Draft Rumors


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Well for one, running backs are a dime a dozen. QBs are a much higher need for most teams which is why you see guys like Matt Hasselbeck still in the league at age 40. So sure, Manziel would probably get picked up......... but not because he's any good but because teams are desperate for QBs and will take chances on a guys that might even have a glimmer of hope.

He's actually been all over the place in Cleveland. He was bad against Cincy, good in his next two games, terrible in Seattle game. He's inconsistent and he'll never be better than inconsistent.

It's amazing how people just can't let go of their love affairs with average football players.

Someone hasn't been paying attention ;)


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"He's actually been all over the place in Cleveland. He was bad against Cincy, good in his next two games, terrible in Seattle game. He's inconsistent and he'll never be better than inconsistent."

61% completion rate and 7 to 4 td to int ratio playing on a lousy team but that doesn't begin to tell the story.

Watch what he does as he gets more experience and better players around him.

How does this refute what I said.

He wasn't very good in the Cincy and Seattle games. If you want to believe he's some stud in waiting, have at it.


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How does this refute what I said.

He wasn't very good in the Cincy and Seattle games. If you want to believe he's some stud in waiting, have at it.

I guess we should expect Marriota to be cut soon since he hasn't lit it up in his first few starts.

Manziel is a heck of a prospect and one worthy of consideration. Your expectations might be a little high for a guy playing in the worst organization in the league with the current amount of time elapsed.

You are free to believe wasting a premium draft pick on someone that would be a lesser talent and behind on development would be a better answer.


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I guess we should expect Marriota to be cut soon since he hasn't lit it up in his first few starts.

Manziel is a heck of a prospect and one worthy of consideration. Your expectations might be a little high for a guy playing in the worst organization in the league with the current amount of time elapsed.

You are free to believe wasting a premium draft pick on someone that would be a lesser talent and behind on development would be a better answer.

Well one, I've never suggested we reach to grab a QB. If a QB is the highest rated player on our board at a particular pick, then yes you take him. But I am not one that thinks they have to grab Lynch or Goff in the Top Ten.

Comparing Manziel and Mariota is insane but I get that the Manziel fans deal in hyperbole.

Manziel is not a great talent. He was an exciting college player no doubt but he wouldnt be the first, nor the last, good college QB to just not have the stuff for the NFL. If the Browns cut Manziel and the Cowboys want to take a flier on him, fine. But I am under no delusions this guy is going to be any good and it's probably just as likely he'd be an off the field screw up as it would be that he'd develop into a great NFL QB.


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Well one, I've never suggested we reach to grab a QB. If a QB is the highest rated player on our board at a particular pick, then yes you take him. But I am not one that thinks they have to grab Lynch or Goff in the Top Ten.

Comparing Manziel and Mariota is insane but I get that the Manziel fans deal in hyperbole.

Manziel is not a great talent. He was an exciting college player no doubt but he wouldnt be the first, nor the last, good college QB to just not have the stuff for the NFL. If the Browns cut Manziel and the Cowboys want to take a flier on him, fine. But I am under no delusions this guy is going to be any good and it's probably just as likely he'd be an off the field screw up as it would be that he'd develop into a great NFL QB.

It's o.k, to be wrong. My whole point was about not needing to spend a premium draft pick on a QB. You felt the need to argue the point. Now I see you are not in the gotta have a QB in the draft camp. I am not sure why you argued the point. There is zero percent chance that Manziel will be cut. I am surprised you wouldn't know that. There is a chance he might be able to be had with a trade. Manziel will be good and is already better than any other QB that we could acquire in a similar type trade and head and shoulders above any backup QB on our roster. He is also better than any QB available in this draft. He could step in right now if Romo were injured and win games. After more development, he may prove to be capable of being Romo's replacement when Romo Retires.


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No, I am arguing against your belief that you think Manziel is going to be a franchise level QB.


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No, I am arguing against your belief that you think Manziel is going to be a franchise level QB.

I believe I said he offers the opportunity to possibly develop into one but in the mean time provides a chance to win the close games we have been losing and his contract is the perfect length for us to find out before Romo retires. I'm not sure your paying attention.


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QB will not be BAP for any pick in this draft.
If you want one you overpay. That's just how it goes.

Mettenberger or Glennon simply can't play in this offense. That'd be a 100% a waste of time. Manziel is a mess but he can run this offense.

Wentz going mid round 1 is QB desperation. He has the requisite tools but the guy has missed a ton of time with a broken wrist and played really only 1.5 years of FCS QB. He's raw as rain.
he should probably go about where Jimmy G did, round 3-ish.


