Right and there is much more too the "perception" too. Again, we don't know what happened in that apartment...only 2 people REALLY do..maybe 3 and there is another who thinks they do or got an idea. Either way, we have heard different stories. And despite me not liking a lot of the media at times and what the league does through the Commish, everyone came to a conclusion through details we probably have not seen ourselves. I don't think that bench judge took the position lightly despite what message board pundits say. I don't think the pics were doctored so she got bruised up somehow. I would have much more respect if the guy straight out fought it tooth and nail from Day 1 and respectively tried to get the story out. What bothers me about him is he seems on the fence and then in his presser and tweets and interviews he comes across as not maintaining innocence but almost like he is laughing at the charges and throwing it in people's faces. I just don't feel sorry for those who don't help themselves and who, in fact, make it worse. They are in no way related crime wise but its like OJ "finding the real killer" and then golfing and making the fake stabbing motion in an interview..like its laughable. Despite Holder being cooky and on drugs, abuse is serious, and he took the wrong tact from Day 1. I'll put it this way, if there was never video of Ray Rice but he acted contrite like he has the last 2 years, he'd still be playing or getting shots. Hardy doesn't even have video and is not getting calls, which makes me believe that there is more to the story and guy because you know teams that need a pass rusher are doing their due diligence.