Game of Thrones Season 6

just speculating here. Is it possible that Theron Grayjoy and his sister send their warriors to fight alongside Jon to retake Winterfell. Jon gets more people and Theron gets in Jons good graces and gets to live. Sansa would support that. Or does The Greyjoy warriors just do their fighting on boats. Jon needs a few more good men to help him beat Ramseys 5000 man army. Where else are they going to get them.

If his Sister gets the throne it's entirely possible that she joins Jon temporarily to seek revenge on Ramsey. That would probably be the most likely outcome if she gets the throne because they would really be an irrelevant part of the story if they don't join the SnowBowl. They won't support the Boltons because of what he did to Theon, so Jon would be the most likely ally.

Now if the uncle gets the throne, there's no telling what he will do. I could see him going wherever is most beneficial to the Ironborn and that adds a whole new level to their story if he backs the Boltons with Theon in the fold.
If his Sister gets the throne it's entirely possible that she joins Jon temporarily to seek revenge on Ramsey. That would probably be the most likely outcome if she gets the throne because they would really be an irrelevant part of the story if they don't join the SnowBowl. They won't support the Boltons because of what he did to Theon, so Jon would be the most likely ally.

Now if the uncle gets the throne, there's no telling what he will do. I could see him going wherever is most beneficial to the Ironborn and that adds a whole new level to their story if he backs the Boltons with Theon in the fold.

I think an Iron born and Northern alliance is somewhat likely. Yes, that was part of Robb's down fall (breaking his vow was the larger reason by far), given that they have a common enemy and Theon is a completely different person now than he was when he betrayed Robb, I believe there could be an temporary alliance.
How much of a let down would this series be if it ended with Ramsey Bolton on the Iron Throne.
I'd like it. I don't see why everyone hates Ramsey. He's the only interesting bad guy now that Joffrey is gone.

He's interesting to hate, but I don't think an character who is that extreme is very interesting. Allister Thorne was interesting because as much of a **** he was, you can see why he did the things he did. Tywin was interesting as hell because you could relate, while Jamie was a bad guy, he was cool because of his uniqueness. Joffery and Ramsey were just fun to watch knowing they would get what's coming to them, but that's just my opinion.
He's interesting to hate, but I don't think an character who is that extreme is very interesting. Allister Thorne was interesting because as much of a **** he was, you can see why he did the things he did. Tywin was interesting as hell because you could relate, while Jamie was a bad guy, he was cool because of his uniqueness. Joffery and Ramsey were just fun to watch knowing they would get what's coming to them, but that's just my opinion.

I can dig that. But I think it works both ways. I don't think Dany and even Jon are that interesting as characters and actors. They're basically just forced on us as the hero. Whereas the same way I can agree that Tywin, Jamie and Thorne are bad guys but relatable and human, I can say the same for good guys like Davos, Tyrion, even Sam. I find them far more "real" than Dany.
I can dig that. But I think it works both ways. I don't think Dany and even Jon are that interesting as characters and actors. They're basically just forced on us as the hero. Whereas the same way I can agree that Tywin, Jamie and Thorne are bad guys but relatable and human, I can say the same for good guys like Davos, Tyrion, even Sam. I find them far more "real" than Dany.

yea, but I bet none of those others would look as good as Dany does when she comes through the fire.
yea, but I bet none of those others would look as good as Dany does when she comes through the fire.

I don't doubt that. She's a fox. But on a serious note, I think she's easily the worst actor on the show. Her only real acting chops are that cold look she gives (like in the last episode) "you messed with the wrong chick." But she's really awful as an actor. Jon Snow isn't much better. I'm just a fan of good acting first and foremost. That's why I'm not a huge fan of all these superhero movies. I think GoT is littered with amazing actors. Tyrion takes the cake but there are so many: Cersei, Davos, Tywin, the queen's grandma, the list goes on.
I think an Iron born and Northern alliance is somewhat likely. Yes, that was part of Robb's down fall (breaking his vow was the larger reason by far), given that they have a common enemy and Theon is a completely different person now than he was when he betrayed Robb, I believe there could be an temporary alliance.

