Game of Thrones Season 6

Yea as said before, Khal Drogo was not brought back. He was dying and in essence was put in a comatose state. The Mountain was dying (could have died during the experiments) but was brought back via alchemy, not necessarily magic, so it's really not the same.

Magic has a effect on science.......i.e. Obsidian Candles getting lit
Jon "whatever *******s are called in Kings Landing- fleas???" Targaryen is now a Free Agent...he can join Aunt Dany and the Dragons......see ya loser Starks.....

His watch is over with his first death and the Nights Watch are a bunch of treasonous villains anyways(good luck against the White Walkers)

It was great having Bran see his father getting saved by a less than honorable but effective move

Ramsey isn't long for this World...either the Greyjoys or Brianne will take him out

Get them dragons in the air.....momma needs them

Tommen is no Joffrey.....someone needs to pimp slap the Sparrow

Don't really care about Sam, Dorne, Arya, Sansa, Mereen
I thought they did a good job with Arthur Dayne even though I didn't like the duel wielding. I think he was some one who lived up to his reputation. Not like Jamie and his tournaments.. he needs to do something with that left hand of his and quick.
I thought they did a good job with Arthur Dayne even though I didn't like the duel wielding. I think he was some one who lived up to his reputation. Not like Jamie and his tournaments.. he needs to do something with that left hand of his and quick.

I wanted him to take down the Sparrow and fight the FM right there at Marcella's funeral
"They think you're some kind of God. The man who returned from the dead."

"I'm not a God" -Jon

"I know that, I saw your *****. What kind of God would have a ***** that small."- Tormound

We can just end this thread right now. It can't get any better from this point. /Game over.
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oh snap, Dany has herself another Dothraki build some ships fast and takeover Westeros already! startin with Winterfell alongside nephew Jon lol....

I seriously never thought Id ever wanna see someone die on this show more than Joffrey, Ramsey got to go!! Cant wait to see his face when he realizes he's gonna lose Winterfell and the North, and his life......
So what happens after #SnowBowl? Does Bran meet Jon T at Winterfell and tell him of his true lineage? Does he end up with Dany and link up to take down the Tyrell army before dealing with the White Walkers? Or does the north civil war go on while Dany beings her Unsullied/Dothraki army to march on the Red Keep before joining Jon T. against the White Walkers? We're getting into uncharted territory here and the picture is becoming more blurry by the Sunday.
Dan and Dave's writing isn't as good without George R's reference material.... still a good show.... not as many layers...
oh snap, Dany has herself another Dothraki build some ships fast and takeover Westeros already! startin with Winterfell alongside nephew Jon lol....

I seriously never thought Id ever wanna see someone die on this show more than Joffrey, Ramsey got to go!! Cant wait to see his face when he realizes he's gonna lose Winterfell and the North, and his life......

gotta give him props for smelling out the girl last night however.
Could be mistaken...However I think one of the slaves/prostitutes that Tyion sent away with one of the masters was the one he caught that was killing the Unsullied. I think he was making a deal with her to secure her and her Son or daughters future. I wonder, if this was the one, if she is sent off to be a "bird" for Tyrion and Varys or if he sent the girl (and the other two) to kill the masters.

The wildings, Jon Snow going to go against Bolton...but now we have Little finger getting the knights of the Vale to go after the boltons as well...or is he? I think we know he wants Sansa and Winterfell and if he can take it with the Knights of the Vale it would make him happy but I don't know if he knows she is with Jon and they are going to get the wildings to fight bolton. This should be an interesting story line.

Also wonder how the Greyjoy story line will go with Theon on back and conceding the throne to his sister even though neither seems to know that the Uncle is back and he might want the throne. Wonder if they will go after Bolton now.

Danny and the Dathroki...will she take them back to Mereen and then raid the other two cities to free the slaves? Will she listen to Tyrions plans first? Will she Raid the cities before going back. Will the dothraki follow her or will they stay where they are and wait for her command?

Previews Showed Bran standing next to the White Walker Kings and they could not bring him back...I wonder what is going on there.

Not his episode but the past one with a Young Ned Stark at the tower of Joy...Howland Reed was the other survivor there. He is also the father of the Brother and Sister that helped Bran find the three eyed raven and the tree. One wonders if Lyanna Stark had twins and Jon has a sister...Ned takes Jon...Howland takes Meera as his daughter. She...kinda...looks a little like Jon and she was the warrior between her and her brother. Just something I have heard as a theory that could sound interesting.
Could be mistaken...However I think one of the slaves/prostitutes that Tyion sent away with one of the masters was the one he caught that was killing the Unsullied. I think he was making a deal with her to secure her and her Son or daughters future. I wonder, if this was the one, if she is sent off to be a "bird" for Tyrion and Varys or if he sent the girl (and the other two) to kill the masters.

The wildings, Jon Snow going to go against Bolton...but now we have Little finger getting the knights of the Vale to go after the boltons as well...or is he? I think we know he wants Sansa and Winterfell and if he can take it with the Knights of the Vale it would make him happy but I don't know if he knows she is with Jon and they are going to get the wildings to fight bolton. This should be an interesting story line.

Also wonder how the Greyjoy story line will go with Theon on back and conceding the throne to his sister even though neither seems to know that the Uncle is back and he might want the throne. Wonder if they will go after Bolton now.

Danny and the Dathroki...will she take them back to Mereen and then raid the other two cities to free the slaves? Will she listen to Tyrions plans first? Will she Raid the cities before going back. Will the dothraki follow her or will they stay where they are and wait for her command?

Previews Showed Bran standing next to the White Walker Kings and they could not bring him back...I wonder what is going on there.

Not his episode but the past one with a Young Ned Stark at the tower of Joy...Howland Reed was the other survivor there. He is also the father of the Brother and Sister that helped Bran find the three eyed raven and the tree. One wonders if Lyanna Stark had twins and Jon has a sister...Ned takes Jon...Howland takes Meera as his daughter. She...kinda...looks a little like Jon and she was the warrior between her and her brother. Just something I have heard as a theory that could sound interesting.

Yeah there's enough going on in the North to keep Jon busy for a long time. Between Ramsey, Baelish, the Greyjoys and the White Walkers, I am curious how and if/when Jon will link up with his Aunt(and Uncle maybe?). Seems like we are getting closer to Dany crossing the narrow sea, but I've thought that for about 2 seasons now.

An interesting note is that the Dothraki are a massive addition to Danys war chest(100k is what we've heard). The thing is, they also practice slavery. I'm wondering how it's going to go over when she tells the horde they can't practice their raping and slavery ways. I can't help but think there's going to be more than a bit of backlash and resistance, especially from a foreign woman of all things.
If we don't see Arya and dorne again I'll be happy.

It's all about Jon, Sansa and the unburnt :) that's the show for me.
One wonders if Lyanna Stark had twins and Jon has a sister...Ned takes Jon...Howland takes Meera as his daughter. She...kinda...looks a little like Jon and she was the warrior between her and her brother. Just something I have heard as a theory that could sound interesting.

I think Meera is not close enough to Jon's age to be his least based on how old they look on the show. I just hope this doesn't turn into everyone being a Targaryen.
As long as she isn't killed off, I am happy! Smokin.................:cool:


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