's the case, maybe this will drive that wedge in the family that is needed.

Kids don't hit their moms. And moms don't lie about their kids to the police to get money for their "fix". That takes dysfunctional to a whole different level.

Meanwhile, Jerry, if you're listening, this is why you don't spend first-round picks on Dez Bryant, Janoris Jenkins, etc.
a_minimalist;4623310 said:
I hate to say this because I'm in no way advocating violence but it's likely that it's his house that he paid for. He's taking care of her. She is a useless human being. I'm sorry but I have to say it.

Wow, boy you guys are killing the victim, how about directing some of that anger know......Dez.
a_minimalist;4623356 said:
problem is that she really was a "crackhead wh_re." that means the name is probably an accurate portrayal.
god bless internet anonymity. lord knows you wouldn't dare say that publicly to dez's face.
myslamsareolder;4623353 said:
My opinion? She's lying. Did he hit her arms away when she grabbed him? I'm sure, but in an argument that happens. If he was trying to kill her, she would be dead.
The heck are you going on about? Someone can assault someone without trying to kill them.
Wezsh0T;4623348 said:
"Police said the Lufkin native grabbed his mother by the T-shirt, causing it and her bra to tear, according to police documents. She said he then grabbed her by the hair and slapped her across the face with his ball cap"

A ball cap?

To me all that sounds like he was trying to talk to her and she wouldnt listen so out of frustration he grabbed his ball cap off his head and hit her. I can honestly say I can recall talking to my sons several times and them giving me stupid looks or not paying attention and in frustration I would grab the cowboy hat of my head(the only kind i wear) and pop them with it......IT HAS HAPPENED AT LEAST 6-7 TIMES...
Nothing he did warrants a suspension. That would be like giving a suspension for a speeding ticket. What you guys have to understand is this charge is a joke. Its something people get charged for when the have a heated argument and throw beer in someones face etc. The important part is the only time anyone gets charged is when one of the people involved are bitter and FORCE the cops to arrest. She seems bitter of his money (which he doesn't even really have any).
AbeBeta;4623346 said:
No, I'm just not a foolish person who thinks because she's a drug user or a certain color or a certain sex that she must be lying. 911 calls are pretty compelling because it isn't some sort of rehearsed dialog.

I agree totally.
birdwells1;4623370 said:
Wow, boy you guys are killing the victim, how about directing some of that anger know......Dez.

Cuz mama aint getting the rock on Sundays.
SDCowboy85;4623372 said:
The heck are you going on about? Someone can assault someone without trying to kill them.

Yeah they can, but she SAID "he was trying to kill me" what I'm going on about is you. Know your facts before you call someone out.
Drug addicts are some of the best liars out there, on par or even better in some cases than lawyers/politicians.
gambit187;4623373 said:
To me all that sounds like he was trying to talk to her and she wouldnt listen so out of frustration he grabbed his ball cap off his head and hit her. I can honestly say I can recall talking to my sons several times and them giving me stupid looks or not paying attention and in frustration I would grab the cowboy hat of my head(the only kind i wear) and pop them with it......IT HAS HAPPENED AT LEAST 6-7 TIMES...

Well...let's wait to hear both sides and see what really happened.

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