Garrett Got Outcoached


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But there was clearly meddling but JG last night the game plan was ultra conservative that is what is he does on the road against teams that don't have a high powered offense. It as been his MO for his whole career.

I see you sat in on all of the staff meetings when everything was decided and that's how you know exactly what happened. In other words your saying that sometimes the OC is only a figure head title when they lose but when the win then the OC isn't just a figure head title.


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The cowboys offense versus the Saints had garrett written all over it .

Its clear Garrett opressed moore's new offense, for his bland vanilla playbook .

It was the same vanilla Linehan combos from a year ago . Play action and presnap motions went out the window,

it was the same lame predictable offense we've seen from Garrett for a full decade now.


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LOL if you don't like what I say then ignore me. Too bad.

I see if I tell you how you sound and you don't like it that I should read your dribble or read it and just nor say anything. In other words users can't disagree with you.


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Here’s my issue. How the hell do you not take at least a couple deep shots vs these saints corners? I don’t think we were terrible on offense but made mistakes and played way to conservative.

First three games we threw the ball all over the field. This game we played scared and didn’t attempt to take advantage of a perceived saints weakness.

The counter argument to throwing so much is turnovers.... but we have a defense that can make up for mistakes. We have a quarterback that can make plays with his legs. Why we went back to what wasn’t working is beyond me.

Sometimes you have to dictate to the defense what you want to do and we failed at this


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So anytime we win— something other than Garrett is the cause— anytime we lose, all Garrett’s fault?


Actually, I'm trying to look on the bright side of things. Follow me now.

If talent lost to Bridgewater and co. on Sunday, that means our talent is poor, and indicates a steep decline from last year. That is not good for us. If coaching lost the game, however, our talent is still high, and we have a chance to do something this year. Which do you prefer?


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Actually, I'm trying to look on the bright side of things. Follow me now.

If talent lost to Bridgewater and co. on Sunday, that means our talent is poor, and indicates a steep decline from last year. That is not good for us. If coaching lost the game, however, our talent is still high, and we have a chance to do something this year. Which do you prefer?

You present a false dichotomy, and statements full of assumptions. Follow me now.

#1-- Assuming "talent" is what lost us the game, your conclusion is therefore our talent is poor? Really? Every SB winning team in history (save the 72 Dolphins) has lost at least one regular season game-- were they also "talent poor" as your statement suggests? Teams lose games every year. Sometimes gameplans suck. Sometimes players fail to execute. Sometimes refs blow calls. Great teams lose games every year-- doesn't mean their talent or their coaching is poor. Even the mighty Belichik and Brady lose games-- are they "talent poor"? They would be according to your theory. Next.

#2-- Because we lost on Sunday, apparently to you it indicates that we are in a "steep decline from last year"? Really? Last year we started 3-5. This year we are 3-1-- yet because we lost by 2 points to a team that was one blown call away from appearing in the SB last year-- your conclusion is that we are in "steep decline"? Lol. Whatevs

What happened Sunday is not rocket science my man. Our OL got whipped up front all game long. We could not run the ball. Our WRs struggled to get open consistently. We had two key fumbles that ended drives and gave NO momentum and points. In short-- we did not execute well on offense in a hostile environment. Move on.

Blaming Garrett for everything when we lose, and never giving him credit for anything when we win is simply a tired schtick.


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You present a false dichotomy, and statements full of assumptions. Follow me now.

#1-- Assuming "talent" is what lost us the game, your conclusion is therefore our talent is poor? Really? Every SB winning team in history (save the 72 Dolphins) has lost at least one regular season game-- were they also "talent poor" as your statement suggests? Teams lose games every year. Sometimes gameplans suck. Sometimes players fail to execute. Sometimes refs blow calls. Great teams lose games every year-- doesn't mean their talent or their coaching is poor. Even the mighty Belichik and Brady lose games-- are they "talent poor"? They would be according to your theory. Next.

