Hardy maybe drawing some interest


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Rivera tried to keep him in Carolina. If not for the bible thumping owner he would have stayed a Panther. Fresh off the charges no less.

And the Panther players were saying last year around SB time they never wanted him gone.


The Actualist
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Yep. That's what I've said elsewhere. If Hardy was a real trouble maker in Dallas, this would be the first time we've heard such a thing about him.

It's been all over the news how Hardy castrated Garrett in front of everyone. The Kraken is loose, and his 'life style choices' with legal and illegal substance use and how those vices infected other teammates like Gregory, are likely a major determining issue as well.


Fattening up
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In this case, the coach is acting like a moron. 'Coming out guns a blazing' is a very common term. If he said 'I plan on hitting the ground running' would Garrett be offended that he didn't consider plane crash victims? And this is the same coach that kept Josh Brent around, despite having killed Jerry Brown from a DUI and then failing drug tests after his arrest.

I can't imagine Jimmy Johnson (and I'm not the biggest Jimmy Johnson fan, but he didn't have an issue with Haley), getting on Hardy for saying he's going to come out guns ablazing.

It was word policing by Garrett and he didn't handle Hardy well because he is too busy with his pet cats and RKG's and seemingly can't bother to coach some players that he doesn't like,


The whole thing was massively overblown. But the combination of the common guns cliche and the mild objectifying of another player's wife was dumb on Hardy's part.

For the record, here's what Garrett had to say publicly about the kerfuffle:

"We just addressed it immediately. That's not how we want to operate as an organization," Garrett said. "Players and coaches in our organization understand that. We want to distinguish ourselves with our play, not with what we say. We want to define ourselves with what we do not by what we say. I think Greg understands that now and that's how we want to proceed going forward."

Garrett said Hardy was receptive, respectful and appreciated the coach's comments, "and hopefully he will handle it the right way going forward."

Pretty mild.

The troubles with Hardy seemed to flare up starting the week of the second PHI game when the writer from PHI 'broke' the story with the pictures of the bruises. From my armchair, it seemed like that upset/depressed Hardy and precipitated his troubles at the end of the year. It's hard to say, because we don't have much info about what really went on, but I don't personally think any of it was related to the dumb comments about guns blazing from earlier in the year.


Fattening up
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It's been all over the news how Hardy castrated Garrett in front of everyone. The Kraken is loose, and his 'life style choices' with legal and illegal substance use and how those vices infected other teammates like Gregory, are likely a major determining issue as well.

It really hasn't been. It's just something a subset of Cowboys fans choose to believe. Castrated himself out of a job, perhaps, but we don't even know that much.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Because Aqil Talib didn't have off the field concerns? You basically just contradicted yourself, when you said they knew they were going to lose him.

You can read what you want into that comment but you'll be licking your wounds when I'm done. lol I said the Chandler Jones trade was "reportedly" party due to off the field concerns this according to NFL Network. It's supported by the fact that Jones is an excellent player who put up 36 sacks his first 4 seasons in NE so there had to be some off the field concerns that had the Pats hesitant about signing him to a huge contract extension. Jones a productive young pass rusher would garner a mega contact in free agency so the Pats not wanting to invest long-term on a huge contract with a lot of guaranteed money traded him so they could get something for him.

The Pats were going to lose him because they wanted to lose him which is why they traded him. As for Talib he had off the field concerns but the Pats never locked him up long-term with a big contract. The aggravated assault charge against him in 2012 was dropped prior to the Pats signing him. They picked him up during the 2012 season prior to the murder charge against Hernandez and signed him to a low risk one year contract to play in 2013. When he became a free agent after the 2013 season the Pats were done with him and he signed a huge free agent contract with Denver. That was certainly easy now go dust yourself off!


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What amazes me the most is cutting decent players for dress code violations, but leaving people like Street on the roster who bring literally nothing but a suit on game day, and they are going to let Hardy go because he was late to meetings, but keep people like Street and Hayden on the roster because why? They show up on time in a suit? Give me a break.

Street actually had a really great toe line TD this season. I know what your trying to say.

Personally I think Hardy brought a passion and was huge at the Patriots in the first half. ...before or defense stayed in the field all game

I want football players. ..period. Tired of being the laughing stock of the league. It's time to stand up and take back our rightful place at the top


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Oh really, because AP seemed to do just fine last year.