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Manziel has NFL starting skill and athleticism. He has zero maturity.

He'd certainly be worth a shot if the cost was basically nothing. But you don't want to assume any risk. It'd be like letting someone out of rehab, move into your guest house.


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Manziel has NFL starting skill and athleticism. He has zero maturity.

He'd certainly be worth a shot if the cost was basically nothing. But you don't want to assume any risk. It'd be like letting someone out of rehab, move into your guest house.

I agree with this. His contract is the perfect length to find out if he can straighten up and reach his potential. I think Dallas could give him the Dez treatment and keep him out of trouble. If and when Romo go's down next year, he is developed enough to give you a chance to win. Unlike the Weedens and Cassels of the world. Plus we would not have to sacrifice a premium pick for him. High upside long term maybe. Low risk and gives you a chance to win now as opposed to a rookie who probably doesn't. I think he is a great option with high upside and at worst case scenario he doesn't develop or he can't stay out of trouble but at least a premium pick did not need to be wasted.

I will go a step further. If he had been our backup at the beginning of the year I believe we would still be fighting for the NFC east championship and possibly be on our way to the playoffs. He can extend drives with his legs and has enough escapability to allow the receivers to get down field and make big plays. He would make mistakes along with those big plays but at least score some points. I think he is by far the best option if he can be had for a 3rd or later rd draft pick.


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I kinda hope we're unprepared to replace Romo like we were to replace Aikman. Maybe another 20 years of darkness is what this franchise needs to finally learn.


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He has questionable NFL talent. He was able to get by in college on his improvisation skills, etc. The NFL is a different league. He wasn't required to make tight throws in college, he threw a lot of jump balls and other throws into traffic to studs like Evans.

In the pros, you can't play that way.

So sure, if the cost is nothing, yeah take a flier. But I wouldn't give up anything worthwhile to get him.


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So Dallas should draft another wr to replace dez? Because every yr and I mean every yr he has issues with his foot or hammy or back. Is that what ur saying?

Romo rushed back this yr because this team was still in the race for the division. That bone wasn't healed.

I'm with you 100%

Teams can no longer afford to draft a QB, then let him sit and wait.

99% of the time, that future QB doesn't pan out. Then you're screwed.

If a QB gets picked in round 1, he's playing day 1


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Some are you guys are as afraid to draft a QB as Jerry is.

I've seen every excuse under the sun as why we shouldn't draft one, yet some of you conveniently overlook that nearly every star QB in the league (read: those not selected #1) had some concerns.

Rodgers dropped, Brees dropped, Dalton dropped, Wilson dropped, Brady dropped, Romo dropped, etc.

We could've had them all, but passed because of one excuse or another.

Obviously in hindsight, they would now be the #1 or #2 player selected in the draft.

This may be the best chance we have to draft the potential next "franchise" QB, and to pass as many of you would have us do, only to see them become a star elsewhere is foolish, IMO.

Can they bust? Clearly, and it would be a big blow, but imagine if they actually hit - we'd open our window for at least the next decade.

That's clearly a better scenario than spending the next decade floundering in a post-Aikman like haze.


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Mettenberger or Glennon simply can't play in this offense. That'd be a 100% a waste of time. Manziel is a mess but he can run this offense.

I'm not sure what your basing this on because it doesn't seem rooted in anything on the field. Glennon and Mettenberger both have experience in NFL style offenses while Manziel has run predominately spread. If Manziel can run this offense, there is no reason to believe one or both of them couldn't.

I would have no problem adding Glennon for a mid-round pick.


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For me it has to do with maximizing resources. IF you go with a QB in the first round then you are going to groom him. So you need to have another veteran QB on the roster. If you are the typical team that is picking this early in the draft you can throw him to the wolves because most likely you have no shot at having a good season anyway. That is not the case with Dallas. We could easily be in contention next year.

If you use your early first rd pick on QB then obviously you can't use it elsewhere and I for one am sick of seeing this secondary year after year give up first downs on 3rd and 15 and take bad angles etc.

This is why I like Manziel. It is a chance to get a highly touted prospect with a lot of tools but also has already developed some and gives you a chance to win now. Negating the need to carry another veteran QB. Plus he would not require a premium pick allowing the team to finally fix this secondary.

I hope I never have to see Carr, Mo, Wilcox or Church on the field again. Or at least as few of them as possible.


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Johnny College made his name chunking the ball downfield to Mike Evans or running the ball himself at Texas A&M
He can't do that in the NFL.