It is ironic that Roose Bolton and Walder Frey got paid back for the Red Wedding by Ramsey in Winterfell.

Roose was stabbed just like he did Robb and his bride and newborn son were slaughtered. Walder Frey lost a daughter, a grandson and an ally in the North. They broke the sacred guest rights pledge and got theirs.

The Gods seem to be flexing their muscles since eveyone in the Kingdom has decided that sacred oaths are worthless. The Gods are bringing back their tools.....the Dragons, the Unburnt, the Walking Dead, the Children of the Forest, the resurrection of Jon...

And Melissandre's curse with Gadrey?'s royal blood came through just as Jon Snow was reborn....the usurper Joffrey, the uspurper Robb Stark and the uspurper Balon Greyjoy are all dead......but so is Stannis who killed his own daughter for glory.....Stannis was supposed to win the War of the 5 Kings according to the Red Woman but maybe it was Jon all along
It is ironic that Roose Bolton and Walder Frey got paid back for the Red Wedding by Ramsey in Winterfell.

Roose was stabbed just like he did Robb and his bride and newborn son were slaughtered. Walder Frey lost a daughter, a grandson and an ally in the North. They broke the sacred guest rights pledge and got theirs.

The Gods seem to be flexing their muscles since eveyone in the Kingdom has decided that sacred oaths are worthless. The Gods are bringing back their tools.....the Dragons, the Unburnt, the Walking Dead, the Children of the Forest, the resurrection of Jon...

And Melissandre's curse with Gadrey?'s royal blood came through just as Jon Snow was reborn....the usurper Joffrey, the uspurper Robb Stark and the uspurper Balon Greyjoy are all dead......but so is Stannis who killed his own daughter for glory.....Stannis was supposed to win the War of the 5 Kings according to the Red Woman but maybe it was Jon all along

Maybe she is focusing on the wrong war?

Also, now that you mention Gendry.... this might be far out there... but I think he's the only legitimate child from Cersei & Robert...

If you go back to the story Cersei tells Catelyn in season 1... and the story that Gendry tells Eddard in season 1... it kind of adds up... she said her child "died" but I think she had him sent off because she didnt want any children from a Baratheon. ... not to mention he's older than all of her children..... AND, he's still out there..:eek:

But I digress :D

Man I miss the layers of the dialog in the first 4+ seasons!
I think an Iron born and Northern alliance is somewhat likely. Yes, that was part of Robb's down fall (breaking his vow was the larger reason by far), given that they have a common enemy and Theon is a completely different person now than he was when he betrayed Robb, I believe there could be an temporary alliance.

It was totally pointless for Theon to just leave Sansa without there being some kind of reason behind it.

I have a feeling the Iron Born will be apart of helping the Starks get back Winterfell.
It was totally pointless for Theon to just leave Sansa without there being some kind of reason behind it.

I have a feeling the Iron Born will be apart of helping the Starks get back Winterfell.

I think the Iron born will be more about bringing Dany to Westeros, but thats just a guess.
I think the Iron born will be more about bringing Dany to Westeros, but thats just a guess.

Possibly, she needs ships, they have ships, but outside of that, I can't see why they would form an alliance. The Greyjoys, albeit late fought against her family in Robert's rebellion (War of the usurper) and given their history, they would make poor long term allies (Asha is likely to be different from her father, but Daenerys doesn't know that). Not to mention Daenerys would find most of their tactics distasteful. Not saying it won't happen, just the writers have to give us something to make this alliance seem likely.