AP's situation was a little different he was accused of disciplining his child with a switch and made a mistake. He wasn't punching and choking anyone. He's doing just fine because he's a good guy who made a mistake. He doesn't come off like an angry thug everyone likes him because he's likable. He's had a couple of off the field issues but there's not this fear he's going to fracture a locker room and become a distraction. He's very well respected amongst his teammates and peers around the NFL. He's handled himself well since the incident with his child and his reputation although tarnished some is still intact. If he was available there would be a mad dash to sign him.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Give it up.. DLaw is no Greg Hardy..

Just stop.. Yeah, you don't like the guy, but don't come with this nonsense as regards talent level between the two..

Who said DLaw is Hardy??? Not once have I compared their talent you're just reading what you want into my comments. Keep spinning them and I'll just keep opening up those wounds you're still licking from my previous replies. lol I posted that DLaw had more sacks last season than Hardy did his first 2 seasons but no one is saying DLaw is the "player" Hardy is. Breaking you down is like target practice.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Lmao.. He didn't start his first season and still forced 2 fumbles and one safety. His second season, he started he posted 38 tackles, right around his average, one safety, and 11 PASS DEFLECTIONS. He took major steps each year he played.

But yeah, DLaw and his 7 total sacks his first two years or whatever facing single coverage because of Hardy..

You've gone off the deep end with your Hardy hate that your denying his talent.

DLaw missed most of training camp his rookie season with an injury and didn't return until week 9 and made one of the biggest plays of the season in the playoffs with a sack and fumble recovery against the Lions that saved that game. Although he didn't have a regular season sack his rookie year he had 2 sacks and a fumble recovery in the playoffs. Can you provide anything I can't shoot down? LOL You're walking around like a giant bullseye that say's "SHOOT ME." You're more full of holes than our defense. The only one who's going off the deep end is you with this agenda to read what you want into my comments. Keep getting things twisted and I'll have you running for cover. :flagwave:


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Lets get this deal done.. If he signs somewhere else it'll be a huge blow


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DLaw missed most of training camp his rookie season with an injury and didn't return until week 9 and made one of the biggest plays of the season in the playoffs with a sack and fumble recovery against the Lions that saved that game. Although he didn't have a regular season sack his rookie year he had 2 sacks and a fumble recovery in the playoffs. Can you provide anything I can't shoot down? LOL You're walking around like a giant bullseye that say's "SHOOT ME." You're more full of holes than our defense. The only one who's going off the deep end is you with this agenda to read what you want into my comments. Keep getting things twisted and I'll have you running for cover. :flagwave:

Oh wow...

The guy did absolutely nothing the whole year, while playing seven games and gets a sack with forty seconds left on a 4th and 3 with Detroit behind, forcing a fumble and suddenly his rookie year is evident of greatness?

Oh yeah, it's not like he even fumbled a few plays before a recovered ball, after Spencer sacked Stafford forcing a fumble, which would have effectively ended the game.

Wow!!! Two fumbles, one in which wasn't even caused by himself and he have right back to Detroit.

Followed by him not doing anything all of last season, until Hardy actually got on the field. Our defense was garbage without Hardy, no matter which way you spin it.

Dude, Lawrence showed some promise last year at the end of the season, but your seriously on something if you think that your rant on trying to make him like Hardy is rational, and has nothing to do with hate.


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You can read what you want into that comment but you'll be licking your wounds when I'm done. lol I said the Chandler Jones trade was "reportedly" party due to off the field concerns this according to NFL Network. It's supported by the fact that Jones is an excellent player who put up 36 sacks his first 4 seasons in NE so there had to be some off the field concerns that had the Pats hesitant about signing him to a huge contract extension. Jones a productive young pass rusher would garner a mega contact in free agency so the Pats not wanting to invest long-term on a huge contract with a lot of guaranteed money traded him so they could get something for him.

The Pats were going to lose him because they wanted to lose him which is why they traded him. As for Talib he had off the field concerns but the Pats never locked him up long-term with a big contract. The aggravated assault charge against him in 2012 was dropped prior to the Pats signing him. They picked him up during the 2012 season prior to the murder charge against Hernandez and signed him to a low risk one year contract to play in 2013. When he became a free agent after the 2013 season the Pats were done with him and he signed a huge free agent contract with Denver. That was certainly easy now go dust yourself off!

