Dez may hold out multiple games-Tom Condon

ah, ok buddy.:thumbup:

The point was.. Dez is a great player, but if he's wanting $17mil a year as reported..thats just ridiculous and he's not worried about the future of the Dallas Cowboys. I am. I'm a fan and realize no one player is going to make our team go to the SB.
If he wants to get Megatron money..Well, I hope he gets it somewhere else. There is plenty of talent on this team that will need to get paid also.. and the fact is.. you cant pay them all top dollar. For a player that only touches the ball 4-6 times a game, i'd rather move on and trade him instead of handcuffing the entire team to the salary cap.

point above is you can get similar production from another player at a significantly lower cost.

and to your Lambo reference... let me enlighten you. no offense, but Maclin is faster and repeatedly drew double teams.. that would make him the Lambo and Dez is acting more like the Lexus right now. (high price car for same production as a Toyota):popcorn:

Not to be picky (okay, I am being picky), but a Lexus is a Toyota brand - it's exclusive brand.
Sincerely, a former Toyota new car salesman. :)
But when revenue is continually increasing, and the marketability of a star player contributes to that, I can see why the player would want more money. Yes, there should be a balance. But I can't fault a player wanting to be paid what he's worth, or at least asking for it.

Nevertheless, I doubt Dez sits out. I believe the Cowboys and his team will work out any divides with respect to his salary.

I'm not ready to push the panic button. Heck, my fingers aren't even hovering over it. ;)

Yeah. Add the fact that Jerry usually pays his guys, and I think you're right.

Where we differ is on the value of DEZ, the brand, to the Dallas Cowboys. His ability to play the game and his popularity as a player certainly add something to the team's worth, but the NFL isn't the NBA. It isn't a star-driven league. If the Cowboys win, very few people will care whether Dez is on the field or not.
Yeah. Add the fact that Jerry usually pays his guys, and I think you're right.

Where we differ is on the value of DEZ, the brand, to the Dallas Cowboys. His ability to play the game and his popularity as a player certainly add something to the team's worth, but the NFL isn't the NBA. It isn't a star-driven league. If the Cowboys win, very few people will care whether Dez is on the field or not.

True especially his this day and age of FA where players become hired guns and players who leave are quickly forgotten as long as the team wins.
Yeah. Add the fact that Jerry usually pays his guys, and I think you're right.

Where we differ is on the value of DEZ, the brand, to the Dallas Cowboys. His ability to play the game and his popularity as a player certainly add something to the team's worth, but the NFL isn't the NBA. It isn't a star-driven league. If the Cowboys win, very few people will care whether Dez is on the field or not.

What? :huh:

Oh, it is very much a star-driven league. Why else does the NFL market players such as Brady and Manning and Romo and AP and JJ Watts, Dez, etc. Their not putting individual teams on the cover of Madden.

People come to see the teams, true. But they also come to see the players. Your average fan who doesn't care much about the team will tune in to see if, for example, Deion takes one back to the house and high steps on the way. They'll watch to see whether Manning sets a TD record or if AP breaks the 2,000 yard barrier.

Sorry, but I don't agree with you there. Maybe relatively speaking compared to basketball and baseball or individual sports like golf, tennis, boxing and MMA, but I do think the NFL is a star-driven league.

A team has to have a face or faces to sell or be EXTREMELY good. And Dez and Romo are the two most marketable players on the Cowboys right now.
True especially his this day and age of FA where players become hired guns and players who leave are quickly forgotten as long as the team wins.

But superstars who leave also carry their followers with them, i.e., those who have allegiances with the player not necessarily the team. Example: Deion Sanders, Reggie White, Tim Tebow, Peyton Manning, etc.

It's not an either/or. It's both. And the NFL wants to capitalize on both, i.e., the diehard fan's allegiance to his team and the casual fan's interest in the player.
You're probably right. This is just how it works. It doesn't surprise me at all that a majority of fans continue to side with teams on this issue, though, especially in case like Dez's. We're talking about a guy threatening to miss regular season games over three or four more million dollars when the team is offering 12 or 13. In my mind, if Dez wanted to win and win now, he'd be satisfied with more money than most people ever dream of (including a vast majority of NFL players) and be in camp getting ready for the season instead of threatening not to be there when the season starts.

