Guy, Norv had Commanders fans pulling their hair out over his milquetoast (another term his reign brought to the lexicon) teams a full two and a half years before Snyder ever appeared on the radar. The wheels started coming off for Norv as early as 1996 when a 7-1 start ended in an utter playoffs-less collapse without even a decent bang--more a soggy whimper.
You keep finding reasons to blame everything and everyone one BUT Norv Turner for his record. From the perspective of someone who saw his teams close up and in person from start to finish, you're engaging in wishful thinking.
At some point, you are what your record says you are. I think a big fish said that once.
You may be right. They may play hard for him. We had guys who played hard for him too. Terry Allen, Stephen Davis, Darrell Green and Ken Harvey spring to mind. Hell, even Mike Westbrook parked his Lamborghini long enough to run a strong out pattern once in a while. Sapp, Moss, Porter ... hey, they're great, proud players. Never suggested otherwise.
Problem is, Norv's teams keep losing anyway. That's the point.