Gunman kills 12, injures 59 during screening of Batman movie in Aurora, CO

Vtwin;4627122 said:

Am I understanding this correctly. You cannot legally carry the smaller calibers but can legally carry .38 and larger?

FWIW a Glock 19 conceals real nice. 9mm
It may only be .25 and .22 that you can't get a carry permit for. You have to be able to drop the perp I guess.

Love the 19 personally. I currently have a Ruger .357 and the .25 which is wallet sized. Easy conceal.
ethiostar;4627139 said:
Great and well reasoned post!

Another question is, what happens when/if the police arrive at the scene? How do they identify the aggressor when they see more than one gunman firing in a dark, smokey, and closed-in space?

Interesting about the police and the tear gas...Saw a tweet, don't know if true or not...

Patrick Southern ‏@patricksouthern
Wow. Police audio from shooting: "Get us some damn gas masks to Theater 9! We can't get in there!" http://******/QgGLiv! (via @1430theBUZZ)
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ethiostar;4627139 said:
Great and well reasoned post!

Another question is, what happens when/if the police arrive at the scene? How do they identify the aggressor when they see more than one gunman firing in a dark, smokey, and closed-in space?
If I have been firing, or am armed, I raise my hands and surrender and let them do their jobs. They will find me innocent. I am not the problem, but I will make their job as easy as I can and not give them reason to fear me beyond the initial impression. No matter how long it takes.
BrAinPaiNt;4627144 said:
Interesting about the police and the tear gas...Saw a tweet, don't know if true or not...

Patrick Southern ‏@patricksouthern
Wow. Police audio from shooting: "Get us some damn gas masks to Theater 9! We can't get in there!" http://******/QgGLiv! (via @1430theBUZZ)
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Denim Chicken;4627043 said:
So by that rational the police would not have had a chance either? From what I heard the tear gas was'nt effective. And even if you were not able to put him down, perhaps you could have distracted him long enough for some women and children to escape, which IMO, would be totoally worth it.

This is something to keep an eye on for more information. I don't even know how you define effective in this situation.
Trendnet;4627127 said:
This always interested me.

You're right this is Real life.

I was always trained to identify your target before firing.

In this case it's midnight, it's dark, you're unprepared.

Suddenly, smoke hits, gunfire rings out, people start screaming. I identify the shooter on the bottom left. You're behind me, and react quickly and start firing. Now I have two targets. A third person gets in, he's not really trained, he's firing wildly. Now I have three targets.

I don't know who's hostile.

I do know, I'll take out my first target on the bottom left. Now, how do I know you're not a hostile target? I'm willing to bet I have better training than you... you and that joe schmore are next on my list to take out... better safe than sorry, no?

Conversly, how do you know I'm not an aggressor? Will you shoot me too? Will you go after joe schome who's ducking behind the seats, but still shooting his pistol over it and at everything?

3 other armed people firing in the theater, not including you. You don't know any of them. How do you identify your targets?
This is a really outstanding post. It will not change my views, and I hope you can respect that. You bring up solid points. I will just say this, I would rather die, and have a few people get away and live than to let a rampage go on. Whether the gunman kills me, another person fears I am the gunman, or the cops. I will try and stop the monster. If others won't, I will respect that. But I cannot idly sit by nor run. I'm not wired that way.

Great post again. Truly well thought out and presented. Much respect.
According to one source, the movie theater was in a Gun Free Zone. However, I can't get corroboration on that.
A person could be armed and willing to fire in this situation, but the exact circumstances could dictate reasons why they didn't discharge their firearm. Perhaps they see a small window of opportunity to escort others out of the immediate area and don't want them to go alone not knowing if there may be other attackers in the vicinity.
RS12;4627003 said:
Unfortunate that in a country of 300 million that there are a handful capable of something like this. Worst part is he was too gutless to take his own life.

That is interesting. In past similar cases, the gunmen were considered gutless for offing themselves. My opinion is they are gutless no matter what.
joseephuss;4627178 said:
That is interesting. In past similar cases, the gunmen were considered gutless for offing themselves. My opinion is they are gutless no matter what.

Well I don't know if they are gutless whether they take their own life or not.

However I would rather them be gutless in the sense that they have a big gaping hole where their guts were at one time. :)
joseephuss;4627178 said:
That is interesting. In past similar cases, the gunmen were considered gutless for offing themselves. My opinion is they are gutless no matter what.

Of course they are gutless either way. Slaughter is slaughter. I'd just rather beyond the suffering this guy already caused that tax payers didnt have to suffer for decades being on the hook for him. Most mind boggling part is he goes from med school to mass murderer. Obviously at one point there had to be some inteligence and reason between his ears.
Sam I Am;4626886 said:
If I heard correctly on the news this morning, they got the guy already right.

Bring back public execution.

Never gonna happen sadly...........

He should be taken out into a field tomorrow and shot at the base of his neck and any organs harvested and given to those in need.
Romo_To_Dez;4627188 said:
Smirking like he's proud of what he did or doesn't care about what he did makes me sick.
He would look better with more holes in him than Bonnie and Clydes car
Romo_To_Dez;4627188 said:
Smirking like he's proud of what he did or doesn't care about what he did makes me sick.

It's an old photo. It isn't a mugshot.

***It's actually a school photo.
Achilleslastand;4627196 said:
Never gonna happen sadly...........

He should be taken out into a field tomorrow and shot at the base of his neck and any organs harvested and given to those in need.

Probably would have already happened in China.

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