You mean like not offering Revis a huge long-term contract? You mean the Patriots don't lock up players long term that would cost that lots of money? You mean not locking up Wilfork last season when he became a free agent. Hernandez had all sorts of TROUBLE signs when he was drafted. Many teams thought he wasn't worth the trouble. Pats and Bellichek knew it too. They signed Dante Stallworth, who killed somebody after he PARTIED and killed somebody.

The Pats have a trend of signing big-time players temporarily, but not handing out huge contracts come free agency long term.


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AP's situation was a little different he was accused of disciplining his child with a switch and made a mistake. He wasn't punching and choking anyone. He's doing just fine because he's a good guy who made a mistake. He doesn't come off like an angry thug everyone likes him because he's likable. He's had a couple of off the field issues but there's not this fear he's going to fracture a locker room and become a distraction. He's very well respected amongst his teammates and peers around the NFL. He's handled himself well since the incident with his child and his reputation although tarnished some is still intact. If he was available there would be a mad dash to sign him.

Apparently you didn't see the photos of APs kid having marks around his private parts. A guy who has multiple kids from multiple women and basically sees his kids once in awhile.

This was a guy who was trying to force a trade after the incident, because he claimed the Vikings didn't defend him and go to Dallas.

And when rumors were going around that Dallas was interested in signing AP, after, nobody as 'lenient'. Hell, the media world went wild that Jerry and AP supposedly talked on phone a few years back and Dallas wanted to investigate for tampering.


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Who said DLaw is Hardy??? Not once have I compared their talent you're just reading what you want into my comments. Keep spinning them and I'll just keep opening up those wounds you're still licking from my previous replies. lol I posted that DLaw had more sacks last season than Hardy did his first 2 seasons but no one is saying DLaw is the "player" Hardy is. Breaking you down is like target practice.

Of course.. I mean, Hardy only performs when he's on a good team and good coaches. Hardy has less sacks than DLaw his first two years. DLaw has more sacks than him.

Your trying to trash Hardy's skills.. Guess what.. DLaw saw more single coverage than pretty much any DE in football because of Hardy and Marinelli moved Hardy to DT plenty, despite being undersized to get Gregory the field. He wasn't doing that with DLaw. And Hardy played more snaps than pretty everybody.

So let's not act like the two are the same, because DLaw had 'sacks'. That's not the only measure of a player.


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DLaw missed most of training camp his rookie season with an injury and didn't return until week 9 and made one of the biggest plays of the season in the playoffs with a sack and fumble recovery against the Lions that saved that game. Although he didn't have a regular season sack his rookie year he had 2 sacks and a fumble recovery in the playoffs. Can you provide anything I can't shoot down? LOL You're walking around like a giant bullseye that say's "SHOOT ME." You're more full of holes than our defense. The only one who's going off the deep end is you with this agenda to read what you want into my comments. Keep getting things twisted and I'll have you running for cover. :flagwave:

And he's already having back surgery again, despite facing single coverage Ll year long. So not only is your point about DLaw invalid from context of stats, he's shown he can't even stay on the field because of injuries, while Hardy even after a 4 game suspension and shin and leg injury in weeks 8 and 12 is playing at DT at times to get Gregory in the field and playing the majority of snaps..

I've already dealt with your 1 sack against Detroit, on a 4th and 3 with forty seconds to play and he was doing absolutely nothing the whole game.

I've also mentioned the fact DLaw almost single-handedly cost us that game when he fumbled the ball after Anthony Spencer forced a fumble right into Lawrence's hands a few plays prior, after Spencer sacked Stafford.

There is a reason all your doing is harping on 'sacks'. Even when Hardy isn't getting sacks, he's making his present felt with stats like 11 pass deflections in one season, which is basically 11 loss of downs caused by Hardy himself because he an ENDLESS motor.


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On lack of signing free agents outside of the organization:

Moore: Obviously, people don't talk much about re-signing your own guys unless you are keeping your top players. And you have one new guy to this point, Cedric Thornton, who is going to play at your most unglamorous defensive position, which is the one-technique in the defensive line. I think the other thing, the reason there is anxiousness ... because usually, once they bring somebody in, they go ahead and sign them pretty quickly. This time they have not and I think that brings a growing amount of concern in the fandom on what is going on here. What is this fiscal responsibility about, are you not going to sign anyone?

