Golden Tate's hit on Sean Lee

iowast8rs;4733882 said:
I believe in Karma, Tate will get his, and I will laugh.

It was a dirty hit and he will get fined. But you really have to give him and Seattle credit for having that killer instinct "mama said knock you out" mentalily. When was last time Dallas even remotely looked like that.
StevenOtero;4733899 said:
I get that a lot of us can't let this loss go, but for the love of god let this play go. You can bet your bottom dollar that Sean Lee is focused on the Bucs. Why aren't you?

I hope so. I hope in the back of his mind he is not worried about the next illegal cheap shot and stays focused. I really hope there are no major lingering issues as a result.

I am still wondering why no one laid out the little POS after he cheap shot Lee. Illegal hits are illegal for a reason. The NFL seems to making a real effort at player safety, but the clowns officiating yesterday never got the note.
I watched the replay......

He might of got some helmet to helmet contact....but it was a hell of a block...

If one of our players blocked a LB like that....we would be all so proud..... hit....but Tate will probably get fined because there was some head contact.

I dont think it was cheap or intent to injure.....he put his shoulder forward and layed Lee out.....

Im glad Lee isnt injured.....but we shouldnt get so upset about a football block....

NFL is already too much like flag football.....
Falcon554;4733898 said:
But he is right, its freaking football! Lee got hit hard, so what. LET IT GO

So no rules right? The moronic chant of "It's football" covers all. Which rules should be applied and which ones should be disregarded?

So if someone breaks Romo's neck with an illegal hit you are OK with it? That is just asinine.

This was a great site in it's prime. Unfortunately many posters have no idea what the hell they are talking about.

Im sorry....I just see much wrong with this block....
Miles Austin is probably bigger guy than Tate. But when was the last time he went for a block that sent that kind of message to other team.
Wood;4733990 said:
Miles Austin is probably bigger guy than Tate. But when was the last time he went for a block that sent that kind of message to other team.

So if he did that to Romo you would just fine with it? You are crazy.

There are many ways to hit a player hard within the rules and the seabirds did it many times yesterday.

That little punk Tate did not. He is a cheap shot clown that should have had his head ripped off by someone on our team. I am still shocked no one did a damn thing about the illegal cheap shot.
IAMKING;4731558 said:
Not a cheap shot. Lee was in the play should he expect not to be blocked?
It was in today's rules...and he will be fined for it.

That should have been a drive-killing penalty.
This is actually getting a lot of discussion on the radio in Dallas. Someone should have done something. Instead this team walks around like zombies every game.
Mash;4733988 said:

Im sorry....I just see much wrong with this block....

From that angle it looks as though he got him in the upper chest and quite legal.
Noryb;4734027 said:
From that angle it looks as though he got him in the upper chest and quite legal.
You can't circle back like that anymore.
Whether he hit him in the head or not is another question altogether.

That was an easy call.
Noryb;4734027 said:
From that angle it looks as though he got him in the upper chest and quite legal.

Amazing how we can watch the same clip and see two different things..The crown of the helmet is not a legal hit
Ware just continues right by like nothing happened. He saw it too but decided to keep strolling along. Love Ware the player, hate his personality as a "leader".
Wood;4733990 said:
Miles Austin is probably bigger guy than Tate. But when was the last time he went for a block that sent that kind of message to other team.
Great, just by posting that you made him pull his hammy.
I'm not sure if this was brought up but didn't the NFL make a blindside block like that illegal? I thought they did that since the Hines Ward block on Rivers.
Illegal block -- probably.

Dirty? Heck no. I didn't see one iota of dirty in that block.
DFWJC;4734034 said:
You can't circle back like that anymore.
Whether he hit him in the head or not is another question altogether.

That was an easy call.

Seriously, you can't turn around and block a guy who is in pursuit of a runner? That's a head scratcher.
cowboy_ron;4734036 said:
Amazing how we can watch the same clip and see two different things..The crown of the helmet is not a legal hit

Yeah it is because I don't see the crown of his helmet make contact with anything. It looks to me as if his left shoulder and the left side of his head made contact with Lee's upper chest.

I surely don't see helmet to helmet contact which is supported by the fact that Lee didn't suffer a concussion and only got the wind knocked out of him.

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