News: DMN: Cowboys needed extra security for Greg Hardy; some teammates soured on him

I guess what I said about patterns and him not getting along with his teammates in Carolina had a ring of truth.

I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you can never outrun yourself. Sigh.

So true. So true............
He's not a good fit for any culture that expects their players to show up on time and take responsibility for their actions. Your a professional is it too much to ask that you make it to the damn meetings on time?

This team has bigger things to worry about than Greg Hardy showing up to meetings on time.
If he is back I would hope it will be at a low risk deal for Dallas if not then let him walk.
Double standard for cutting Randle and keeping this guy and Dez Bryant.
Double standard for cutting Randle and keeping this guy and Dez Bryant.

There will always be some double standards. Jimmy Johnson cut a player for sleeping in meetings, but by Emmitt Smith own account and that of Irvin and Aikman, Emmitt would fall asleep during meetings yet Jimmy was not going to cut Emmitt or hold Emmitt out of games.
It just shows Garrett is weak.

Anyone think Lawrence Taylor or Charles Haley were easy to deal with?

Good head coaches find a way to connect to talent.

i'm sure those guys gave their coaches headaches and they had many meetings. i'm confused how headaches and meetings make someone weak.

This has been going on here since 1995. Ask our strength and conditioning coach about a certain CB in 1995 who didn't want to workout. Someone high up overrode the coaches orders and wishes.

That was the start of the sickness that haa plagued the organization for the last 20 years.

this organization, or like every single organization in NFL history?
A team like New England will find a way how to deal with a character like him. The environment Garrett created is not made for individuals like Hardy.

what is this even based on? can you please expand on it and be specific?

some of you make no sense at all.
And those are Hall of Fame players. Hardy is a guy with two dominant seasons under his belt and nothing more

you miss the point, which is: talent gets a pass. always has. always will. for every team. ever.
Garrett's scared to death of Hardy. Maybe Hardy just isn't buying the crap JG is selling. I wish more players wouldn't. Hardy earned his money, can't say the same for JG.

Garrett is "scared to death of Hardy" based on what? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Stop making crap up because it sounds good.
Garrett can't handle any environment that isn't made up of choir boys. The worst he's had to deal with so far was Dez which isn't much of any thing any how. Pro ball players aren't all choir boys. JG is in over his head thinking he commands so much respect. He's certainly hasn't won enough to command much.

You have no idea how the players respect Garrett. None at all. Where's your evidence? What's your basis? Please provide something.
Please. 1000s of men aren't convicted of beating women every month. To suggest this is about nothing more than "dumb reporters" is embarrassing. Clueless actually.

Fact is, many of these players have seen their moms treated that way. They don't want to play with him.

oh, this is a fact?
please provide a source for this fact, or strong evidence.
Where do you come up with this stuff? What was Hardy convicted of? And name one player who said he didn't want to be on a team with Hardy.
Supply the link please.

This place is amazing. Everyone knows everything that goes on the locker room, in player's minds, everything. It's so pathetic to see people post stuff that they have no idea about, and post it as FACT.

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