Four Commanders fans walk into a bar...

Spectre;2189638 said:
Here you go:

Dan Snyder, clearly upset with the look of his current team, decides to find out from Jerry Jones what his secret is. So, Snyder travels down to a Cowboys practice and asks Jerry, how is it that your team is so good? What's your secret?

Jerry responds by calling Tony Romo over. "Tony, who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Tony answers, "Why coach, that's easy. It's me."
Jerry Jones turns to Snyder and says, "That's the secret, Danny boy. A smart quarterback. You've got to have a smart quarterback."

Thinking he's finally got all the tools he needs, Snyder returns to Commanders practice. He promptly calls over Jason Campbell.
"Campbell! Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Campbell looks perplexed, thinks a minute and says, "Can I get back to you after practice on that one?"
Snyder (disgusted) says, "OK."

During practice, Campbell calls over Coach Zorn.
"Coach, Mr. Snyder just asked me the weirdest question. Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Coach Zorn says, "Duh! That's easy. The answer is me."

After practice, Campbell catches up with Dan Snyder.
"Coach, I think I've got it. My father's brother's nephew is Coach Zorn."
Snyder (angry) exclaims, "No, No, NO! You idiot!! ...

...It's Tony Romo!!!"

:laugh2: :lmao2: :laugh2:

Perfect..! I can't wait until tomorrow...
Spectre;2189638 said:
Here you go:

Dan Snyder, clearly upset with the look of his current team, decides to find out from Jerry Jones what his secret is. So, Snyder travels down to a Cowboys practice and asks Jerry, how is it that your team is so good? What's your secret?

Jerry responds by calling Tony Romo over. "Tony, who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Tony answers, "Why coach, that's easy. It's me."
Jerry Jones turns to Snyder and says, "That's the secret, Danny boy. A smart quarterback. You've got to have a smart quarterback."

Thinking he's finally got all the tools he needs, Snyder returns to Commanders practice. He promptly calls over Jason Campbell.
"Campbell! Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Campbell looks perplexed, thinks a minute and says, "Can I get back to you after practice on that one?"
Snyder (disgusted) says, "OK."

During practice, Campbell calls over Coach Zorn.
"Coach, Mr. Snyder just asked me the weirdest question. Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Coach Zorn says, "Duh! That's easy. The answer is me."

After practice, Campbell catches up with Dan Snyder.
"Coach, I think I've got it. My father's brother's nephew is Coach Zorn."
Snyder (angry) exclaims, "No, No, NO! You idiot!! ...

...It's Tony Romo!!!"

Now thats a total classic. :D
Funniest. Joke. Ever.

At least when it comes to bashing the Skins.
Spectre;2189638 said:
Here you go:

Dan Snyder, clearly upset with the look of his current team, decides to find out from Jerry Jones what his secret is. So, Snyder travels down to a Cowboys practice and asks Jerry, how is it that your team is so good? What's your secret?

Jerry responds by calling Tony Romo over. "Tony, who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Tony answers, "Why coach, that's easy. It's me."
Jerry Jones turns to Snyder and says, "That's the secret, Danny boy. A smart quarterback. You've got to have a smart quarterback."

Thinking he's finally got all the tools he needs, Snyder returns to Commanders practice. He promptly calls over Jason Campbell.
"Campbell! Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Campbell looks perplexed, thinks a minute and says, "Can I get back to you after practice on that one?"
Snyder (disgusted) says, "OK."

During practice, Campbell calls over Coach Zorn.
"Coach, Mr. Snyder just asked me the weirdest question. Who's your father's brother's nephew?"
Coach Zorn says, "Duh! That's easy. The answer is me."

After practice, Campbell catches up with Dan Snyder.
"Coach, I think I've got it. My father's brother's nephew is Coach Zorn."
Snyder (angry) exclaims, "No, No, NO! You idiot!! ...

...It's Tony Romo!!!"
Post of the day.
Two Cowboys fans and a Commanders fan were walking down a Texas street when a car suddenly comes careening around a corner, hits a phone pole and the driver is thrown through the windshield.

The boys run up to the driver. It's a woman, she's dead, and buck naked.

One of the Cowboys fans places his cap over one of her boobs. The other Cowboys fan places his cap over the other boob. The Commanders fan places his cap over her ******.

The Sheriff comes to the scene and he's looking down at the body and the caps. He picks up the Commanders cap and looks at her ******. He puts it back. He picks it up. He puts it back.

He does this several times. Finally the Commanders fan asks what the problem is.

The Sheriff says I've seen a lot of these, but there's always an ******* under it.
Hostile;2189972 said:
Two Cowboys fans and a Commanders fan were walking down a Texas street when a car suddenly comes careening around a corner, hits a phone pole and the driver is thrown through the windshield.

The boys run up to the driver. It's a woman, she's dead, and buck naked.

