Dez Bryant arrested (911 Call-Post 847) **closed**

birdwells1;4623370 said:
Wow, boy you guys are killing the victim, how about directing some of that anger know......Dez.

At the most I'd be disappointed that Dez put his hands on his mother. I don't see his mother as the victim. I see Dez as the victim. He never should have touched her. If she was hitting him, then it's a different story. But to label his mother the victim is a joke IMO.
birdwells1;4623375 said:
I agree totally.

CRACK *****.


Maybe you ought to find out what that means.

A drug addict will SELL THEIR OWN CHILDREN for a fix.

So making things up is nothing.

Anyone that would trust something she says is a moron.
Zordon;4622301 said:
LOL at send a message like he is a kid. He is a grown man so I'm sure he will feel salty about his own blood calling the police on him when they realize the circus it would cause. Not to mention he is the breadwinner of that household. I would be ticked if I was Dez and this was a minor incident that could have been handled w/out calling the police.

The perfect time/opportunity/excuse for Dez to move the hell out and into a gated community and give the gate house explicit instructions to deny entrance to, a,b,c,d, and anyone else from his past. "Friends, family" or others.

Start a new life Dez. If you want to financially contribute to a family member do it via your attorney. Otherwise keep away from "them" until THEY mature.

By the way. This "solution" proffered by my sweetie who happens to be a gnat fan.
burmafrd;4623388 said:
CRACK *****.


Maybe you ought to find out what that means.

A drug addict will SELL THEIR OWN CHILDREN for a fix.

So making things up is nothing.

Anyone that would trust something she says is a moron.

+1 you have to listen, and investigate, but to believe is idiotic.
burmafrd;4623388 said:
CRACK *****.


Maybe you ought to find out what that means.

A drug addict will SELL THEIR OWN CHILDREN for a fix.

So making things up is nothing.

Anyone that would trust something she says is a moron.
Amen to that
I still don't get why her being a crack head, assuming she still is one as I don't know her personally so I have no way of knowing if she is or not, some how justifies a supposed man laying his hands on her in any violent way.

I'm sorry folks but unless she was a serious threat to his own life, or the lives of his child/children (I don't even know for sure if Dez has any kids) I don't believe there is a single other reason for a supposed man laying his hands on a woman like that.

Doesn't matter how stupid she is, crazy she is, how many drugs she sells. Real men don't hit women. It's really as simple as that.

I'll have to read up on this all later and find out just exactly what he did before forming a concrete opinion on Dez but from the comments in this thread it simply doesn't sound like he was much of a man at all in this situation.

Hopefully that isn't correct and it's just coming off that way from some of the posting here.
cowboy_ron;4623229 said:
If he would wear his cap backwards like he should, he would have to reach around his head to grab the bill to swat her with:D
He would but he's seen the hell Romo catches and he doesn't want the fickle fans to turn on him. Oh, wait... ;)
Zordon;4623371 said:
god bless internet anonymity. lord knows you wouldn't dare say that publicly to dez's face.

I'm 6'4 230 lbs and grew up around plenty of "tough guys." I'd have no problem saying it to his face, nice try though. The problem is I wouldn't say it in a condescending or provoking way since that isn't how I think it's intended to come across. I think it's intended to come across as she is a crackhead wh_re meaning she has smoked crack and been a prostitute in the past. When referring to her in way that is supposed to be as accurate as possible what would you call her? A person who places a rock in a pipe and sells her body for sex? That's too long for people to type out.
BraveHeartFan;4623394 said:
I still don't get why her being a crack head, assuming she still is one as I don't know her personally so I have no way of knowing if she is or not, some how justifies a supposed man laying his hands on her in any violent way.

I'm sorry folks but unless she was a serious threat to his own life, or the lives of his child/children (I don't even know for sure if Dez has any kids) I don't believe there is a single other reason for a supposed man laying his hands on a woman like that.

Doesn't matter how stupid she is, crazy she is, how many drugs she sells. Real men don't hit women. It's really as simple as that.

I'll have to read up on this all later and find out just exactly what he did before forming a concrete opinion on Dez but from the comments in this thread it simply doesn't sound like he was much of a man at all in this situation.

Hopefully that isn't correct and it's just coming off that way from some of the posting here.
you're missing the point. What her being an addict has to do with it is simple. She could be lying. Its easy to bruise your own arm and wrists.
burmafrd;4623388 said:
CRACK *****.


