Game of Thrones Season 6

As long as she isn't killed off, I am happy! Smokin.................:cool:


It's been awhile since she bathed. It's about time she heads back to the river for a scene or two.
It will be hilarious if Littlefinger finally gets the throne just as Danys makes her return with the dragons

I don't think Baelish is going to be seen too favorably by Jon. He basically gift wrapped his "sister" to a psychotic rapist. I'm extremely curious to see how that plays out between the two in the long run.
It will be hilarious if Littlefinger finally gets the throne just as Danys makes her return with the dragons

well can someone honestly explain this to me?

the king left the black castle to get bullrushed by ramsey was it? (winterfell, still learning names. i did 5 years in 2 weeks so bear with me) and we lost his army. we see in hardhome that winter IS IN FACT COMING and it's army is enormous and gets stronger with every kill. so what do we do?

hell, maybe killing each other is the best way to NOT get to be a "winter soldier" (HAHAHAHAHAHAIMSOFUNNYHAHAHAHAHA)

anyway - seriously. they're so hellbent on killing each other there will like 8 people and an imp left to defend against winter.
I don't think Baelish is going to be seen too favorably by Jon. He basically gift wrapped his "sister" to a psychotic rapist. I'm extremely curious to see how that plays out between the two in the long run.
heck.... sansa is gonna call him out big time... he's lucky his army is needed... because robin of the vale just want to see people go through the moon door, and littlefinger is the jury...
heck.... sansa is gonna call him out big time... he's lucky his army is needed... because robin of the vale just want to see people go through the moon door, and littlefinger is the jury...

Exactly. With her progression, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sansa do something reckless and go after him herself.
heck.... sansa is gonna call him out big time... he's lucky his army is needed... because robin of the vale just want to see people go through the moon door, and littlefinger is the jury...

People always underestimate Littlefinger......he now has an army and the most secure castle.....Sansa will be pissed but they need him to defeat Ramsey/Umber/Kastark......remember he also has Olena Tyrell who helped him kill Joffrey and imprison Cersai...
well can someone honestly explain this to me?

the king left the black castle to get bullrushed by ramsey was it? (winterfell, still learning names. i did 5 years in 2 weeks so bear with me) and we lost his army. we see in hardhome that winter IS IN FACT COMING and it's army is enormous and gets stronger with every kill. so what do we do?

hell, maybe killing each other is the best way to NOT get to be a "winter soldier" (HAHAHAHAHAHAIMSOFUNNYHAHAHAHAHA)

anyway - seriously. they're so hellbent on killing each other there will like 8 people and an imp left to defend against winter.

Killing everyone is the only answer. Standard tactics don't work, well. Besides this one.

well can someone honestly explain this to me?

the king left the black castle to get bullrushed by ramsey was it? (winterfell, still learning names. i did 5 years in 2 weeks so bear with me) and we lost his army. we see in hardhome that winter IS IN FACT COMING and it's army is enormous and gets stronger with every kill. so what do we do?

hell, maybe killing each other is the best way to NOT get to be a "winter soldier" (HAHAHAHAHAHAIMSOFUNNYHAHAHAHAHA)

anyway - seriously. they're so hellbent on killing each other there will like 8 people and an imp left to defend against winter.

They are definitely fighting over deck chairs on the Titanic.....only Jon and Ed(his Nights Watch buddy) have even talked about Hardhome......Baelish had been scheming his whole life and Dany just inherited a 100k cavalry and the White Walkers are growing rapidly......

If Jon Snow is tired of fighting now, he ain't seen nothing yet
They are definitely fighting over deck chairs on the Titanic.....only Jon and Ed(his Nights Watch buddy) have even talked about Hardhome......Baelish had been scheming his whole life and Dany just inherited a 100k cavalry and the White Walkers are growing rapidly......

If Jon Snow is tired of fighting now, he ain't seen nothing yet

well one of my GoT mentors here at work said outside of the people close to the wall, the rest don't believe the walkers exist. so they carry on and not worried about the death headed their way.
just speculating here. Is it possible that Theron Grayjoy and his sister send their warriors to fight alongside Jon to retake Winterfell. Jon gets more people and Theron gets in Jons good graces and gets to live. Sansa would support that. Or does The Greyjoy warriors just do their fighting on boats. Jon needs a few more good men to help him beat Ramseys 5000 man army. Where else are they going to get them.
just speculating here. Is it possible that Theron Grayjoy and his sister send their warriors to fight alongside Jon to retake Winterfell. Jon gets more people and Theron gets in Jons good graces and gets to live. Sansa would support that. Or does The Greyjoy warriors just do their fighting on boats. Jon needs a few more good men to help him beat Ramseys 5000 man army. Where else are they going to get them.

They have to settle the crown first and they do much better at sea.....but they would be helpful

Littlefinger now has the Knights of the Vale and even though Sansa will be pissed, they need his help.....the smaller Houses of the North like the Umbers and Kastarks are aligned with Ramsey but the other Houses may still support the Starks
People always underestimate Littlefinger......he now has an army and the most secure castle.....Sansa will be pissed but they need him to defeat Ramsey/Umber/Kastark......remember he also has Olena Tyrell who helped him kill Joffrey and imprison Cersai...

i agree, he keeps his head down, and eyes on the prize