Game of Thrones Season 6

Does anybody think it's a little "cheap" that GRRM can just bring back anyone whenever he wants? I mean, it happened in the show quite a few times and in the book even more. And so far it seems to be a little random why some people come back more human than others. For example, Khal Drogo came back and was so useless in full zombie mode that Daenerys had to smother him back to death. But then that one guy who died in the show a bunch of times seemed completely normal. And then (in the books) Lady Stoneheart can't speak, but that's understandable since her throat was slit. Just seems a little arbitrary. I mean, I guess Khal Drogo was pretty dumb to begin with. Or maybe the lady who resurrected him didn't know what she was doing. And I doubt Jon is gonna come back all zombie-ish otherwise it wouldn't even be worth bringing him back in the first place. In my opinion, it just seems a little cheap. Part of what originally made the show awesome to me was that anyone could die. I was shocked when Ned died in the first season. I was sure he would be the last man standing in the series finale. But now GRRM can just bring back whoever he wants. Seems like a cheap writing trick. I remember hearing some director/writing saying one time that "dreams" are such a cheap writing trick. This whole story unfolds and then the final scene shows it was all a dream. Well, I think this whole resurrection thing is a little cheap too.

I disagree completely. It made pretty clear that bringing some back is a pretty complex thing and the possibility is limited to very few (looks like just followers of the red god). First you have Berric Dondarian brought back 6 or 7 times by the Thoros of Myr (red priest). The whole point of him coming back (from a story telling point) is the lay groundwork that is possible in this world. Its also made clear that there is a cost. Each time he came back, he was "less". That leads to Lady Stoneheart, and she only came back because the above mentioned Berric Dondarian gave his life (may ilves) to help make it happen, so there's some cost there.

For the show, the whole Berric Dondarian thing is to let the viewer know that this is possible. Otherwise, the first time red priest(ess) did that spell, it would have been with Jon Snow. Everyone would have cried foul then.

Khal Drogo came back a totally different way from the red priest way of doing it in that he never actually came back. The Witch who did that, did it to curse Danerys and it was a trick. She held up here end of the so called bargain by breathing air into Drogo but he was only technically alive, but in return, she killed Danerys' unborn child and also made her barren. Once Danny discovered this, she not only smothered Drogo, but burned the witch alive.

The detail, difficulty, and cost of doing this kind of thing is what keeps it from being cheap.
I got my wife binge watching it with me a couple of weeks before it started. I wanted to watch it again from start to finish and she finally started watching it with me and is now hooked. Also a couple people at work were doing the same thing. So now they are pretty much caught up and watching the new season.

And I will say...after watching them alive the foreshadowing and set ups are really prevalent that one probably never noticed as much watching it the first time. Some of them have pretty much made it clear that many of the fan theories are true.

Oh....and since you know he is Gone...Sam wanted to get Gilly and the Baby away to keep them safe. However he also wanted to go to the Citadel to become a Maester and hopefully come back to the wall to fill in for the old Maester that was there.

I watched every episode 2-3 times just for that reason... they would foreshadow seasons before an event would happen. That seems to be slowing now that they've caught up to the books...

And notes on Tyrion... go back and watch the arguments between him and his father...

his father echoed "your no son of mine!"
I'm going to throw in a prediction. The books haven't gone this far yet, so it's a total guess. I think Melissandre is going to be dead next episode. After she leaves, she either kills herself or the magic that kept her alive all these years is used up to bring John back. They find a old hag dead on the floor.
I did not initially but now...not so sure. Plus if you read the books you remember the one kid that was to have had targareon blood getting killed by the dragons when he went to them and they completely left that dead end story line out of the tv series.

Did he have Targareon blood? I thought he was the older son (not Tristan)of the Dorish ruler who got stabbed week 1. Could have some blood though
I'm going to throw in a prediction. The books haven't gone this far yet, so it's a total guess. I think Melissandre is going to be dead next episode. After she leaves, she either kills herself or the magic that kept her alive all these years is used up to bring John back. They find a old hag dead on the floor.

No way, finding out it actually worked is gonna re-new her faith in her visions, with Jon taking Stannis' place......
No way, finding out it actually worked is gonna re-new her faith in her visions, with Jon taking Stannis' place......

Well, I think either one is possible. We'll see what's happens pretty soon. I think she dies never knowing that Jon came back.
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No way, finding out it actually worked is gonna re-new her faith in her visions, with Jon taking Stannis' place......

I think she'll still be different. She's been humbled by her failures and I don't think she's the same as she was beside Stannis
Does anybody think it's a little "cheap" that GRRM can just bring back anyone whenever he wants? I mean, it happened in the show quite a few times and in the book even more. And so far it seems to be a little random why some people come back more human than others. For example, Khal Drogo came back and was so useless in full zombie mode that Daenerys had to smother him back to death. But then that one guy who died in the show a bunch of times seemed completely normal. And then (in the books) Lady Stoneheart can't speak, but that's understandable since her throat was slit. Just seems a little arbitrary. I mean, I guess Khal Drogo was pretty dumb to begin with. Or maybe the lady who resurrected him didn't know what she was doing. And I doubt Jon is gonna come back all zombie-ish otherwise it wouldn't even be worth bringing him back in the first place. In my opinion, it just seems a little cheap. Part of what originally made the show awesome to me was that anyone could die. I was shocked when Ned died in the first season. I was sure he would be the last man standing in the series finale. But now GRRM can just bring back whoever he wants. Seems like a cheap writing trick. I remember hearing some director/writing saying one time that "dreams" are such a cheap writing trick. This whole story unfolds and then the final scene shows it was all a dream. Well, I think this whole resurrection thing is a little cheap too.