Maybe you ought to find out what that means.

A drug addict will SELL THEIR OWN CHILDREN for a fix.

So making things up is nothing.

Anyone that would trust something she says is a moron.

LOL they sure will, they will sell their own children into what makes people think they wont do something as simple as LIE...lmao
boyzjunkie;4623389 said:
The perfect time/opportunity/excuse for Dez to move the hell out and into a gated community and give the gate house explicit instructions to deny entrance to, a,b,c,d, and anyone else from his past. "Friends, family" or others.

Start a new life Dez. If you want to financially contribute to a family member do it via your attorney. Otherwise keep away from "them" until THEY mature.

By the way. This "solution" proffered by my sweetie who happens to be a gnat fan.
Yep, that's the only answer, and that's the part that I do feel for Dez, even though I don't support him being on this team with all this continued drama.

The situation likely is: he knows inside that if he truly cuts his mom off, she'll be back to the streets selling herself for a fix. That's tough to deal with.

But he's got to remove himself from a situation where he's beating his mom, or his mom is lying about him beating her. Gotta stay out of that if he wants to play pro football.
boyzjunkie;4623389 said:
The perfect time/opportunity/excuse for Dez to move the hell out and into a gated community and give the gate house explicit instructions to deny entrance to, a,b,c,d, and anyone else from his past. "Friends, family" or others.

Start a new life Dez. If you want to financially contribute to a family member do it via your attorney. Otherwise keep away from "them" until THEY mature.

By the way. This "solution" proffered by my sweetie who happens to be a gnat fan.

That's actually a very good idea and someone should tell him that. It's clearly in his best interest. I'm sure it's hard separating yourself from your MOTHER but it's a good idea man.
a_minimalist;4623396 said:
I'm 6'4 230 lbs and grew up around plenty of "tough guys." I'd have no problem saying it to his face, nice try though. The problem is I wouldn't say it in a condescending or provoking way since that isn't how I think it's intended to come across. I think it's intended to come across as she is a crackhead wh_re meaning she has smoked crack and been a prostitute in the past. When referring to her in way that is supposed to be as accurate as possible what you call her? A person who places a rock in a pipe and sells her body for sex? That's too long for people to type out.
I don't care what your fake stats are bro, you're not saying that without the protection of a computer sn to Dez or most anyone.

And judging by your other post, I'm fairly certain you were try to come off in a condescending way.

a_minimalist;4623310 said:
She is a useless human being. I'm sorry but I have to say it.
BraveHeartFan;4623394 said:
I still don't get why her being a crack head, assuming she still is one as I don't know her personally so I have no way of knowing if she is or not, some how justifies a supposed man laying his hands on her in any violent way.

Sorry, if someone is violently assaulting you, you should have the right to physically restrain them from continuing to do so. I don't care what gender they are.

The notion that you're just supposed to stand there and let someone rake out your eyes and permanently blind you because of some quaint (and sexist) Victorian platitudes about women being the fairer sex is noxious to me.

So far, we've only gotten one account of the story, and that's hers.
Zordon;4623409 said:
I don't care what your fake stats are bro, you're not saying that without the protection of a computer sn to Dez or most anyone.

And judging by your other post, I'm fairly certain you were try to come off in a condescending way.

fake stats lol you got me! i'm busted! i'm so desperate i want you to think I'm bigger than i really am. i'm actually closer to 6'5 and 235 lbs but that's another lie.

and yes when i said she was a useless human being that was condescending and i'd tell him that to his face because it's in his best interest. i'd have to be friends with him first and establish a relationship since i don't know him it would come off as rude. when stating she was a crackhead wh_re, that wasn't condescending. i was just speaking about her actions in the past.
In the 911 call she says he keeps doing this to me or something to that affect.....well maybe he loves the hell out of his mother and he keeps doing what ever he keeps doing because SHE KEEPS DOING WHAT SHE KEEPS DOING.....

We have a grown man here, that probably never got the proper love he deserves from his mom. Dez has probably seen his mom carted away in ambulances, beaten by pimps and drug dealers. Who knows passed out on the floor or couch why he went hungry.

Everyone didnt have a well to do family come to their aid like MICHAEL "BIG MIKE" OHER did. In that movie you only caught a small glimps of the problems his mom had.

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