The kid does seem to be immature and may have a problem with authority.................. he is also only what 21, 22 years old? I'm not trying to make excuses for him. After all Felix, Choice, etc..... are also young and don't 'appear' to have the same kind of issues. But not everyone matures at the same rate. T.O. is a good example of that.
Also, Hardknocks is a TV show. I believe they said for every hour of film that makes it to tv, 300-400 hours of film is edited out. Although what we actually see on the screen is not doctored using special effects, they can piece together 10 second clips of film from here and there to paint a particular picture of a player, coach, owner, gm, etc... only to come back a week or two later and show the 'DRAMATIC' improvement in performence. They do this in order to create intrigue and suspense so people would tune in. They did the same thing to Ray Lewis' brother.
Don't get me wrong, i don't like what i'm seeing on tv from Bennett but i will give him the benefit of the doubt for a little while longer before i jump off the edge.
If he really has an issue, what i would like to see is something from the veterans and 'leaders' on this team. If they hadn't already, i wish they would kind of take him under thier wings and try to make him realize what kind of opportunity is sitting in front of him and make him accountable to his teammates. They can maybe do this in a way that doesn't make him defensive.
We have been screaming for leaders to step up on this team, this is the kind of things that players that are leaders take care of.
Just my two cents.