George Zimmerman charged with 2nd degree murder of Trayvon Martin **Read Post #142**

Cajuncowboy;4504401 said:
I don't know. Seems some people want Zimmerman killed right now. Skip the evidence, the trial, the sentencing and get right to the execution.

I would rather wait for the evidence and the wheels of justice to turn before I formulate an opinion about what happened.

There are people on both sides doing that. People attacking and bashing Trayvon's character and some going as far as to say that Trayvon deserved to die or that Zimmerman is a "Hero" for killing him and keeping the streets safe.

I don't want Zimmerman killed if he is guilty he should get time in prison
cajuncocoa;4504381 said:
Yes, and I'm sure you realize that the Manson family have already been on trial and have been sentenced. Zimmerman has yet to stand trial. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?

It is rare for individuals to believe innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases they have ever talked about.

I can guarantee you that most times people form opinions on someone's guilt or innocence without a court decision and sometimes even after a court's decision they still don't believe the verdict is correct.

I would lay down money that there are people here who would say innocent until proven guilty in some cases but if I laid out some things from various situations in the past there is no way they would stick with the innocent until proven mantra because they already think a person is guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty mantra more often than not is only used when someone feels about a person involved before the case.

Again it is pretty rare, or at least uncommon, for most to use the innocent until proven guilty mantra for ALL cases.
BrAinPaiNt;4504411 said:
It is rare for individuals to believe innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases they have ever talked about.

I can guarantee you that most times people form opinions on someone's guilt or innocence without a court decision and sometimes even after a court's decision they still don't believe the verdict is correct.

I would lay down money that there are people here who would say innocent until proven guilty in some cases but if I laid out some things from various situations in the past there is no way they would stick with the innocent until proven mantra because they already think a person is guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty mantra more often than not is only used when someone feels about a person involved before the case.

Again it is pretty rare, or at least uncommon, for most to use the innocent until proven guilty mantra for ALL cases.

Good ole Casey Anthony.
casmith07;4504185 said:
The law agrees.

Also, there was a timeline on television while I was watching CNN yesterday, basically breaking down the phone calls Martin made to his girlfriend, 911 calls, to the shooting, to the police arriving and taking Zimmerman in.

All of that time, plus the arrival at the police station, etc. leaves a time of about 4 to 5 minutes where Zimmerman would've received medical treatment from paramedics on the scene. If he had a busted nose and a gash on the back of his head gushing'd need more than 5 minutes to stop all of the bleeding.

He probably would have also had blood on his shirt.

I do not watch any lame stream media regarding this case,because:

-NBC doctored the 911 call.Fact
-ABC showed a poorly layered video of GZ arriving at the police station looking unhurt.Fact
-Everybody and their uncle kept showing outdated pictures of both parties involved.
-The media kept calling Zimmerman a "white hispanic".There's no such thing.That would make Obama a "white black".Think about it.
-The true untold story of both parties involved.A 28 year old family man who mentored black kids vs a 17 year old who had been suspended 3 times by his school district.Character does matter.
-This happened back in February.A month later all the rage?...why?.There were 40 shootings in Chicago on St Patrick's weekend.Ten dead including a six year old girl...why isn't this news?...does not fit the narrative?
-92.2% of black male murders are commited males.Does not fit the narrative?
-Daniel Adkins,of Phoenix was murdered under the same "Stand your ground" premise.The gunman is a black man.Does not fit the narrative?

Shame on the AG Eric Holder for not prosecuting the New Black Panther Party.They committed a felony by placing a bounty on a US citizen.

Shame on Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr for posting on twitter what they presumed to be Zimmerman's home address.

There are extraordinary circumstances in life when a man has to take another's life.In GZ's case he has already been judged and convicted.

Even if he is acquitted,his life is over.

I wonder if Daniel Adkins' shooter agrees...oh does not fit the narrative.
BrAinPaiNt;4504411 said:
It is rare for individuals to believe innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases they have ever talked about.

