Om;1363710 said:
Guy, Norv had Commanders fans pulling their hair out over his milquetoast (another term his reign brought to the lexicon) teams a full two and a half years before Snyder ever appeared on the radar. The wheels started coming off for Norv as early as 1996 when a 7-1 start ended in an utter playoffs-less collapse without even a decent bang--more a soggy whimper.
You keep finding reasons to blame everything and everyone one BUT Norv Turner for his record. From the perspective of someone who saw his teams close up and in person from start to finish, you're engaging in wishful thinking.
At some point, you are what your record says you are. I think a big fish said that once.
You may be right. They may play hard for him. We had guys who played hard for him too. Terry Allen, Stephen Davis, Darrell Green and Ken Harvey spring to mind. Hell, even Mike Westbrook parked his Lamborghini long enough to run a strong out pattern once in a while. Sapp, Moss, Porter ... hey, they're great, proud players. Never suggested otherwise.
Problem is, Norv's teams keep losing anyway. That's the point.
Umm actually I pointed out three major flaws as to why i think hes been a failure. Im saying that the Cookes previosu to Snyder DID NOT interfere so then it must have been something else such as his complete ineptness when it comes to defense.
Eddie Murray missed short or his defenses gave up late leads as if that should have been any surprise. What you call milquetoast i call defensive ineptness. I never said the guy didnt have his flaws. The players are uninspired is just a buzzphrase from fans who dont know what the heck is going on.
As to the fans and their opinions of the guy or hair pulling 10 years ago i could really care less. It has ZERO to do with the guys actual ability to coach. 90% of the peope that call themselves fans dont even know who is in the meeting room much less what actually goes on in there.
The reality of the situation was that in 1998 Turner actually go something going; Johnson and Davis got on a roll and despite his shortcomings on defense he still won. Im sure you were quite happy that year.
In comes 1999 and Snyder and George and Smith and Coleman and Sanders. His offense still carried that tripe for the first half of that season but eventually Snyder started openly questioning Turners choice at QB in favor of all people JEFF GEORGE and how could Turner not be able to get a kicker. Im sure you are familiar with the tale of Casserly and he shanking kicks on the practice field. Those games were lost on FGs after a 7-1 start.
With all the new guys esp old vets who were underperforming and the place was already a lockerroom disaster waiting to happen. Snyder screwed Turner that year. It was very well known that Snyder wanted to bring in his own man but he could justify firing Turner because he had just won a playoff game so Snyder killed him slowly.
So he goes off to oakland and he can get the same magic out of Collins/Zeroue that he did with Johnson/Davis so he lost some more. Same cluelessness on defense and outside of the WR positiona nd Burgess there is no talent on that Raiders team.
Now that i realize that Snyder wsnt even there until 99 it now just pisses me off. Turner got screwed and didnt even get a kiss.