First impressive Jaylon video

He is just very risk averse.
He does not want to take a position except the safest possible position until the facts are out.
So he is never wrong.

Of course he hates the Jaylon pick.
That is one of the most extreme cases of calculated risk taken in football in a long time...
That is part of the reason I like the Cowboys is because of Jones' risk taking ways - just needed some adult supervision from Stephen/Garrett/Mcclay...

That's so bogus it's hilarious. LOL I go out on a limb all the time check my archives and I end up being right most of the time but according some of the BS you posted you claimed I did go out on a limb with Smith saying he would never be cleared to practice. Twisting my comments isn't going to do your credibility any good. You're admitting Smith is a huge calculated risk. All of a sudden you're starting to agree with me. :cool:
Sound wisdom,yet after seeing that picture of him and Lee standing there ,,,one look at the battleship sized guns on him tells me he'll have no problems leveling his foes on the field, (if I kinda know what he's feeling) numbness of the foot can be played thru,which when nerves are not firing is what you have,a numb feeling, before I had 3 planar (I think that's what there called)nerves in my right foot reconnected the foot felt like a constant surge of electricity flowing downstream from the injury at what I can only relate at like 220 volts, dr. Parseghian (yes ,that famous coach of Notre Dame/ his son) got 3 hooked back up and WHAM! it cut that insane flow down to like 110 volts of numbness which is tolerable ,though still numb.

Looking at his guns isn't going to tell you if he can return to form. There's a lot of players who look like Tarzan and play like Jane, we'll find out in the coming months where Smith is as a football player.
I don't think there is a reasonable doubt Smith will play again. As with any rookie, and certainly one recovering from an injury, the level of play is the issue.

I think he will be sensational. Of course, I've been known to be wrong.
He's already started playing the victim. It can be any topic really and he does the same thing every time.

Downplaying that his nerve has started to fire just misses the entire point of what is going on. It is a monumental milestone in his recovery.

actually the monumental milestone probably happened in October or so.
it is to Jaylon's credit that his recovery appears to be in high gear.
jumping those closely-spaced barriers at that speed was pretty impressive.

my untrained eyes could not see any difference between the 2 legs.

Hi Jaylon - since you are a social media type, there is a reasonable chance you read CZ.
if you are laughing your $%^#^& off reading this thread.
please do the following for your most loyal fans:
get 2 fellow LBs (may be hitchens and nzeocha) and have a race in some type of obstacle course that highlights your cutting ability and tweet that.
after that do a few tackle dummies for good measure...
So you are agreeing you used that possibility to support your point. it is just that possibility is getting less and less likely since Jaylon could probably have played with a brace in January...
I dont many zoners expect not to see jaylon next year.

I know what I've said concerning Smith's chances and not once have I used the word "never" with him. Either you can't comprehend or you have an agenda.
From what I've seen, even with a brace, he would be an addition to our D

right - that is why it is getting silly to even talk much more about Jaylon never seeing the field.
there is a slight possibility that he will never see the field, but that possibility is getting smaller and smaller and smaller...
I don't think there is a reasonable doubt Smith will play again. As with any rookie, and certainly one recovering from an injury, the level of play is the issue.

I think he will be sensational. Of course, I've been known to be wrong.

Yes, the silliness of this argument is amazing.
Some with entrenched interest are making it so.

Here is a more fun question, how many high-end players in the draft had a severe injury this college season?
Does anyone think we will pick one of those?
I dont follow college FB much so I dont know if there is another opportunity like Jaylon.

I doubt the risk/reward would be equal, but that would be interesting...
I don't think there is a reasonable doubt Smith will play again. As with any rookie, and certainly one recovering from an injury, the level of play is the issue.

I think he will be sensational. Of course, I've been known to be wrong.

Right, most of the downside of the pick is now gone.
It is how much upside there is in the pick at this point.
I know what I've said concerning Smith's chances and not once have I used the word "never" with him. Either you can't comprehend or you have an agenda.

You were caught with your pants down using a hyperbole to buttress a point.
I tried to let you off the hook twice gracefully by calling it hyperbole.
Fuzzy did everyone a service by posting clear videographic evidence that the nerve is firing to some degree.
Then you pretend you dont understand.
If that is not an agenda, I dont know what is.
You were caught with your pants down using a hyperbole to buttress a point.
I tried to let you off the hook twice gracefully by calling it hyperbole.
Fuzzy did everyone a service by posting clear videographic evidence that the nerve is firing to some degree.
Then you pretend you dont understand.
If that is not an agenda, I dont know what is.

You're the one who got caught with their pants down and you're having trouble pulling them up. In the beginning of this discussion you were agreeing with me and appeared to have a good understanding of what I was saying but you then became frustrated and started twisting my comments. I've asked you several times to provide my "quotes" and you refused. What does that tell you? lol As for Fuzzy, he just comes around whenever he sees an opportunity to make a discussion about ME. His agenda was exposed long again. He loves playing tag along with others whenever he sees an opening to wage a personal attack.
You're the one who got caught with their pants down and you're having trouble pulling them up. In the beginning of this discussion you were agreeing with me and appeared to have a good understanding of what I was saying but you then became frustrated and started twisting my comments. I've asked you several times to provide my "quotes" and you refused. What does that tell you? lol As for Fuzzy, he just comes around whenever he sees an opportunity to make a discussion about ME. His agenda was exposed long again. He loves playing tag along with others whenever he sees an opening to wage a personal attack.

I dont know where you went to school.
but "not ever" = "never"
Right, most of the downside of the pick is now gone.
It is how much upside there is in the pick at this point.[/QUOT

Willis McGahee, some thought he would never walk again, Bills took a chance. Despite his attitude he still rang up multiple 1,000 yards per seasons
I dont know where you went to school.
but "not ever" = "never"

Show me my QUOTE where I used "not ever" and let's see what context I used it in? I keep asking you to provide it and you've provided nothing! You're continuing to twist my comments. :facepalm:
Willis McGahee, some thought he would never walk again, Bills took a chance. Despite his attitude he still rang up multiple 1,000 yards per seasons

right, and the risk now is how many times smaller than it was in April?
good grief...
Show me my QUOTE where I used "not ever" and let's see what context I used it in? I keep asking you to provide it and you've provided nothing! You're continuing to twist my comments. :facepalm:

i quoted it for you multiple times already.
go back and look for yourself.
i quoted it for you multiple times already.
go back and look for yourself.

I want the "quote" that can be "clicked" and leads to my original post. You don't have the nerve to post it because it will expose your agenda. LOL
I want the "quote" that can be "clicked" and leads to my original post. You don't have the nerve to post it because it will expose your agenda. LOL

I think everyone can see you for what you are.
The quote was posted at least 4 times.
So either you cannot read or you are just trolling.

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