One of the Cowboys fans places his cap over one of her boobs. The other Cowboys fan places his cap over the other boob. The Commanders fan places his cap over her ******.

The Sheriff comes to the scene and he's looking down at the body and the caps. He picks up the Commanders cap and looks at her ******. He puts it back. He picks it up. He puts it back.

He does this several times. Finally the Commanders fan asks what the problem is.

The Sheriff says I've seen a lot of these, but there's always an ******* under it.

:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao: :laugh2: :laugh2: :bow:
from a book I'm reading about Abraham Lincoln and a joke he told...

A man who had a love for Revolutionary relics, learns that an old woman still possessed a dress that she had worn during the Revolutionary War, so he travels to her house and asks to see it. She takes the dress from the desk and hands it to him. He was so excited that the brought the dress to his lips and kissed it. The practical old lady resented the foolish spectacle over an old piece of wearing apparel and says to the man, "Stranger if you want to kiss something old you had better kiss my arse. It is 16 years older than that dress"
Hostile;2189972 said:
Two Cowboys fans and a Commanders fan were walking down a Texas street when a car suddenly comes careening around a corner, hits a phone pole and the driver is thrown through the windshield.

The boys run up to the driver. It's a woman, she's dead, and buck naked.

One of the Cowboys fans places his cap over one of her boobs. The other Cowboys fan places his cap over the other boob. The Commanders fan places his cap over her ******.

The Sheriff comes to the scene and he's looking down at the body and the caps. He picks up the Commanders cap and looks at her ******. He puts it back. He picks it up. He puts it back.

He does this several times. Finally the Commanders fan asks what the problem is.

The Sheriff says I've seen a lot of these, but there's always an ******* under it.

:laugh2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao:

Excellent...! I'm gonna run these four losers out of town!!
5Stars;2189554 said:
Their faces turned bright red and they sort of mumbled something and went out.

Man, those guys were idiots.

I mean, how hard would it have been to comeback with something like "Hey, they just let out a bunch of prisoners due to overcrowding from the Dallas County Jail. You should check the transaction report to see who your new team mates are!"

Or perhaps "Maybe you can win a playoff game this season for the first time since the the first term Clinton of the administration."

I mean, how hard is that? ;)
E-Dog Night;2189987 said:
Man, those guys were idiots.

I mean, how hard would it have been to comeback with something like "Hey, they just let out a bunch of prisoners due to overcrowding from the Dallas County Jail. You should check the transaction report to see who your new team mates are!"

Or perhaps "Maybe you can win a playoff game this season for the first time since the the first term Clinton of the administration."

I mean, how hard is that? ;)

Well, aside from these supposed "jokes" being old as hell, Washington Racial Slurs fans are not to bright on their this post proves!

5Stars;2189989 said:
Well, aside from these supposed "jokes" being old as hell, Washington Racial Slurs fans are not to bright on their this post proves!


Yeah, I guess that whole 12 years without a playoff victory thing does get old after a while.
E-Dog Night;2189993 said:
Yeah, I guess that whole 12 years without a playoff victory thing does get old after a while.
Older than my grandma and she farts dust.
Hostile;2189972 said:
Two Cowboys fans and a Commanders fan were walking down a Texas street when a car suddenly comes careening around a corner, hits a phone pole and the driver is thrown through the windshield.

The boys run up to the driver. It's a woman, she's dead, and buck naked.

One of the Cowboys fans places his cap over one of her boobs. The other Cowboys fan places his cap over the other boob. The Commanders fan places his cap over her ******.

The Sheriff comes to the scene and he's looking down at the body and the caps. He picks up the Commanders cap and looks at her ******. He puts it back. He picks it up. He puts it back.

He does this several times. Finally the Commanders fan asks what the problem is.

The Sheriff says I've seen a lot of these, but there's always an ******* under it.

I don't get it :eek:: prolly cuz of the astericks...
E-Dog Night;2189993 said:
Yeah, I guess that whole 12 years without a playoff victory thing does get old after a while.

Yeah, that's a shame...12 years, huh? Well, be proud, sitting there in your little "6th Seed Playoff" tee-shirt staring at the Big Head wall mounted picture of QCambell that the Midget sold you. Be proud...


How embarassing....!!
I say just go with ur Boyz' jersey and when you see them come in the place, just holla' @ them...

It's funny to me how obsessed the Commanders Fans are about the Dallas Cowboys. They should just "EMBRACE" it .....and admit it....they are really "closet" fans.
ladiewolve;2190022 said:
It's funny to me how obsessed the Commanders Fans are about the Dallas Cowboys. They should just "EMBRACE" it .....and admit it....they are really "closet" fans.
I couldn't agree more.

I spend my day checking out my team at

They spend their day checking out my team at

the proof is in the pudding.
E-Dog Night;2189987 said:
Or perhaps "Maybe you can win a playoff game this season for the first time since the the first term Clinton of the administration."


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