On that note, I can really only see Dorne siding with her at this moment. They want Lannister blood and given what their family did to her family, I do not see that bothering her. While Margery is queen, they will support the Lannisters, she would *never* side with the Baretheon's (Tommen is believed to be one). Once she learns the truth about Jon, and is made aware that Ned Stark did not want to see her dead (Varys was there) then I can see her forming an alliance with the remaining Starks and Tully's, who *may* have an alliance with the Vale, but Varys would warn her of littlefinger.
Possibly, she needs ships, they have ships, but outside of that, I can't see why they would form an alliance. The Greyjoys, albeit late fought against her family in Robert's rebellion (War of the usurper) and given their history, they would make poor long term allies (Asha is likely to be different from her father, but Daenerys doesn't know that). Not to mention Daenerys would find most of their tactics distasteful. Not saying it won't happen, just the writers have to give us something to make this alliance seem likely.

On that note, I can really only see Dorne siding with her at this moment. They want Lannister blood and given what their family did to her family, I do not see that bothering her. While Margery is queen, they will support the Lannisters, she would *never* side with the Baretheon's (Tommen is believed to be one). Once she learns the truth about Jon, and is made aware that Ned Stark did not want to see her dead (Varys was there) then I can see her forming an alliance with the remaining Starks and Tully's, who *may* have an alliance with the Vale, but Varys would warn her of littlefinger.

Holy crap. I completely forgot about that meeting where Robert wanted Danerys assassinated and Ned was completely opposed to it. That was before I was aware of the R+L theory and just assumed it was due to Neds honor at the time.
Holy crap. I completely forgot about that meeting where Robert wanted Danerys assassinated and Ned was completely opposed to it. That was before I was aware of the R+L theory and just assumed it was due to Neds honor at the time.

I know it isn't confirmed that there will only be one more season, but I just don't see how everything can be wrapped up in roughly 16 more episodes. Maybe, the Starks are able to take back Winterfell before the season ends, but that still leaves the Starks in rebellion versus the crown, so at best we have Winterfell, the Riverlands (assuming the Tully's retake it from the Frey's, likely with the help of the Starks) and the Vale versus Casterly Rock and High Garden. Possibly Theon Greyjoy convinces Asha of honoring the deal he made with Robb, and the iron born join against the Lannisters, who they despise as well, but that will take the entire season to hash out (not to mention this is more or less where we were in season 2.....).

So that still leaves us with when exactly does Daenerys come back to Westeros? Maybe she turns the tide against in this next War or maybe she doesn't arrive until the army of the dead is ready to march south.
I know it isn't confirmed that there will only be one more season, but I just don't see how everything can be wrapped up in roughly 16 more episodes. Maybe, the Starks are able to take back Winterfell before the season ends, but that still leaves the Starks in rebellion versus the crown, so at best we have Winterfell, the Riverlands (assuming the Tully's retake it from the Frey's, likely with the help of the Starks) and the Vale versus Casterly Rock and High Garden. Possibly Theon Greyjoy convinces Asha of honoring the deal he made with Robb, and the iron born join against the Lannisters, who they despise as well, but that will take the entire season to hash out (not to mention this is more or less where we were in season 2.....).

So that still leaves us with when exactly does Daenerys come back to Westeros? Maybe she turns the tide against in this next War or maybe she doesn't arrive until the army of the dead is ready to march south.

I think we will have a good idea of the direction the remaining seasons will go and how long they will continue by the season finale. Unless we see some major progression in the remaining 6 episodes, I just don't see 16 episodes being enough without it being rushed.

My prediction is we will see the conclusion of the Stark vs Bolton saga this season. I don't think Dany is going to be making her trip across the narrow sea just yet though. Unless she actually agrees to honor Tyrions offer, I think her 1st priority is going to be reclaiming her freed cities, which still leaves her in need of a fleet of ships big enough to carry 110k soldiers. That's a lot to squeeze into 6 more episodes.

So by seasons end, if she still hasn't made her way across the narrow sea, she will still need to retake the iron throne, conquer the remaindee of the 7 kingdoms, presumably unite with the Targaryarks and take on the White Walkers. Just Jon and Dany could fill up 16 episodes. That doesn't even begin to touch on the remainder of the characters plots. I just don't see how two more short seasons can give the show the conclusion it deserves.