Look at the numbers some of these other guys have signed for and I think it tells you the hard line the Cowboys are taking financially. Look at Nolan Carroll, the cornerback for Philadelphia who came in the same day Cedric Thornton did. They signed Thornton, they held off on Carroll. Carroll decided to re-sign with Philadelphia on a one-year deal for $2.36 million which could go up to $3 million. That's below what your average cornerback gets on the market....Look at Matt Moore. He signed to stay in Miami, he signed a two-year deal for $3.5 million with $2.75 million of that guarunteed over two years. Is that too much to pay for a backup quarterback? ... I think the difference between Kellen Moore and what they were unwilling to pay Matt Moore shows you what they're willing to pay for a backup quarterback. When you're looking at those economics, I'm not sure that they're going to get anyone else in here for those numbers.


Risen Star

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It's so disappointing that despite our glaring need for a pass rusher, we won't bring Hardy back.

Not if he's truly a cancer it's not. A head coach must command his own locker room. Ours is challenged enough in that regard. We don't need to add to it with players that want to rock the boat. If you're a member of the team you're going to fall in line and follow the lead of the head coach. If you're not going to do that get the hell out of here. We don't need you.

The problem here is Cowboys fans are so unfamiliar with how a team is supposed to operate.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Oh wow...

The guy did absolutely nothing the whole year, while playing seven games and gets a sack with forty seconds left on a 4th and 3 with Detroit behind, forcing a fumble and suddenly his rookie year is evident of greatness?

Oh yeah, it's not like he even fumbled a few plays before a recovered ball, after Spencer sacked Stafford forcing a fumble, which would have effectively ended the game.

Wow!!! Two fumbles, one in which wasn't even caused by himself and he have right back to Detroit.

Followed by him not doing anything all of last season, until Hardy actually got on the field. Our defense was garbage without Hardy, no matter which way you spin it.

Dude, Lawrence showed some promise last year at the end of the season, but your seriously on something if you think that your rant on trying to make him like Hardy is rational, and has nothing to do with hate.

Lawrence has shown promise but you're trying to tear him down. Our defense is garbage with Hardy just like it was garbage with Ware because one great player doesn't make a great unit. I don't like Hardy but I'm able to push my dislike for him aside and judge him as a player and last season he was solid but nothing great. His play certainly didn't live up to the expectations many had and I don't believe he ever will be the same player he was in 2013. His antics drew more attention than his play on the field and that's an issue!

I'll put you on the spot if you could only have one player for the next 5 years who would it be Hardy or DLaw? I would choose DLaw not because I think he's better than Hardy but because I know he's not going to be a distraction that's going to create tension in the locker room and give me all sorts of problems that are going to force me to cut him.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Of course.. I mean, Hardy only performs when he's on a good team and good coaches. Hardy has less sacks than DLaw his first two years. DLaw has more sacks than him.

Your trying to trash Hardy's skills.. Guess what.. DLaw saw more single coverage than pretty much any DE in football because of Hardy and Marinelli moved Hardy to DT plenty, despite being undersized to get Gregory the field. He wasn't doing that with DLaw. And Hardy played more snaps than pretty everybody.

So let's not act like the two are the same, because DLaw had 'sacks'. That's not the only measure of a player.

If Hardy only performs on good teams that have good coaches than what's the point in bringing him back? His best season came on a 13 win team. We don't have the team or the coaches that will benefit a volatile player like Hardy last season was proof of that. The distraction he brings along with all his other baggage is just going to disrupt the team until we've seen enough and have to cut him. Not once have I tried to trash Hardy's skills but he didn't perform last season to the expectations everyone had. There's not a FAN on the board who thought he would only have 6 sacks in 12 games producing only 2 sacks the final 8 games. He didn't even bother to show up against Carolina the team that cut him.

You would have thought he would have entered that game breathing fire with a chip on his shoulder but he was a no show. Sacks aren't the only measurement of a DE but their careers are judged by them. Ware was judged by them his final season in Dallas and Jerry didn't feel 6 sacks was enough to warrant the money he was making. The Cowboys won the same number of games last season without Hardy as they did with Hardy. You like a few others keep ignoring all the off the field problems he brings. He would be signed by now if there weren't off the field concerns with him.

He was more disruptive off the field than on the field last season. He's a distraction and a distraction is something that no team needs or wants especially a team trying to rebound from a 4-12 season. Again I'm not saying DLaw is Hardy you're getting my comments twisted. If you want to twist comments all day go waste someone else's time.