Only 2 have come back on the show and 3 in the books (actually 2 since Jon hasn't happened yet). Drogo and the mountain did not die and come back. Drogo only died when Dany killed him, and the mountain has never died.
Only 2 have come back on the show and 3 in the books (actually 2 since Jon hasn't happened yet). Drogo and the mountain did not die and come back. Drogo only died when Dany killed him, and the mountain has never died.

And those revivals were hints to what is possible setting up the real important revival in the series.
Only 2 have come back on the show and 3 in the books (actually 2 since Jon hasn't happened yet). Drogo and the mountain did not die and come back. Drogo only died when Dany killed him, and the mountain has never died.

The mountain did die in the book and had his head removed and sent to Dorn. (hate that they didnt do that in the show). So his revival is even more magical/unnatural.
The mountain did die in the book and had his head removed and sent to Dorn. (hate that they didnt do that in the show). So his revival is even more magical/unnatural.

It's been too long since I read the books. I probably need to again once a release date for the 6th is announced.
The mountain did die in the book and had his head removed and sent to Dorn. (hate that they didnt do that in the show). So his revival is even more magical/unnatural.

Unless they sent a counterfeit skull to Dorne.
Does anybody think it's a little "cheap" that GRRM can just bring back anyone whenever he wants? I mean, it happened in the show quite a few times and in the book even more. And so far it seems to be a little random why some people come back more human than others. For example, Khal Drogo came back and was so useless in full zombie mode that Daenerys had to smother him back to death. But then that one guy who died in the show a bunch of times seemed completely normal. And then (in the books) Lady Stoneheart can't speak, but that's understandable since her throat was slit. Just seems a little arbitrary. I mean, I guess Khal Drogo was pretty dumb to begin with. Or maybe the lady who resurrected him didn't know what she was doing. And I doubt Jon is gonna come back all zombie-ish otherwise it wouldn't even be worth bringing him back in the first place. In my opinion, it just seems a little cheap. Part of what originally made the show awesome to me was that anyone could die. I was shocked when Ned died in the first season. I was sure he would be the last man standing in the series finale. But now GRRM can just bring back whoever he wants. Seems like a cheap writing trick. I remember hearing some director/writing saying one time that "dreams" are such a cheap writing trick. This whole story unfolds and then the final scene shows it was all a dream. Well, I think this whole resurrection thing is a little cheap too.

The whole story is based on magic, the Gods or spells....what ever you want to call it...fantasy

The bad guys are bringing back an entire army of the dead...they have to burn the bodies to prevent it

Daenerys walked into an inferno and survived after her Khal was almost brought back....Arya is learning about taking lives but having to pay for them with a life.....the Greyjoys motto is what is dead may never die.....Frankenmountain was reanimated....

Of all the things in the show....I have no problem with the magic.....I mean they have Dragons and Giants and Zombies and Ghost Baby Assassins.....
The whole story is based on magic, the Gods or spells....what ever you want to call it...fantasy

The bad guys are bringing back an entire army of the dead...they have to burn the bodies to prevent it

Daenerys walked into an inferno and survived after her Khal was almost brought back....Arya is learning about taking lives but having to pay for them with a life.....the Greyjoys motto is what is dead may never die.....Frankenmountain was reanimated....

Of all the things in the show....I have no problem with the magic.....I mean they have Dragons and Giants and Zombies and Ghost Baby Assassins.....

Yea as said before, Khal Drogo was not brought back. He was dying and in essence was put in a comatose state. The Mountain was dying (could have died during the experiments) but was brought back via alchemy, not necessarily magic, so it's really not the same.
The whole story is based on magic, the Gods or spells....what ever you want to call it...fantasy

The bad guys are bringing back an entire army of the dead...they have to burn the bodies to prevent it

Daenerys walked into an inferno and survived after her Khal was almost brought back....Arya is learning about taking lives but having to pay for them with a life.....the Greyjoys motto is what is dead may never die.....Frankenmountain was reanimated....

Of all the things in the show....I have no problem with the magic.....I mean they have Dragons and Giants and Zombies and Ghost Baby Assassins.....

Sure, but when part of your claim to fame is not being afraid to kill off central characters, it kinda cheapens it when you can just bring them back the following episode.
Sure, but when part of your claim to fame is not being afraid to kill off central characters, it kinda cheapens it when you can just bring them back the following episode.

not really when tons of major, popular characters have died and only a few came back.
Sure, but when part of your claim to fame is not being afraid to kill off central characters, it kinda cheapens it when you can just bring them back the following episode.

I don't think that was ever their claim to fame......Ned Stark's death was vital to the story, not his set the chaos in motion....

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