DMN.COM (Archer) Commanders spending freely again, but how?


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riggo said:
no, the funny thing about the reporters comments is that while all that spending has gotten skins 1 playoff win, it is one more playoff win than dallas has had over that span.

i simply pointed out that the reporter should check the team he covers. i think its hilarious that he left dallas recent history out of a commentary on playoff success. i'm not whining and bawling- i'm laughing my *** off.

(it was correctly pointed out that the skins did beat detroit in the playoffs the same year dallas lost to minn., but since we're talking about snyder spending, i havent included that year)

the writer should have said this -
"But remember this: All it has gotten the Commanders is two playoff victories since Snyder bought the team in 1999- which is 2 more than the cowboys over that span."

the fact is, the skins have 'scoreboard' when it comes to recent playoff wins. i thought that fact would be obvious to most posters here. forgive me for trying to point that fact out in a pleasant way thru the first 6 pages of this thread.

Are you mental?

Now that was rhetorical because you are a Commander fan and thus are mental. So don't answer.

The article was about how the Commanders did business using their cap. And the3 resultant mplay-off appearances.

If you wish to make this about other teams who do not use their cap the same - and how many play-off wins they have during the time mentioned in the article - then we can do that.

Yes. you have visited the play-off more than Dallas. But almost every play-off team that has been there in the last ten years does business more like Dallas than the Commanders.

Thus your way is not getting you there versus someone the Patriots.

The fact the writer was from Dallas has no bearing on this.

But you will argue until the cows come home because of geography.

As Superpunk suggested.

This is about the way you handle the cap.

The Steelers did not handle the cap in the same manner and they won the Super Bowl last year.

Do you get it now?

And I think the steelers suck beets.


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riggo said:
the truth that the skins have more playoff wins since snyder bought the team? yes, that is funny.

And no less irrelevant now, than it was 100 posts ago.

Someone has trouble admitting he's way wrong....


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
riggo said:
the fact that you call the lack of dallas playoff victories irrelevant only makes it funnier. :laugh2:

What's funny is you and your ART Army is over here because you FINALLY won a couple of games against the Cowboys! :lmao:

Where were you for the last 7 years? Under a rock, trying to hide from the horrible play of the RedStinks?

Another funny thing is, if the Boyz sweep your team this season, you RedStink fans will scatter like roachs when a light gets turned on!

I feel sorry for you...:cool:


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riggo said:
yes, that is funny.
Still haven't addressed BigD's phenomenal point. Should all Commanders beat writers point out, when talking about the Commanders sweep of Dallas this year, that Dallas swept them 7 out of the previous 8 years, winning 14 of 15? After all, using your logic, failure to mention this completely irrelevant fact would be stupid. Yet, I've never seen you once qualify any boasting about the sweep, with any mention of the Cowboys previous, and overall, dominance of the Commanders - in EVERY aspect. Which would make you.....


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superpunk said:
And no less irrelevant now, than it was 100 posts ago.

Someone has trouble admitting he's way wrong....

wrong? what's to be wrong about? my finding humor in a commentary? you may not find it funny, but 'wrong' would be like me telling you you are wrong for thinking seinfeld isnt funny.

its just an opinion. dont take it so seriously.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
superpunk said:
Still haven't addressed BigD's phenomenal point. Should all Commanders beat writers point out, when talking about the Commanders sweep of Dallas this year, that Dallas swept them 7 out of the previous 8 years, winning 14 of 15? After all, using your logic, failure to mention this completely irrelevant fact would be stupid. Yet, I've never seen you once qualify any boasting about the sweep, with any mention of the Cowboys previous, and overall, dominance of the Commanders - in EVERY aspect. Which would make you.....

Yeah, I'm waiting for his answer, too! But, his little tiny head is probably spinning right about now, so he's probably emailing Art to ask for guidence! :lmao:


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
riggo said:
its just an opinion. dont take it so seriously.

OMG! You did type that, right? :laugh2:

You need therapy, son!


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superpunk said:
Still haven't addressed BigD's phenomenal point. Should all Commanders beat writers point out, when talking about the Commanders sweep of Dallas this year, that Dallas swept them 7 out of the previous 8 years, winning 14 of 15? After all, using your logic, failure to mention this completely irrelevant fact would be stupid. Yet, I've never seen you once qualify any boasting about the sweep, with any mention of the Cowboys previous, and overall, dominance of the Commanders - in EVERY aspect. Which would make you.....

bigD makes my point for me, thank you. the cowboys domination of the skins is, in fact, pointed out in every article i have ever read about any skins/cowboys game, let alone any article i have read about the sweep.

now, if it werent, cowboys fans would point it out, correct?


