Game of Thrones Season 6

I think we will have a good idea of the direction the remaining seasons will go and how long they will continue by the season finale. Unless we see some major progression in the remaining 6 episodes, I just don't see 16 episodes being enough without it being rushed.

My prediction is we will see the conclusion of the Stark vs Bolton saga this season. I don't think Dany is going to be making her trip across the narrow sea just yet though. Unless she actually agrees to honor Tyrions offer, I think her 1st priority is going to be reclaiming her freed cities, which still leaves her in need of a fleet of ships big enough to carry 110k soldiers. That's a lot to squeeze into 6 more episodes.

So by seasons end, if she still hasn't made her way across the narrow sea, she will still need to retake the iron throne, conquer the remaindee of the 7 kingdoms, presumably unite with the Targaryarks and take on the White Walkers. Just Jon and Dany could fill up 16 episodes. That doesn't even begin to touch on the remainder of the characters plots. I just don't see how two more short seasons can give the show the conclusion it deserves.

I think she honors Tyrion's deal and takes the Masters up on their offer for the all ships she needs to take her Dothraki and Unsullied Armies across the Narrow Sea.

Slavers Bay doesn't interest her in the grand scheme and all she learned is that a ruler has to be ruthless. Being loved only goes so far and times change quickly. Being mired in a Civil War would be a huge waste of time.

I can see her landing in Dorne or the Stormlands and heading North to Kings Landing just as Tommen regains control and as the Jon/Sansa/Littlefinger take back the North. I see the Starks aligning with and not fighting Dany because of her dragons and knowing about the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead.
Interesting thoughts about the Direwolves and how much their names reflect the story of each Stark child

Robb- Grey Wind- many commoners feel the oaths from the Nobles are just hot air or wind. When Robb breaks his oath to Walder Frey it leads directly to his death

Jon Snow- Ghost- pretty self explanatory with the dying and the coming back

Sansa- Lady- she always wanted to marry a Prince but that dream died early

Arya- Nymeria- great female warrior......set free to survive away from her family

Bran- Summer- the opposite of Winter

Rickon- Shaggy Dog- left to be raised in the Wild.....a bit rough for a high-born
I think she honors Tyrion's deal and takes the Masters up on their offer for the all ships she needs to take her Dothraki and Unsullied Armies across the Narrow Sea.

Slavers Bay doesn't interest her in the grand scheme and all she learned is that a ruler has to be ruthless. Being loved only goes so far and times change quickly. Being mired in a Civil War would be a huge waste of time.

I can see her landing in Dorne or the Stormlands and heading North to Kings Landing just as Tommen regains control and as the Jon/Sansa/Littlefinger take back the North. I see the Starks aligning with and not fighting Dany because of her dragons and knowing about the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead.

That's the only way I see her departing for the 7 Kingdoms by the season finale. If she doesn't honor it, there's just no way the story progresses fast enough to finish in 2 more seasons.
Possibly, she needs ships, they have ships, but outside of that, I can't see why they would form an alliance. The Greyjoys, albeit late fought against her family in Robert's rebellion (War of the usurper) and given their history, they would make poor long term allies (Asha is likely to be different from her father, but Daenerys doesn't know that). Not to mention Daenerys would find most of their tactics distasteful. Not saying it won't happen, just the writers have to give us something to make this alliance seem likely.

On that note, I can really only see Dorne siding with her at this moment. They want Lannister blood and given what their family did to her family, I do not see that bothering her. While Margery is queen, they will support the Lannisters, she would *never* side with the Baretheon's (Tommen is believed to be one). Once she learns the truth about Jon, and is made aware that Ned Stark did not want to see her dead (Varys was there) then I can see her forming an alliance with the remaining Starks and Tully's, who *may* have an alliance with the Vale, but Varys would warn her of littlefinger.

Yeah, most of it is based on the having ships/needing ships part. But there's also the need to Theon to do something as well. Going to Essos might be it.

