Hard Knox Chat

I really enjoyed the show. Everything about the team seemed polished and precise. Kinda got a German vibe watching the meetings. The polished conference rooms with the video screens. I can only compare this to the Chief's Hard Knocks last year. But there was such a difference in atmosphere. In KC, things looked like a sweaty blue collar outfit. The offices looked like cube farms from a low margin retail corporate headquarters.

All the stars (Romo, TO, Witten) were Serious even when they were being funny. The Garrett Bros. put the fear of God into me. Even in light moments like the punt catching, it was very hard core fun. Heck, even the Bananas and plums looked like Jerry hired a caterer to create them.

I guess at the end I felt like everyone was working like a well oiled machine. They were focused like a laser beam on winning. Just hope they arent brittle.

InmanRoshi;2178947 said:
As I said on draft day, if Bennett becomes .0000001% of the player he thinks he already is, he'll be the greatest TE in the history of the NFL.

bbailey423;2178964 said:
maretllus bennet seems to be in over his head....he looks like a kid that wanted the nfl for the fame and money it can bring...as opposed to someone who is going to do everything necessary to ensure a 10 year career.

why would we take such a gamble with a pick this high?

sorry if this upsets some of you....but nothing about him says professional or hungry or coachable

Unfortunately I have to agree 1000%. Especially distressing seeing the scene with Garrett telling him to put the ball high and tight and at first, he just ignored it, then grudgingly did so.
I liked Wade. Last year it was camp cupcake this year, camp marshmellow.

It is easy to tell that Jason Garrett is a very good coach.

No wonder everyone could tell right away that he has what it takes.
CaptainAmerica;2178994 said:
Yeah, that was definitely my impression.

Gotta give credit to Wade for putting aside his ego and recognizing that having Garrett again as one of his coordinators gives him the best chance to win. Not as if he had any other choice, but still Wade handles it well.
I see it as he had to.
If he didn't, the alternative to keep Garrett would be to fire Wade and promote Garrett to HC this year.
I'm sure JJ told him to go along with the program because it's no secret JG is the future HC in Dallas.

The one thing I didn't like about the show was how they focused on 2 players that have no chance of making the team. (Lattimore and the ex-Giant kid) One would have been enough.

I hope in the upcoming episodes they get away from them and on to guys who are on the cusp like Amendola, Oglesby, Carpenter, etc.

And it ended 10 minutes early?
I had this TIVO'ed and just got done watching it.

I love our team this offseason, we have a confident swagger that suggests Super Bowl or bust.

TO was at a minimum, no Jessica antics, this was a great hour of TV for Cowboy fans.
And we diddnt hear a word from MB3, hopefully he can give us some entertainment as the preseason goes on.
I just got done watching and loved it. It was a great show. Gonna download it again when I get home so I can watch it another time.

I really liked the overall attitude of the entire team. Jerry's intro speech made me thank god that he is the owner. I only wish he would have figured things out about 10 years sooner.

I don't know what to think about Bennett. He has an AWESOME puppy but I think hes a little bit of an oddity. When the TE coach was telling him to tuck the ball, he seemed to just want to get it over with and it took him forever to comply. He seems almost like he doesn't take the advice really well and is trying to just comply only to get the coaches to move on to another player.

I really liked the section on Roy. Its good to see that the coaching staff is doing everything they can to get him back and its really good to hear them comment that he is improving. I also noticed that when he was hitting Hamlin that he was making a strong effort to wrap Hamlin up. Getting the old Roy back would make this defense unstoppable. Fingers are crossed.
I agree with everyone on Martellus.

It seems like he's there to get his checks and bounce.
The show was awesome. My whole family sat and watched and we were sad to see it end. Everyone seemed focused. Bennett's attitude did seem to be a little rebellious. We'll see.
its 445 here in cailfornia. i haven't slept yet. i stayed up to watch this show. I love the cowboys.
dangerdoom;2179219 said:
I agree with everyone on Martellus.

It seems like he's there to get his checks and bounce.

Well, one thing you can count on is the guys in the locker room not letting him be a slouch. The team is so close that they cannot afford to have someone be a slacker, especially a rookie.

I also loved Zach Thomas' part where he talks about hoping to go out like Strahan. Theres guys in the league who just deserve to win and I think Thomas is one of them.
I felt like tackling someone after the show. I'm ready to play a game after that. Great show. Did anyone find it a little ackward to see Pac playing pranks and "welcoming" a rook to The Dallas Cowboys? Hey Pac.. you just got here yourself... and you have that reinstatement thing bud..
Cbz40;2178884 said:
I was very impressed with our coaching staff....tuff, fair, paying attention to detail......most of all they all seem to be excellent "teachers"...Again very impressed.

These guys on our staff are special. Think about Bum Phillips down to Stanford's Garrett to Dave Campo. These guys are exactly what you say, good teachers. I hope their results reflect on the field this year....

On another note, our players have had good teachers along the way which makes them better students as well.

This should be fun, in spite of the HBO media frenzy.
Cowboysfan22;2179242 said:
Will it be on any other channel besides HBO like FOX because I don't get HBO.:confused:

no but there is Another thread that has found a site that has the season for viewing.

Great quality on that site. Its a little tricky to use so if you have some problems check my post in that other thread with the picture circling the link that you must have open to watch the movie.
are you kidding? I loved how pac is fooling around with the team.. that's great to see. In fact, he was literally makin' it rain haha

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