Former Cowboys safety Williams going to Bengals

I don't care if you don't agree, because you're one of the guys I'm referring to.

Listen, fact of the matter is that anyone who dared to question Roy's play a few years ago was mercilessly ridiculed by all the others. Of course, as time passed and his play declined, they were less in numbers but no less vocal.

Now, that he's gone, some of you guys are trying to claim that you saw his decline all along, or better yet, that you handled yourselves with class.

Give me a freaking break.

Look up all the Roy threads and see all the "class" from both sides.

I'd say it's about even.

tomson75;2765668 said:
Far more so than his detractors? Yes.

...or does this mean you get to whine because Adams' minions are disagreeing with you again. :rolleyes:
Cowboyz88;2765685 said:
I don't care if you don't agree, because you're one of the guys I'm referring to.

Listen, fact of the matter is that anyone who dared to question Roy's play a few years ago was mercilessly ridiculed by all the others. Of course, as time passed and his play declined, they were less in numbers but no less vocal.

Now, that he's gone, some of you guys are trying to claim that you saw his decline all along, or better yet, that you handled yourselves with class.

Give me a freaking break.

Look up all the Roy threads and see all the "class" from both sides.

I'd say it's about even.

...and you'd be wrong. So sorry your feelings were so hurt by those of us whom defended him from the Roy SUX!!!11101!! crowd. Fact is, most of us were disappointed in him as well, we just chose not to act like children. It was a far more realistic approach by his defenders. Look at this thread itself....and tell me which side is more level-headed.
"Act like children," he says with his "who me?" expression.

Again, whatever.

This thread is a prime example of most knowing when to fold 'em if you ask me.

You may say you were disappointed in him as well, but you and a number of others sure had a strange way of showing it.

tomson75;2765696 said:
...and you'd be wrong. So sorry your feelings were so hurt by those of us whom defended him from the Roy SUX!!!11101!! crowd. Fact is, most of us were disappointed in him as well, we just chose not to act like children. It was a far more realistic approach by his defenders. Look at this thread itself....and tell me which side is more level-headed.
tomson75;2765696 said:
...and you'd be wrong. So sorry your feelings were so hurt by those of us whom defended him from the Roy SUX!!!11101!! crowd. Fact is, most of us were disappointed in him as well, we just chose not to act like children. It was a far more realistic approach by his defenders. Look at this thread itself....and tell me which side is more level-headed.
well that's cause the pro Roy crowd has been proven wrong by him signing with the Bengals.
HeavyHitta31;2765688 said:
Well, I certainly feel out of place now...
You know I can fix that. I think 30 Yard Slant would be hilarious.

Rampage;2765726 said:
well that's cause the pro Roy crowd has been proven wrong by him signing with the Bengals.


Yeah, he must really stink...They've had the same number of playoff wins as Dallas has in the last 12 years.
Rampage;2765726 said:
well that's cause the pro Roy crowd has been proven wrong by him signing with the Bengals.

How so?

I don't want him here anymore. He might be able to play football at a high level if this were 2002. It's not, so he likely won't.

No one has been "proven wrong" by this signing. far as those of you whom feel slighted by the "act like children" comment.....I don't feel that warrants any apology whatsoever. If that's a lack of class, so be it....I just think its honest.
tomson75;2765739 said:
How so?

I don't want him here anymore. He might be able to play football at a high level if this were 2002. It's not, so he likely won't.

No one has been "proven wrong" by this signing. far as those of you whom feel slighted by the "act like children" comment.....I don't feel that warrants any apology whatsoever. If that's a lack of class, so be it....I just think its honest.
Au contraire mon frere. We better rue the day we were so wrong.
The religion thing being the reason he suddenly couldn't play is one of the most laughable things I've ever heard.

I'm a Christian, I'm saved, and i'd still (and have in pick up games) knock the crap out of someone on the football field.

God isn't going to punish you, or look down on you, for hitting hard on a football field and I can't see how anyone would think otherwise.
Somehow, I think I'll survive.

I was just commenting on the irony of the accusation.

tomson75;2765739 said: far as those of you whom feel slighted by the "act like children" comment.....I don't feel that warrants any apology whatsoever. If that's a lack of class, so be it....I just think its honest.
Cowboyz88;2765751 said:
Somehow, I think I'll survive.

I was just commenting on the irony of the accusation.

How have I been classless? Do tell.
Cowboyz88;2765763 said:

I never said you were. I was referring to others in this thread that feel the need for low blows at every opportunity. Very much like the hundreds of Roy threads preceding this one.

Whatever. I'm done.
Thank god the ordeal is over. Roy's continued presence on this team made a farce out of management, it was clear that he gave up year's ago and was a huge liability. I'm just happy that the bad jerseys finally exercised the beast by taking him out of circulation.:bow:
Rampage;2765240 said:
my point was he was wasting time when he could've done more for himself.

I would say by finding religion he WAS doing more for himself

His religion had NOTHING to do with football
Good luck Roy. You were my favorite Cowboys player to watch for a good while.

Kick some *** up there in Cincy.