Sadly, I started looking at the show a little differently this season. In that I'm looking at how they are going to write the ending rather than how the story was flowing organically. (if that makes any sense)

As much as I have enjoyed this season it has a different feel to me. I can see the difference between taking a detailed story and condensing it as opposed to writing a script based on an outline of sorts. It has an "ok, let's wrap this thing up" feel to it. I find that I'm looking at the best way to implement pieces (characters) because they have to - rather than the best way the story might unfold. Sort of a hitting of plot points without as much of a "why".

So getting boats from the Greyjoy's gives them a purpose in the story overall, even though everything you said regarding why it doesn't fit is absolutely true.

That may make no sense, but I haven't had enough coffee.
Where's Ash when you need him?

So the plant girls (I have no idea what they are called) created the White Walkers yet have no control over them? Seems like a really misguided plan - creating a bigger threat than the one you already have.
So the plant girls (I have no idea what they are called) created the White Walkers yet have no control over them? Seems like a really misguided plan - creating a bigger threat than the one you already have.

yea, but its no different than your typical, robots become self aware and take over humanity genre, Frankenstein etc......I will say it was a surprise though...I dont read the books, but have spent alot of time reading the "cliff notes", if you will, and other fan sites etc.....I never heard of an origin story for the white walkers.......The whole thing reminds me perfectly of the third reich, Most Germans supported/elected the ***** into power solely cause they actively fought off Communism, literally...And if theres a better example of bein bitten in the kiester by a huge mistake than I dont know it....
So the war between the First Men, & The Children Of The Forrest begot the White Walkers, who they both had to fight off years ago together, and must do so again......The starks have blood of the first men, as does the Wildlings...

RIP Hodor aka Hold The Door, Leaf & Summer :(

And its confirmed, Bran can effect the past....
And its confirmed, Bran can effect the past....

Yea, that's the big take away...wonder how it will get used. They didn't show us this, just to show us this, he's going to change something, likely something we have not seen yet. Going too far back, has consequences, but something will happen, and Bram will attempt to change it.
winter is most definitely coming.

you'd think they'd take some of the dead....dead, out into the world and go LOOK!!! STOP FIGHTING AMONG EACH OTHER!!!! but then again, travelling isn't that easy. wonder how the frozen dead will do in the desert sands?

as soon as hodor said "hold the door" for the first time it clicked for me that's the origin of his name and how he got to be who he is. he was getting pretty ripped up at the door, but we're not sure if he gets away or not. my question is - how fast can a girl go dragging a growing blind boy through the snow? nasty out so perhaps trail fades soon but the dead should be able to bloodhound the living. :)
winter is most definitely coming.

you'd think they'd take some of the dead....dead, out into the world and go LOOK!!! STOP FIGHTING AMONG EACH OTHER!!!! but then again, travelling isn't that easy. wonder how the frozen dead will do in the desert sands?

as soon as hodor said "hold the door" for the first time it clicked for me that's the origin of his name and how he got to be who he is. he was getting pretty ripped up at the door, but we're not sure if he gets away or not. my question is - how fast can a girl go dragging a growing blind boy through the snow? nasty out so perhaps trail fades soon but the dead should be able to bloodhound the living. :)

My understanding is they take "Winter" with them. ("Winter Is Coming") The landscape changes as they travel... hence when Bran traveled back to the area where they made the white walker, it was a snowy landscape upon his return.

The Long Night is that for a reason.
winter is most definitely coming.

you'd think they'd take some of the dead....dead, out into the world and go LOOK!!! STOP FIGHTING AMONG EACH OTHER!!!! but then again, travelling isn't that easy. wonder how the frozen dead will do in the desert sands?

as soon as hodor said "hold the door" for the first time it clicked for me that's the origin of his name and how he got to be who he is. he was getting pretty ripped up at the door, but we're not sure if he gets away or not. my question is - how fast can a girl go dragging a growing blind boy through the snow? nasty out so perhaps trail fades soon but the dead should be able to bloodhound the living. :)

My guess is that Hodor doesn't make it out of that. Pretty tragic that his whole life (mind) was taken from him years and years ago, just so he could fulfill this one purpose. I had the same thought about Meera dragging Bran through the snow, but I figure I'll write it off to the actor growing too much. This plot line was started and mostly written with a much smaller Bran in mind.

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