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Nothing like settling in to watch after the wife goes to bed only to find out I recorded it in Spanish 

I'm still catching up. 5 seasons in 2 weeks. What happened to sam? I missed it if he got whacked.
Everyone will be talking about Jon... What is also interesting that some will overlook is Tyrion and the dragons... Might play into Tyrion Targaryen theories
Jon will forgive him right away, and eventually win him back...thats my guess anyway.........unless Jon Snow's supposed Targaryen side starts to come about lol.....
yea, I thought about that. not sure if I believe those theories though
great show last night. You knew something was going to happen when the watch was getting ready to break in to the room Jon was in. And you knew when they all walked out of the room that the wolf or jon was going to do something. Cant wait till next week.
Refresh my memory someone. Theon was the son of the guy that killed on the bridge last night right? I dont rememer the guy that killed him. Has his brother been on the show before. some of the story lines are old and my brain is now what it once was.
Sam is good for now. PM me if you want to know what he is up to. Dont' want to put it down if you have not got caught up and don't want to know yet.
i wiki'd it and he's off on a mission from god it would seem. or something like that. i'm 100% caught up on which show is current but doing 5 years in 2 weeks - i've got some gaps to fill in while i keep sorting out who's who...and who's still alive.
or dead.
nevermind... >G<
I got my wife binge watching it with me a couple of weeks before it started. I wanted to watch it again from start to finish and she finally started watching it with me and is now hooked. Also a couple people at work were doing the same thing. So now they are pretty much caught up and watching the new season.
And I will say...after watching them alive the foreshadowing and set ups are really prevalent that one probably never noticed as much watching it the first time. Some of them have pretty much made it clear that many of the fan theories are true.
Oh....and since you know he is Gone...Sam wanted to get Gilly and the Baby away to keep them safe. However he also wanted to go to the Citadel to become a Maester and hopefully come back to the wall to fill in for the old Maester that was there.
Does anybody think it's a little "cheap" that GRRM can just bring back anyone whenever he wants? I mean, it happened in the show quite a few times and in the book even more. And so far it seems to be a little random why some people come back more human than others. For example, Khal Drogo came back and was so useless in full zombie mode that Daenerys had to smother him back to death. But then that one guy who died in the show a bunch of times seemed completely normal. And then (in the books) Lady Stoneheart can't speak, but that's understandable since her throat was slit. Just seems a little arbitrary. I mean, I guess Khal Drogo was pretty dumb to begin with. Or maybe the lady who resurrected him didn't know what she was doing. And I doubt Jon is gonna come back all zombie-ish otherwise it wouldn't even be worth bringing him back in the first place. In my opinion, it just seems a little cheap. Part of what originally made the show awesome to me was that anyone could die. I was shocked when Ned died in the first season. I was sure he would be the last man standing in the series finale. But now GRRM can just bring back whoever he wants. Seems like a cheap writing trick. I remember hearing some director/writing saying one time that "dreams" are such a cheap writing trick. This whole story unfolds and then the final scene shows it was all a dream. Well, I think this whole resurrection thing is a little cheap too.
Everyone will be talking about Jon... What is also interesting that some will overlook is Tyrion and the dragons... Might play into Tyrion Targaryen theories
Yeah, the Bolton Massacre kinda goes under the radar as well with all the Jon talk.
Never thought about it like that before, although its clear you have to find some kind of witch to bring anybody back....The Mountain doestn count cause that Maester did a Frankenstein and it was his first time.....The weirdest part to me was, supposedly Melisandre is hundreds of years old and she never once tried, or at least thought about, bringin someone back from the dead? seriously? she knew what to do and what spell(s) to chant....but that whole Davos askin her to do it and her bein all like huh? I couldnt posssibly.....and then 5 minutes later she's done it.....that part was a fail in my eyes.....
At first I was not sure who got who.
Does anybody think it's a little "cheap" that GRRM can just bring back anyone whenever he wants? I mean, it happened in the show quite a few times and in the book even more. And so far it seems to be a little random why some people come back more human than others. For example, Khal Drogo came back and was so useless in full zombie mode that Daenerys had to smother him back to death. But then that one guy who died in the show a bunch of times seemed completely normal. And then (in the books) Lady Stoneheart can't speak, but that's understandable since her throat was slit. Just seems a little arbitrary. I mean, I guess Khal Drogo was pretty dumb to begin with. Or maybe the lady who resurrected him didn't know what she was doing. And I doubt Jon is gonna come back all zombie-ish otherwise it wouldn't even be worth bringing him back in the first place. In my opinion, it just seems a little cheap. Part of what originally made the show awesome to me was that anyone could die. I was shocked when Ned died in the first season. I was sure he would be the last man standing in the series finale. But now GRRM can just bring back whoever he wants. Seems like a cheap writing trick. I remember hearing some director/writing saying one time that "dreams" are such a cheap writing trick. This whole story unfolds and then the final scene shows it was all a dream. Well, I think this whole resurrection thing is a little cheap too.
See I thought at first maybe the father got Ramsey because he knew he was a monster and would try and kill the new born... But Ramsey got him first. Soon as he opened the gates to the kennel I know poor mom and baby were going to the dogsNot just that, but a fat lady and new-born baby got eaten by dogs! That's crazy!