Does a Cowboys win or loss effect your next week?


Yes it affects me
:) Lol, just ask the wife...
Depends on the team we are playing and the importance of the game. It used to ruin my whole week when I was younger, but now that I've seen us lose alot so I'm more numb to it, although I'm still a lil upset right after the game.

Its just not as important as it used to be to affect my personal life all week. Only thing that puts me at a 5 is losing in the playoffs....yeah that's happened alot lately but the importance of the game really matters.
I like seeing the team do well on the field of play.

I like seeing the Cowboys players and coaches win a game.

But I have far too much going on in my life to allow a tough loss to affect me mentally or emotionally.

When I was a younger man, a tough loss would upset me. But with age comes responsibility and perspective. It has to be that way if you are going to be of any real worth to the people around you.

Stay solid, bros.
Hell yes it does! I'm noticeably more upbeat and vivacious after a win. I watch the other games (if we played early) and am fully engaged.

A loss, and it usually takes a couple days for the sting to start to go away, and the rest of the week for it to fully subside. I have to force myself to watch the other games that day, and the whole time I'm reminiscing on our loss.

It's really bad if we lose on a Thursday, having to endure nearly a week and half for redemption, as well as a whole Sunday of non-Cowboy football -- that I watch, but in protest!

A lot of this board will say it doesn't effect them, that it's "just a game," yet the posts after a loss clearly point to the contrary :)

And just to amswer your OP, somewhere between 4 and 5 :)

Summed that up pretty darn well for all Cowboys fans...well for what all Cowboys fans should be like.
I know I am the same way. If an early game, and we lose, it is a struggle for rest of the day to watch anymore games.
The only thing that eases it, is if the Commanders, Eagles, Giants get beat up and blown out.

It makes it a long week until the next game start time.
A win, and then watch all the shows to see how the hater analysts respond, a loss makes it a longer week, as I can't watch the idiots.
Especially a few local reporters basking in there hate like Dale Hanson and his smugness. Don't know how that guy lasted here so long.
Win, I watch his Sunday night sports, lose, can't stand the idiot, as I would rather listen to S.A. what does that tell you how bad this guy is.
1. No, I just enjoy football and the Cowboys are my team.

2. Slightly, I follow the team closely and I matters.

3. Yes, But I get over it either way by mid week.

4. Are you kidding? ( I'ts a big deal man!)

5. My whole week is good or bad based on a win or loss. ( no exceptions)
I live in Egals Country! I know you KNOW what my answer is.
yes, but let me flip this in NE Penna, when Dallas wins, NO ONE at work wants to be around me - their week sucks (smothered by eagles fans, and a few giants and steelers fans - and one pesky Commander fan)
Reading these posts reminds me how lucky sports franchises and in particular, teams in the NFL are.

It seems there's something tribal buried deep in the psyche of the average NFL fan that makes them rise and fall based on the success of the team(s) they've chosen. Where else do we exhibit this type of emotional attachment to a form of entertainment? I don't remember being bummed out for days because the last Tom Cruise (or whoever) movie was bad. If I go to a concert and the lead singer of my favorite band can't hit the high notes that night, I might be upset I paid the money to go see them, but I'm not crestfallen for the next week. Yet, for some reason in sports, when "our team" wins or loses, that somehow accrues to us personally.

While I'm sure many of the players are competitive and take their jobs seriously, the rivalry between the players pales in comparison to the rivalry between the fans. You hear it from the players over and over again, "It's a business."
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Reading these posts reminds me how lucky sports franchises, and in particular, teams in the NFL are.

It seems there's something tribal buried deep in the psyche of the average NFL fan that makes them rise and fall based on the success of the team(s) they've chosen. Where else do we exhibit this type of emotional attachment to a form of entertainment? I don't remember being bummed out for days because the last Tom Cruise (or whoever) movie was bad. If I go to a concert and the lead singer of my favorite band can't hit the high notes that night, I might be upset I paid the money to go see them, but I'm not crestfallen for the next week. Yet, for some reason in sports, when "our team" wins or loses, that somehow accrues to us personally.

While I'm sure many of the players are competitive and take their jobs seriously, the rivalry between the players pales in comparison to the rivalry between the fans. You hear it from the players over and over again, "It's a business."

nicely did a great job of notating my thoughts of "I hate the other NFC east teams and can't wait to bust their balls when they lose and Dallas wins"

While I'm sure many of the players are competitive and take their jobs seriously, the rivalry between the players pales in comparison to the rivalry between the fans. You hear it from the players over and over again, "It's a business."

There was a time when the players were loyal to their team and truly hated their rivals. Now, the players are loyal to their team, to a degree, but they are more loyal to their contract/wallet. It's not the same. Harvey Martin would not have been caught dead in a Commanders uniform for any amount of money.
1. No, I just enjoy football and the Cowboys are my team.

2. Slightly, I follow the team closely and I matters.

3. Yes, But I get over it either way by mid week.

4. Are you kidding? ( I'ts a big deal man!)

5. My whole week is good or bad based on a win or loss. ( no exceptions)
I am in physical pain that can linger for days. #fanatic :banghead:
nicely did a great job of notating my thoughts of "I hate the other NFC east teams and can't wait to bust their balls when they lose and Dallas wins"

I don't know that I've reached it yet; but I'm nearing the conclusion that, to the fans, sporting events represent proxy wars fought by mercenaries (i.e. the players) between differing cultures. (Dallas vs Philadelphia etc.)

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