Twitter: Evidence now also shows accuser plotted to extort Cowboys RB Ezekiel Elliott on previous oc

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It's because she got into a cat fight with another woman...have you actually seen the bruises? Since you apparently haven't seen any of the other facts that have been posted on here ad nauseum.

try to follow along, the pictures of her injuries were taken up to four days before the bar incident, therefore Zeke allegation she received those injuries on the 22nd is not possible....
Just because one case had one result does not mean the next case is a facsimile of the other.

The facts are different. Every case in law is a case-by-case basis. the previous ruling of the appellate court judge (in the Brady case) will have absolutely zero basis in a judge's ruling in Zeke's case...because, according to you, every case is considered independently from all other cases. The fact is the CBA agreement WILL BE factored into the outcome of Zeke's case whether we want it to or not. Why the heck do you think lawyers spend so much time learning and citing case law?!! The whole judicial system is predicated on legal precedents!?! :facepalm:

I mean I don't even know if I should be taking u seriously rt now. Is this sarcasm that I'm missing?
It appears that despite the police department and district attorney not having enough evidence to pursue charges, and serious credibility issues with the alleged victim, the NFL kept coming back to one overwhelming piece of evidence that made them feel they had to act in such a harsh manner.

And here is that evidence.....


Yep, guilty as charged. Carry on NFL.
Out of all the DV cases in the NFL this was not the one Goodell shouldve gone all in on.

This is looking more and more like a scorned lover. Gone Girl level crazy.
And this will open Pandora's box. NFL player's will have to hire body guard to go out. Hire private investigator just to talk to someone of the opposite sex. Crazy girls don't wear sign that say (Hey I'm a psycho) the previous ruling of the appellate court judge (in the Brady case) will have absolutely zero basis in a judge's ruling in Zeke's case...because, according to you, every case is considered independently from all other cases. The fact is the CBA agreement WILL BE factored into the outcome of Zeke's case whether we want it to or not. Why the heck do you think lawyers spend so much time learning and citing case law?!! The whole judicial system is predicated on legal precedents!?! :facepalm:

I mean I don't even know if I should be taking u seriously rt now. Is this sarcasm that I'm missing?

Show me where I said zero basis.

But before you do, go to and type in "facsimile."
I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to introduce "spectral evidence." If you're not familiar with that, look up the Salem Witch trials.
try to follow along, the pictures of her injuries were taken up to four days before the bar incident, therefore Zeke allegation she received those injuries on the 22nd is not possible....

I think it is you who needs to "follow along".

This article indicates that the Photos were uploaded the morning of the 22nd, the very morning after the documented bar fight!

Do you now want to tell us that was conincidental?
This poor girl. What a helpless victim.

Zeke needs to break the NFL shield over his knee and throw the pieces at Goodell's feet.

There are women and mothers, out there who are actually going through assault so bad that they can't even speak for fear of their lives and you have human excrement like this who's mad at a guy who broke up with them and became successful.
That's exactly why the professionals didn't pursue the case.

While the NFL looks stupid...
It is just mind boggling to me that they took they took the word of an exotic dancer with PROOF that on at least occurrence she lied about the very crime she was accusing him of committing. If they doled out punishments in this country under these set of circumstances.....there would not be enough jail space in this country to house everybody!
Show me where I said zero basis.

But before you do, go to and type in "facsimile."
I'm good on the definitional meaning of the instead of making a generalization about my initial post, why don't you actual provide a substantive POV, counselor, on why you think the Brady case will or won't be a bread crumb trail for how we can expect Zeke's appeal to play out...I welcome a respectful debate and not some smart aleck request for me to go do homework...indulge me please.
It is just mind boggling to me that they took they took the word of an exotic dancer with PROOF that on at least occurrence she lied about the very crime she was accusing him of committing. If they doled out punishments in this country under these set of circumstances.....there would not be enough jail space in this country to house everybody!

And that's why this needs to and will be fought in court. The precedent the league would set would be disastrous.
try to follow along, the pictures of her injuries were taken up to four days before the bar incident, therefore Zeke allegation she received those injuries on the 22nd is not possible....
Wow. You are just refusing to believe that he didn't do this aren't ya. Well. You've now made my ignore list. Between this and your comments regarding jaylon smith I'm pretty much betting I can live without reading your posts. See ya
I'm good on the definitional meaning of the instead of making a generalization about my initial post, why don't you actual provide a substantive POV, counselor, on why you think the Brady case will or won't be a bread crumb trail for how we can expect Zeke's appeal to play out...I welcome a respectful debate and not some smart aleck request for me to go do homework...indulge me please.

lol the previous ruling of the appellate court judge (in the Brady case) will have absolutely zero basis in a judge's ruling in Zeke's case...because, according to you, every case is considered independently from all other cases. The fact is the CBA agreement WILL BE factored into the outcome of Zeke's case whether we want it to or not. Why the heck do you think lawyers spend so much time learning and citing case law?!! The whole judicial system is predicated on legal precedents!?! :facepalm:

I mean I don't even know if I should be taking u seriously rt now. Is this sarcasm that I'm missing?

look, man, the cases are not carbon copies. There are different facts, and therefore different potential claims in court. Previous court cases are used as persuasive sources and are not 100% fool proof dispositive as so many people online seem to think that they are.

Brady: deflated footballs, lack of notice argument, etc.

Zeke: DV allegations, witness credibility, possible extortion, etc.

The facts are different. The case will be litigated almost entirely different from the Brady case should it go to trial before a judge. Counsel from both sides will likely cite the Brady case to find parts to explain why this one should be decided the same or why it's entirely different and how the judge got it wrong last time, etc. That's how the system's not a math equation where "well Brady lost so Zeke can't even sue".
I think it is you who needs to "follow along".

This article indicates that the Photos were uploaded the morning of the 22nd, the very morning after the documented bar fight!

Do you now want to tell us that was conincidental?

When they're uploaded is not the same as when they were taken, the pictures of her injuries were determined by investigators by the meta data on her phone were taken from the 17th to the 22nd, those pictures in that article could have been taken weeks or month's before, then uploaded on the 22nd....that doesn't mean they were taken on the 22nd
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