I don't think Dez will miss games either, but threatening to do so gets him nothing and certainly doesn't make the team any better. How does this make Condon a "good agent?"

How much money does it take to be secure, anyway?

as much as you can get. :) i don't side with either. it's a business and the 2 are going at it right now. i see the point on both sides. the cowboys don't want to invest in a potential injury or a degradation in performance. dez wants to get as much as he can while he can.

i just don't have a need to take a good guy bad guy side. it's business.

But superstars who leave also carry their followers with them, i.e., those who have allegiances with the player not necessarily the team. Example: Deion Sanders, Reggie White, Tim Tebow, Peyton Manning, etc.

It's not an either/or. It's both. And the NFL wants to capitalize on both, i.e., the diehard fan's allegiance to his team and the casual fan's interest in the player.

That is true, myself I tend to be a bit of both. I don't turn on players who leave but my loyalty is too the Cowboys. Players over the years have come and gone but the Cowboys remain my team
That is true, myself I tend to be a bit of both. I don't turn on players who leave but my loyalty is too the Cowboys. Players over the years have come and gone but the Cowboys remain my team

I'm not turning on Dez or saying he's a bad guy. My original point was that Dez is either getting bad advice or being stupid, and Alexander opined the third possibility that Dez was getting quality representation from a good agent. I agree that this is the way the business works, but I think there comes a point where a player's asking price is detrimetal to the team to a degree that just makes iim seem selfish to me. Dez loves the Cowboys, but it's a month from the contract deadline and he's threatening to skip games because he wants four million dollars more than the 13 the team is offering? Oh, ok.
You should have waited at least 24 hours before backing him because it just got you eliminated with him. I'm eliminating everyone who's piggybacking with him and the other disgruntled poster. It doesn't take much of a pair to handle opinions here but some just can't handle mine. I know you don't care if I cross you out you've made that obvious the past few days. I'm fine if someone has issues with me and my opinions but if they're going to rub it in my face every day supporting every insult/slam against me I don't care to see their posts. You made up your mind a few days ago after being frustrated during a discussion that you can't handle our differing views and decided to steer away from football and make it personal. You saw the post from the guy that got so frustrated over a few comments one of which damaged his credibility it caused him to fall apart like a house of cards. lol

Only a few posters can handle debates with me and I enjoy bantering with them because I know they can maintain their composure and keep our disagreements civil. All the mods handle debates with me well and I come at them just as hard as I do regular posters. You can see why they were chosen to run this board because they don't let some differing opinion on football from an average fan cause them to lose their cool. There's a few posters I can go several pages with and they walk away calm, cool, collected and unflustered while some storm away broken bitter men. :laugh: The butt hurt patrol I have following me around is pretty amusing. It's not hard to tell whose feelings I've hurt they all come together for a group cry after every post I submit. LOL I don't like blocking posters but I have no choice due to the rules on this board. I tried for awhile just ignoring posters but their alerts became annoying as well as their attempts to lure me into flame wars. Any exchanging of jabs led to the peace maker stepping in as well as other mods so I had to start crossing the haters out. You're not nearly as bad as some but you've had a number of issues with my views over the past year that have caused you to cross the line.

Once that becomes a pattern with someone it's time to cut ties and move on because it will just lead to trouble. It doesn't take any cleverness or intelligence to call someone an idiot. I'm not referring to you I've never seen you sink to that level but obviously some do and I usually manage to cross paths with them. lol Anyway enough said hate on if you so choose.