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riggo said:
wrong? what's to be wrong about? my finding humor in a commentary? you may not find it funny, but 'wrong' would be like me telling you you are wrong for thinking seinfeld isnt funny.

its just an opinion. dont take it so seriously.

You said that it was dumb for the reporter to make the statement he did. That is wrong. It was not dumb - it is reporting. Your ridiculous geographical argument is wrong.


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5Stars said:
What's funny is you and your ART Army is over here because you FINALLY won a couple of games against the Cowboys! :lmao:

Where were you for the last 7 years? Under a rock, trying to hide from the horrible play of the RedStinks?

5 stars- i've been here longer than you.

anything else?


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superpunk said:
You said that it was dumb for the reporter to make the statement he did. That is wrong. It was not dumb - it is reporting. Your ridiculous geographical argument is wrong.

IMO, it was dumb. geez- what, is this guy you dad or something? relax.

BTW- super, do you know the difference between reporting and commentary?


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riggo said:
the truth that the skins have more playoff wins since snyder bought the team? yes, that is funny.
Jerry Jones has 3 Lombardi's how many does little midget boy have????

Keep celebrating that 1 playoff win cause you'll need that to tide you over for another 10 years.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
riggo said:
5 stars- i've been here longer than you.

anything else?

OH, oh, the..."I've been here longer then you game...." !
Nana, nana, boo, boo!

You know, for you being what, 35 or so years sure say some foolish things! I've been reading this board since it inception...but, that's neither here or there.

The IMPORTANT thing is that you have been here longer, huh? Good for you, son! :laugh1: :lmao2:


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5Stars said:
OH, oh, the..."I've been here longer then you game...." !
Nana, nana, boo, boo!

You know, for you being what, 35 or so years sure say some foolish things! I've been reading this board since it inception...but, that'sneither here or there.

The IMPORTANT thing is that you have been here longer, huh? Good for you, son! :laugh1: :lmao2:

you brought it up. :confused:


Well-Known Member
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riggo said:
bigD makes my point for me, thank you. the cowboys domination of the skins is, in fact, pointed out in every article i have ever read about any skins/cowboys game, let alone any article i have read about the sweep.

now, if it werent, cowboys fans would point it out, correct?

Every article? Really? That's amazing, but I doubt it.

I would not point it out. The Commanders swept us. The fact that we dominated them for years, is irrelevant, and doesn't change my perspective on what would be written at all, as you continue to cluelessly claim the writer's ommission does for you.

It got ridiculous long ago....

If ten men tell you that you are drunk, you should probably lie down.


Well-Known Member
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riggo said:
IMO, it was dumb. geez- what, is this guy you dad or something? relax.

BTW- super, do you know the difference between reporting and commentary?

First geography, now an english lesson?

I'm riveted.....


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Riggo we now expect you to mention our dominance of the Skins ANYTIME you mention last season games.

I am also waiting for the luist of players drafted by your team that starts for your team.

I imagine you will keep avoiding my posts because they make you look silly.

I will be back in an hour or so I doubt I will have my answers


Well-Known Member
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riggo said:
wrong? what's to be wrong about? my finding humor in a commentary? you may not find it funny, but 'wrong' would be like me telling you you are wrong for thinking seinfeld isnt funny.

its just an opinion. dont take it so seriously.

You are wrong because you see this as a Dallas writer taking a shot at the Commanders in regard to play-off appearances since Danny has been the owner versus Cowboy appearances.

It fits in with your continued complaint that the Commanders have been there more frequently than Dallas.

But you don't address the original comment by the author, where he was not comparing Dallas and Washington, but Washington's way of doing business and how effective that is.

You want to make this Cowboys and Indians.

This is Indians and the rest of the league.

Thus you are wrong and cannot admit it.

If you keep arguing, everyone will get tired of it. You will make the last post and win.

But you will still be wrong.

This is about the cap and its management.


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I'll save riggo the trouble, his head is obviously not quite on right today....

Here's the list of starters;


I may have missed one, but the few there are, were so hard to find.....:laugh1: