Do you own a gun?

WoodysGirl;3320834 said:
I'm a knife person myself even though I never started up a collection. My dad has some magazines with some knives in them that make me drool.

When I first got to Houston, I was 17 and used to sleep with one of these. I was a bit scary. ;)



I use them specifically for cooking. My favorite is from this guy....

If you ever want to invest in a quality knife take a look at his collection. He has a worldwide following in hunting knives also.
CliffnMesquite;3320683 said:
I got to thinking after I picked up the Ruger the other day. I had not owned a firearm for about two years and just picked it up because I wanted something for the house and because of the deal. Now I think I'll start a modest collection again. At least another pistol and a shotgun and rifle.

Do you own firearms? I know this might be a "touchy" subject sor some, but could make for interesting debate.

...all long barreled items used only for hunting.

Remingtons, Winchesters and a Purdey.
CliffnMesquite;3322708 said:
You think that's bad...What I lust for. Just about a grand. :eek:



I used to have a lil Colt that kinda looked like that. They went for about $600 back then. I took a guy hunting and he gave me that piece and a glock as payment...
CowboyFan74;3322775 said:

I used to have a lil Colt that kinda looked like that. They went for about $600 back then. I took a guy hunting and he gave me that piece and a glock as payment...

I had one of those years and years ago just when I first started collecting and shooting but in Blue. I remember I tried to field strip it and wound up taking it almost compleatly apart. Had to have a gunsmith put it back together for me LOL. :)
Hostile;3322582 said:
Dumbest thing I ever did was get rid of mine. They are deadly accurate and shoot great. Mine had a snap down bayonet and I could stick that in the ground and have an instant shooting perch.

Oh they are fun guns aren't they? I picked one up years ago, before Brady, for $97+ tax. A case of decent cartridges cost around $200. The dealer that sold it to me told me to wrap it in some old towels and stick it under the seat of the truck for a few weeks in the summer. Man that thing sweated out cosmoline from the stock until I bought a composite folding stock and tossed the wood.

That bayonet is unique. Designed to cause a sucking chest wound that won't close. Works great as a unipod, and a reason under Brady to be confiscated by the ATF when I had the trigger assembly in to be worked on. "You'll need to show proof of when you bought the firearm to retrieve it." So much for the burden of proof lies with the government. A poor college kid didn't have the time or money to go after it. Burns my hide to this day.

Still, it was a great hog hunting gun. Just for fun, I picked up a Hellfire trigger assembly and put it on mine. Flying hot brass = fun times.
CliffnMesquite;3322778 said:
I had one of those years and years ago just when I first started collecting and shooting but in Blue. I remember I tried to field strip it and wound up taking it almost compleatly apart. Had to have a gunsmith put it back together for me LOL. :)

Damn thing would always jam to and that was with full metal jackets...
CowboyFan74;3322788 said:
Damn thing would always jam to and that was with full metal jackets...

Dont remember jamming issues. But the slide would pinch the web of my hand, so I gave the gun to my sister.
Hostile;3322582 said:
Dumbest thing I ever did was get rid of mine. They are deadly accurate and shoot great. Mine had a snap down bayonet and I could stick that in the ground and have an instant shooting perch.
That's all i needed to hear :)

what country was yours from, if you don't mind me asking.

I'm planning on getting a Yugo or a Chinese SKS at this point.
Thatkidbob;3322807 said:
That's all i needed to hear :)

what country was yours from, if you don't mind me asking.

I'm planning on getting a Yugo or a Chinese SKS at this point.
I am pretty sure mine was Yugoslavian. This is exactly like mine. Note the bayonet for a unipod I was talking about.


I'll tell you how accurate that gun is. One time I went shooting with some of my nephews and their Dads. In all there were 7 of us. My SKS was open sights.

We put 5 brown beer bottles on this dirt hill and we set up about 100 yards away. We each put 5 bucks in the kitty and whomever hit a bottle got the money. We'd do that for all 5 bottles. So the most you were going to be out was 25 bucks. Hit 1 bottle and you would win 15 bucks.

We drew cards for shooting order. Once you shot, you went to the back of the line. I was shooting 2nd. I stuck the bayonet in the ground and laid down flat on the ground like a sniper. On my first shot I hit one of the bottles. I had kicked 5 and won 35. I kicked 5 for the next round. So I was up 25 bucks.

My brother-in-law, Kirk was also shooting an SKS. His had a scope and he is a great shot. He hit the second bottle. I kicked my 5. Still up 20 bucks.

Everyone missed and I hit the 3rd bottle. I kicked my 5 and now was up 50 bucks. Kirk hit the 4th bottle. I kicked my 5. Still up 45 bucks. I hit the 5th bottle. So I won 75 bucks.

Kirk shot twice. I shot 3 times. Both of us were shooting SKS rifles. I was shooting open sights.

Like I said, I was dumb to get rid of mine. I was lethal with it.
SaltwaterServr;3322786 said:
Oh they are fun guns aren't they? I picked one up years ago, before Brady, for $97+ tax. A case of decent cartridges cost around $200. The dealer that sold it to me told me to wrap it in some old towels and stick it under the seat of the truck for a few weeks in the summer. Man that thing sweated out cosmoline from the stock until I bought a composite folding stock and tossed the wood.

That bayonet is unique. Designed to cause a sucking chest wound that won't close. Works great as a unipod, and a reason under Brady to be confiscated by the ATF when I had the trigger assembly in to be worked on. "You'll need to show proof of when you bought the firearm to retrieve it." So much for the burden of proof lies with the government. A poor college kid didn't have the time or money to go after it. Burns my hide to this day.

Still, it was a great hog hunting gun. Just for fun, I picked up a Hellfire trigger assembly and put it on mine. Flying hot brass = fun times.
Almost the same price as I got mine.
Got 2 SKS's and they are sweet. Make sure to get a MILLED receiver not a stamped one.

Theogt, what is the response time for your area? Most places its 15 minutes. A lot can happen in 15 minutes. Most home invasions they break down the door so locks do no good. Now a prominently placed ALARM sign might be enough to deter them- but what if its not? Locked doors and alarms will not stop a determined attack or one by hopped up druggies.
burmafrd;3322862 said:
Got 2 SKS's and they are sweet. Make sure to get a MILLED receiver not a stamped one.

Theogt, what is the response time for your area? Most places its 15 minutes. A lot can happen in 15 minutes. Most home invasions they break down the door so locks do no good. Now a prominently placed ALARM sign might be enough to deter them- but what if its not? Locked doors and alarms will not stop a determined attack or one by hopped up druggies.
If they break into my house, the alarm goes off and I can hear it pretty loud. Our bedroom is upstairs, so they have to go through the house and up a set of stairs with an alarm going off. I doubt anyone is going to continue to burglarize the house in such a situation, unless they're just bat**** crazy. And if someone is bat**** crazy and wants to kill you, they'll do that anywhere. They'll do it in a parking garage, at a movie theater, while you're gardening, wherever. That doesn't mean I'm going to carry a gun everywhere just because there's some minuscule chance that some crazy person might attack.

Like I said, lock the doors and set the alarm. That will prevent almost any realistic threat. Beyond that I keep a small aluminum bat by the bedside. And I'm considering getting a tazer.
I think it is pointless to try and talk someone into a reason to own a gun if they don't want a gun. Chances are every scenario you can come up with for how a gun could be a benefit is a scenario they have already considered and feel is so remote a chance that it is not worth it to them.

I respect someone's rights not to own a gun. All I ask in return is they respect my rights to own them. Most of the time that is not a problem. There are some people who are not content to not own guns. They think no one should. Luckily they are rare. Vocal, but rare. I think most people who don't like guns can accept that others do.

It's just a matter of preference.
theogt;3322884 said:
If they break into my house, the alarm goes off and I can hear it pretty loud. Our bedroom is upstairs, so they have to go through the house and up a set of stairs with an alarm going off. I doubt anyone is going to continue to burglarize the house in such a situation, unless they're just bat**** crazy. And if someone is bat**** crazy and wants to kill you, they'll do that anywhere. They'll do it in a parking garage, at a movie theater, while you're gardening, wherever. That doesn't mean I'm going to carry a gun everywhere just because there's some minuscule chance that some crazy person might attack.

Like I said, lock the doors and set the alarm. That will prevent almost any realistic threat. Beyond that I keep a small aluminum bat by the bedside. And I'm considering getting a tazer.

I would suggest in that case you replace your bedroom door with a steel door and install a heavy duty dead bolt. Guns are not for everyone, and with out the will to use it. It's just a paperweight.
CliffnMesquite;3322929 said:
I would suggest in that case you replace your bedroom door with a steel door and install a heavy duty dead bolt.
Thanks, but that's completely unnecessary.
theogt;3322884 said:
Beyond that I keep a small aluminum bat by the bedside. And I'm considering getting a tazer.

Now that's what I call marital aids.
CliffnMesquite;3322929 said:
I would suggest in that case you replace your bedroom door with a steel door and install a heavy duty dead bolt. Guns are not for everyone, and with out the will to use it. It's just a paperweight.

Build a panic room with concrete and lead walls...:laugh2:
theogt;3322884 said:
Like I said, lock the doors and set the alarm. That will prevent almost any realistic threat. Beyond that I keep a small aluminum bat by the bedside. And I'm considering getting a tazer.

We have the same home defense system: locked doors, alarm system (also calls the fire department in the case of fire detection which is much more likely than home invasion) and aluminum bat in the master bedroom.

I also put in some really bright motion detection lights for nighttime to scare anyone from snooping around too much.
A door that would take time to tear down or blow away would be effective.

Home invasion is the real threat- they will come no matter what even a loud alarm. If you really feel that is no threat, fine.

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