If you had these problems with one or two people, then maybe it's on them; however, you are having these problems with 10 or 20 people and that's just recently. I've been told that you caused these same problems in years past.
I'm not turning on Dez or saying he's a bad guy. My original point was that Dez is either getting bad advice or being stupid, and Alexander opined the third possibility that Dez was getting quality representation from a good agent. I agree that this is the way the business works, but I think there comes a point where a player's asking price is detrimetal to the team to a degree that just makes iim seem selfish to me. Dez loves the Cowboys, but it's a month from the contract deadline and he's threatening to skip games because he wants four million dollars more than the 13 the team is offering? Oh, ok.

I think Dez is asking for more than he knows he can get, I see this as more of a ploy than seeing him holding out for a 17 mill contract, I think he is trying to get Dallas to budge off the current offer which they may end up doing but I think it will be less than this reported 17 mill . I still think in the end both sides will come to an agreement before the deadline
This endless saga had already gotten old months ago -- yawn . . . wake me when it's over.
I'm not turning on Dez or saying he's a bad guy. My original point was that Dez is either getting bad advice or being stupid, and Alexander opined the third possibility that Dez was getting quality representation from a good agent. I agree that this is the way the business works, but I think there comes a point where a player's asking price is detrimetal to the team to a degree that just makes iim seem selfish to me. Dez loves the Cowboys, but it's a month from the contract deadline and he's threatening to skip games because he wants four million dollars more than the 13 the team is offering? Oh, ok.

It's hard to know. It really only matter what they are asking for on July 15th. I'm certain they know that the Cowboys don't really negotiate until the deadline is very close. The Cowboys always did that with draft picks before the new CBA slotting the draft pick contracts.

It still say that Dez himself would be satisfied with a contract that could be proclaimed to be the biggest ever for a WR but that in reality can be dumped after some number of years and actually be a much smaller contract than advertised. The mainstream media will run the total contract size, even if it just has inflated dummy years on the back-end. His agent might try to explain the details to him, but I don't think he will really understand it.
This endless saga had already gotten old months ago -- yawn . . . wake me when it's over.

That is probably what Stephen Jones is doing right now in regards to this issue (yawn). He won't do anything until a couple of days before the deadline.
so your saying pay him 17 mill then? no way, those days of selling off all our future for 1 guy is over. don't care if you THINK it will cost us a playoff appearance

I am saying do what it takes to keep this great player. they already let Murray go. now they won't give their best WR a new contract. Stephen Jones has began to believe his own press clippings. the media keeps telling him how great he is for not playing his best players other than Romo. and it's gone to his head. this will not be a playoff team this year without Murray and Dez. don't let Stephen Jones fool you. they need to go ahead and pay Dez.
Now I now why Jerry has had to babysit him for 5 years...Dez is stupid...

Why is he stupid? because he wants a long term deal and wants to get paid? some of you people need to live in the real world. it's business. Dez is not just going to accept whatever the cowboys say he worth. he want's 17. the cowboys are offering 13 or 14. meet in the middle at 15. and problem solved. and give the man his upfront money. he earned it.
Dez hasn't really matured. Look at Russell Wilson and his contact dispute and then look at Dez's contract distribute. The difference in maturity between Dez and Wilson is light years apart.
If Dez doesn't want to be here maybe we should move on without him and look to ship him elsewhere.

Dez wants to be here. but he wants to be here at his price. not the cowboys price. and he wants a long term deal. it's not about him not wanting to be here. so stop.
It's not just Stephen. Case in point, Johnny Football.

Just because he was right about Johhy Football. does not mean he is right about everything. and i think he is dead wrong about not keeping Murray. and wrong about not giving Dez a long term deal. as i said, Stephen Jones has been reading his press clippings to much. he is not as smart as he thinks he is. or as the local lap dog media thinks he is.
Dez hasn't really matured. Look at Russell Wilson and his contact dispute and then look at Dez's contract distribute. The difference in maturity between Dez and Wilson is light years apart.

Dez has matured some but there's clearly a lot of concern with him which is why we're going through this situation. He was offered a nice contract but it contained a number of clauses to protect the team where he had to behave himself and it was turned it down. If he feels he's going to stay out of trouble he shouldn't have any problem with a contract of that nature.

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