#2-- Because we lost on Sunday, apparently to you it indicates that we are in a "steep decline from last year"? Really? Last year we started 3-5. This year we are 3-1-- yet because we lost by 2 points to a team that was one blown call away from appearing in the SB last year-- your conclusion is that we are in "steep decline"? Lol. Whatevs

What happened Sunday is not rocket science my man. Our OL got whipped up front all game long. We could not run the ball. Our WRs struggled to get open consistently. We had two key fumbles that ended drives and gave NO momentum and points. In short-- we did not execute well on offense in a hostile environment. Move on.

Blaming Garrett for everything when we lose, and never giving him credit for anything when we win is simply a tired schtick.

#1-- I'm not talking about all teams in all years. I am talking about the 2018 and 2019 Dallas Cowboys, respectively, attempting to gauge the year-to-year status based on two games against the Saints. Last year, the Saints were great, with Drew Brees at the helm. We beat them. This year, the Saints are great again, but now with a backup qb. We should have beat them again. We couldn't. Why is that? Is it because of coaching, or is it because of talent? That is the question.

#2-- How we started last year is of no import to these Dallas Cowboys. How we finished, however, is. Are we better or worse than last year? We beat the Saints last year and lost to them this. That indicates we are definitely worse.

Everyone blamed Linehan, but Garrett is the HC. He's the ultimate decider of what the offense will be, and the offense looked very much like a Garrett play-not-to-lose. The don't blame Garrett shtick is what's old, because when the blame is pretty clearly justified, folks like you are running pathetic interference.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Because Garrett enforced that lame azz offense of his onto Moore thats why. You think that the offense you saw was a Moore offense?

That was Garrett wanting to play safe and not to lose. Thus the reason why we lost was Garrett.

You think garret said moore can only call those plays?


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Maybe it is two teams not yielding an inch to each other. I will lean towards giving credit to the DCs. Hopefully that qualifies your question.
That is how I see it. Last year dallas won same type of game. The DC's get the credit for the wins.
I dont think JG has much control over offense or defense, he is the game mgr, that is it, and that is how the jones boys have it set up.
It was one game, and I think dallas players were overconfident, much like NO was last year.

It all does make the GB game more interesting.


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These last 13-15 years would make a great documentary if somebody made it. Going 13-3 twice with Superbowl dreams and not making an NFC Championship game. Along with stories about our crazy as hell owner/GM and offensive coordinator and eventual head coach. Not to mention the TO and Dez stuff. :laugh:


Cowboys Diehard
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JG prefers the ultra-conservative, playing-not-to-lose style of play that allows close away games to be decided by the refs in favor of the home team. It's a long-standing tendency that leaves the Cowboys far too vulnerable to defeat on the road. NFL refs are routinely inclined to favor the home team with close calls. Away games are best played aggressively by the visiting team to enhance its chances of winning.
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Pure and simple. Him not wanting Dak to throw the ball an rely just on Elliott running the ball was the reason why we lost. The Saints were loading the box. Yet time and again we kept running up the middle.

Moore is not at fault here. This is all on Garrett.
When things go well its Moore and when it doesnt its JG.....thats original


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Props to Garrett for having asinine fans in this forum , paid or not .

The most embarrassing post season record in a decade is earned by Garrett .

And somehow, some masochists want to defend garrett ?

"its not fair guys, he gets no credit when this team is good."

When was the team any good in post season under garrett ? ever ?


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Props to Garrett for having asinine fans in this forum , paid or not .

The most embarrassing post season record in a decade is earned by Garrett .

And somehow, some masochists want to defend garrett ?

"its not fair guys, he gets no credit when this team is good."

When was the team any good in post season under garrett ? ever ?

There's plenty of blame to go around for everyone. Your hatred and propensity to single out Garrett is well documented though. Thanks.


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Well he outcoached Payton last season...clown
don't you know, when we win against good teams, its not garrett, its the players, its the other coach having an off night, its the OC...but when we lose, he had all the influence and over ruled everyone and installed his bad offense and that's why we lost. the fumbles, missed passes, pass interference calls be damned.....


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After 10 garrett scapegoats , its finally catching up .
10 years ... of atrocious post season results .

Garrett Sucks <--- Document that too .