Donald Sterling, Clippers Owner, Banned For Life, Fined $2.5M

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Is this a planned and coordinated effort between Magic Johnson and the girlfriend to force Sterling to sell Magic the team?

I find it too convenient that Magic was in the Instagram photo that set Sterling off
. Did she bait him into the comments with the recorder on?

Trying to get my mind around this.

that theory is out there, hard to prove although who knows
The woman is certainly a gold digger and because of that someone I have no respect for. However, the focus should remain on Sterling.
If Magic Johnson acquires a team by these means, then he deserves an awful lot of the focus as well. I honestly believe the whole thing is looking more and more like a setup. I am not saying Sterling isn't a racist scumbag, but I think Stiviano started recording everything he said knowing that sooner or later something like that would come out so she and Magic could lower the boom.
haha, now we have conspiracies. This is awesome.
Well, it is pretty convenient that the woman who leaked these tapes to the press and the guy who stands to gain the most from Sterling being ousted are awfully chummy with each other.
Well, it is awfully convenient that the woman who leaked these tapes to the press and the guy who stands to gain the most from Sterling being ousted are awfully chummy with each other.

Are they chummy? I wasn't aware.
The girl says she doesn't know how TMZ got the tape, which sounds absurd. But could it have been Magic while she was in the shower?
If Magic Johnson acquires a team by these means, then he deserves an awful lot of the focus as well. I honestly believe the whole thing is looking more and more like a setup. I am not saying Sterling isn't a racist scumbag, but I think Stiviano started recording everything he said knowing that sooner or later something like that would come out so she and Magic could lower the boom.

I haven't see where Stiviano and Johnson had a relationship. You're really reaching and again, ignoring the real issue.
Are they chummy? I wasn't aware.
Dude, this whole thing started because of her picture with Magic Johnson. That was what precipitated the offensive comments about "associating with black people in public".

Maybe for Magic it was just a picture with a fan and nothing more. But it sure is a helluva coincidence.
I haven't see where Stiviano and Johnson had a relationship. You're really reaching and again, ignoring the real issue.

Bomani Jones basically said it was crazy because he said that Sterling was saying he was mad at the girl for being seen with Magic and not mad at her sleeping with him or others. Pretty much made it sound like they were in a sexual relationship. Bomani Jones wrote an article a long way back about Sterling and his racial problems and said that was what people should have cared about vs what he says to a mistress.

Just saying this because it seems like magic and the girl had some kind of relationship but that does not mean they were in cahoots to work it so magic could buy the team.
Just saying this because it seems like magic and the girl had some kind of relationship but that does not mean they were in cahoots to work it so magic could buy the team.
I agree the fact that Magic was bangin' her doesn't mean that they set this all up.

I jus' sayin' that is sure is awfully convenient that the guy who may gain the most from this and the woman who exposed the whole thing are awfully chummy.
true but it doesn't mean they weren't either

why would Magic, a lifelong Laker want to go to Clipper games anyway?
Bomani Jones basically said it was crazy because he said that Sterling was saying he was mad at the girl for being seen with Magic and not mad at her sleeping with him or others. Pretty much made it sound like they were in a sexual relationship. Bomani Jones wrote an article a long way back about Sterling and his racial problems and said that was what people should have cared about vs what he says to a mistress.

Just saying this because it seems like magic and the girl had some kind of relationship but that does not mean they were in cahoots to work it so magic could buy the team.

Extrapolating that she and Magic had a relationship based on that is reckless. I still haven't seen any evidence of it. It's irrelevant to the issue anyways. The focus should be on Sterlings remarks. Any other talk sounds like excuses to me.
I agree the fact that Magic was bangin' her doesn't mean that they set this all up.

I jus' sayin' that is sure is awfully convenient that the guy who may gain the most from this and the woman who exposed the whole thing are awfully chummy.

Do you have ANY evidence of this? He does have aids after all.
Do you have ANY evidence of this? He does have aids after all.
Oh I admit it's all speculation - speculation based on some very convenient coincidences.

And the fact that Magic is HIV+ doesn't really matter. What, you think he's been celibate the past 20 years?
Oh I admit it's all speculation - speculation based on some very convenient coincidences.

And the fact that Magic is HIV+ doesn't really matter. What, you think he's been celibate the past 20 years?

Your words "I agree the fact that Magic was bangin' her doesn't mean that they set this all up." At least right now, it's not a fact and your saying it is is irresponsible and misleading.
Well, it is pretty convenient that the woman who leaked these tapes to the press and the guy who stands to gain the most from Sterling being ousted are awfully chummy with each other.

It still doesn't change what he said.
You don't seem capable of having an actual discussion

I would love to finish the conversation as to why the NBA should also make an example of Larry Johnson. Just seems ridiculous that you would compare the two situations.
And consider this.

FACT: She was with Magic Johnson, which is what he was upset about.

FACT: She taped the conversation, then made it public.

FACT: Magic Johnson is now interested in owning the Clippers.



She took a pic with Magic. She also took a pic with Matt Kemp. She took a pic with Bishop Magic Don Juan (a noted pimp) and whoever else she could prolly get something out of. She was a groupie. A smart one.
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