I can guarantee you that most times people form opinions on someone's guilt or innocence without a court decision and sometimes even after a court's decision they still don't believe the verdict is correct.

I would lay down money that there are people here who would say innocent until proven guilty in some cases but if I laid out some things from various situations in the past there is no way they would stick with the innocent until proven mantra because they already think a person is guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty mantra more often than not is only used when someone feels about a person involved before the case.

Again it is pretty rare, or at least uncommon, for most to use the innocent until proven guilty mantra for ALL cases.

Yes, I realize that, but I'm not just talking about people expressing verbal opinions. Rarely does it get to the point where the accused is threatened with life-threatening bodily harm (NBP bounty) before the trial even begins.
casmith07;4504415 said:
Good ole Casey Anthony.

There are other examples from the past that lead me to believe that just waiting for all the evidence, innocent until proven guilty does not apply to all cases from people because I have seen the exact opposite where people have already formed an opinion of someone being guilty of something and they will not budge on that even after some may have been found innocent in a court of law.

Now I am not saying that people don't have the right to feel someone is innocent or guilty before or after a trial...I think that is pretty human and pretty common. The point I make is that it is rare for someone to think innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases. And although those that won't preach the mantra of innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases, they sure will bring it out for those that they have formed opinions on already even if they claim they have not.
MetalHead;4504420 said:
Even if he is acquitted,his life is over.

He should have stayed in his truck and let the police handle the situation.

He has nobody to blame for any consequences of this case but himself, regardless of the outcome.
cajuncocoa;4504422 said:
Yes, I realize that, but I'm not just talking about people expressing verbal opinions. Rarely does it get to the point where the accused is threatened with life-threatening bodily harm (NBP bounty) before the trial even begins.

"Citizen's Arrest" ≠ "Life-Threatening Bodily Harm".
BrAinPaiNt;4504426 said:
There are other examples from the past that lead me to believe that just waiting for all the evidence, innocent until proven guilty does not apply to all cases from people because I have seen the exact opposite where people have already formed an opinion of someone being guilty of something and they will not budge on that even after some may have been found innocent in a court of law.

Now I am not saying that people don't have the right to feel someone is innocent or guilty before or after a trial...I think that is pretty human and pretty common. The point I make is that it is rare for someone to think innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases. And although those that won't preach the mantra of innocent until proven guilty for ALL cases, they sure will bring it out for those that they have formed opinions on already even if they claim they have not.
You're missing the point: how many of those people had a bounty put on their head before the trial? Or even after, if they were found not guilty (contrary to public opinion)?
casmith07;4504429 said:
"Citizen's Arrest" ≠ "Life-Threatening Bodily Harm".

What part of "Dead or Alive" are you not understanding?
Romo_To_Dez;4504405 said:
There are people on both sides doing that. People attacking and bashing Trayvon's character and some going as far as to say that Trayvon deserved to die or that Zimmerman is a "Hero" for killing him and keeping the streets safe.

I don't want Zimmerman killed if he is guilty he should get time in prison

I have not heard or seen anything like that at all. And if they are they are knuckleheads.
cajuncocoa;4504422 said:
Yes, I realize that, but I'm not just talking about people expressing verbal opinions. Rarely does it get to the point where the accused is threatened with life-threatening bodily harm (NBP bounty) before the trial even begins.

There are threats against people and their families for a multitude of reasons and some that have nothing to do with a law case, shooting, killing death.

Coaches and players get death threats from people because a player did not make a catch or a tackle or a coach did not call a play or made a decision that was not well received.

Heck there have been times on this very forum where posters have wished death or hurt on people before the trials.

There are also many polarizing public figures that have gotten death threats over the years and were not accused of any crime.

