First impressive Jaylon video

No doubt about that! This thread has become quite a pssing contest.

I understand the emotions as we are all eager to see Jaylon hit the field with force...but also leery of getting our hopes up until we know more.
One thing is for sure, if he is as good as many fans think he will be, it will probably be remembered as the best draft in team history.
I never said anything about timeframe. I simply said that it was the only brace we have seen him wear. We know that is what he wore that AFO when he had a complete palsy. It is not the brace you claimed he wore.

What's a joke is your ability to make a coherent argument. By all means show him wearing another type of brace. By all means indicate how it being 6 months ago means anything at all whatsoever.

Nice to see that you have degraded into base insults though. Good job.

Oh, i see who you are talking to now lol
that is what shaketiller was talking about ...
use <ignore>
you did a great service by deconstructing the video.
dont fall for the trap...
You're unlearned but posture as an authority. Any educated and informed person sees right through it which is why I love to pick on you.

Meanwhile, some are just happy to glom onto those that use multi-syllable words.

As an aside, Waldo and Fuzzy...can anyone guess which one is which?

All I see is that you have degraded the conversation to this and have abandoned merit. Your latest ruse of googling a random AFO was rife in failure so now you have devolved into straight ad hominem, "Don't trust Fuzzy. He tries to talk smart," you say. :facepalm:

I can just see you watching Bill Walton on a telecast and getting worked up about his word choice.

Educated people point out when words are used improperly, 'fancy' or not. I have yet to see a college campus where they dissuade people from expanding their vocabulary and I have been on more than a few.
You are trying to put me in my place by "picking on me?" :laugh: We already discussed this before. The whole thing about people who do that are really only worried about their own place. You don't seem to understand that prestige is not a zero sum game.

I won't be hitting show ignored content anymore. Ciao.
instead of thanking you for the work in freeze framing the video, they are now dragging you into secondary issues like the afo.
anyone looking at your frames can see that total drop foot is clearly gone
so even they are facing up to the reality that jaylon is clearly recovering.

I don't think he really cares about Jaylon beyond an unwillingness to give the 'opposition' any points.

You can see from his most recent string of posts that he has a bone to pick with us. He's all but said he is trolling us. He is pretty worked up apparently.
I don't think he really cares about Jaylon beyond an unwillingness to give the 'opposition' any points.

You can see from his most recent string of posts that he has a bone to pick with us. He's all but said he is trolling us. He is pretty worked up apparently.

LOL fuzz, i refuse to read ignored content.
it is better that way - flushed...
i am glad that you have decided to also.

If I am correct, it was the same guy who attacked doc50 just because the doc said there were things he could not say because of being a doctor.

There was a giants fan pretending to be a cowboys fan that was trolling me.
Then someone on the board told me ...

we should be celebrating the clear progress that Jaylon is showing.
you and i both recognized jaylon's progress last year.
some people take offense because we made the effort to study up on the issue...

I don't know the history, but Cal Poly please get rid of that stupid clown. I hate seeing it despite your ongoing despute with Fuzzy.
But if it's a doctor vs. a non-doctor, who are you logically going to believe or who should you believe? Who has the most credibility on medical issues?
Neither if they aren't directly involved.
One should evidently go straight to the Ouija board or a crystal ball then...right?
Nope, either listen to the doc on the case, or just wait and see. Again, I have no idea if Smith will ever return to his old form. Bit neither does anyone else.

I'm fine with everyone starting their opinion and reasons. Just taking it all with a boulder of salt
We love football and the Cowboys - most of us, anyhow, or we wouldn't spend time here. We spend all this thought and emotion on a sport that returns us roughly 50 hours of regular season action - about two days of a 365-day year. If we are lucky our team gives us another 10 hours or so of post-season entertainment.

It doesn't seem rational to me to spend all this thought and emotion only to be pessimistic and hopeless the rest of the time. I understand that others are different and mean no disrespect.

I try to be realistic while at the same time being optimistic. I certainly don't want to spend my time spinning the most hopeless possible result.

I choose to be optimistic about Jaylon Smith because it suits me and because there is a lot of evidence that it is well founded optimism. I think he will play this year and play well. I don't think that is an unreasonable conclusion.

I don't chase the things that bump in the night. They get along without my help.
We love football and the Cowboys - most of us, anyhow, or we wouldn't spend time here. We spend all this thought and emotion on a sport that returns us roughly 50 hours of regular season action - about two days of a 365-day year. If we are lucky our team gives us another 10 hours or so of post-season entertainment.

It doesn't seem rational to me to spend all this thought and emotion only to be pessimistic and hopeless the rest of the time. I understand that others are different and mean no disrespect.

I try to be realistic while at the same time being optimistic. I certainly don't want to spend my time spinning the most hopeless possible result.

I choose to be optimistic about Jaylon Smith because it suits me and because there is a lot of evidence that it is well founded optimism. I think he will play this year and play well. I don't think that is an unreasonable conclusion.

I don't chase the things that bump in the night. They get along without my help.

the problem is that some have taken an entrenched position being that Jaylon was a bad pick and would never recover.
so instead of gracefully celebrating his progress, they are looking for ways to take it out on others.
fuzzy is the lightning rod for this so they look for secondary areas to troll Fuzzy now that it has become difficult to argue Jaylon is not making a lot of progress.

will Jaylon be the generational player - who knows.
but if I predicted the bad scenario and I found that I could well be wrong, I would be quite happy eating the many portions of crow.
instead, it seems like part of them is unhappy that Jaylon is making progress, how sad...

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