And finally I will say that many times when one guy shoots someone that is unarmed and that person was not on their property, was not stealing from them...they usually go to trial for shooting the person. If not for the public outcry in this situation one guy would be dead and the other guy would not have to go to trial because the police department and legal department did not even take him to trial. That was the main reason for most of the initial and continued outrage over this situation. The shooter in this case was not even going to be sent to trial to see if he was innocent or guilty.
cajuncocoa;4504433 said:

What part of "Dead or Alive" are you not understanding?

This didn't seem to matter last night and it doesn't matter tonight. As Burm said earlier, it doesn't fit their narrative.
BrAinPaiNt;4504438 said:
There are threats against people and their families for a multitude of reasons and some that have nothing to do with a law case, shooting, killing death.

Coaches and players get death threats from people because a player did not make a catch or a tackle or a coach did not call a play or made a decision that was not well received.

Heck there have been times on this very forum where posters have wished death or hurt on people before the trials.

There are also many polarizing public figures that have gotten death threats over the years and were not accused of any crime.

And finally I will say that many times when one guy shoots someone that is unarmed and that person was not on their property, was not stealing from them...they usually go to trial for shooting the person. If not for the public outcry in this situation one guy would be dead and the other guy would not have to go to trial because the police department and legal department did not even take him to trial. That was the main reason for most of the initial and continued outrage over this situation. The shooter in this case was not even going to be sent to trial to see if he was innocent or guilty.

The fact that something happens many times doesn't make it right. Shouldn't we strive to do better?
BrAinPaiNt;4504438 said:
There are threats against people and their families for a multitude of reasons and some that have nothing to do with a law case, shooting, killing death.

Coaches and players get death threats from people because a player did not make a catch or a tackle or a coach did not call a play or made a decision that was not well received.

Heck there have been times on this very forum where posters have wished death or hurt on people before the trials.

There are also many polarizing public figures that have gotten death threats over the years and were not accused of any crime.

And finally I will say that many times when one guy shoots someone that is unarmed and that person was not on their property, was not stealing from them...they usually go to trial for shooting the person. If not for the public outcry in this situation one guy would be dead and the other guy would not have to go to trial because the police department and legal department did not even take him to trial. That was the main reason for most of the initial and continued outrage over this situation. The shooter in this case was not even going to be sent to trial to see if he was innocent or guilty.

Wow! Pretty cool Brain. Can you tell us exactly which date were you in the prosecutors office when they made this decision to not prosecute?

You know they weren't gathering evidence in the interim so I am sure you can tell us when that was made clear to you during your visit with them.
casmith07;4504428 said:
He should have stayed in his truck and let the police handle the situation.

He has nobody to blame for any consequences of this case but himself, regardless of the outcome.

For whatever reason he did rush to judgment on Trayvon and assumed that Trayvon was doing something wrong or about to break the law.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep you Neighborhood safe, however I don't think that you should try to follow or pursue a "Suspicious" person unless that person is currently in the act of assaulting/hurting someone then you should wait for the cops.
cajuncocoa;4504440 said:
The fact that something happens many times doesn't make it right. Shouldn't we strive to do better?

We should strive to better. Two wrongs don't make a right. And saying I will wait for the evidence and what happened to innocent until proven guilty mantra said by some when I have seen the exact opposite in other cases proves my point that I was making that it is rare for a person to believe that in all cases and more common for them to use those mantras in cases that better fit whatever views they have aka preconceived notion if someone is innocent or guilty already.
BrAinPaiNt;4504445 said:
We should strive to better. Two wrongs don't make a right. And saying I will wait for the evidence and what happened to innocent until proven guilty mantra said by some when I have seen the exact opposite in other cases proves my point that I was making that it is rare for a person to believe that in all cases and more common for them to use those mantras in cases that better fit whatever views they have aka preconceived notion if someone is innocent or guilty already.

Got an example of this?
Cajuncowboy;4504434 said:
I have not heard or seen anything like that at all. And if they are they are knuckleheads.

There have been comments like this on the related Youtube videos and on News Articles by Zimmerman supporters. Yes that does make them knuckleheads.

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