I think we have more philosophical issues when it comes to what positions are important than we do with finding talent. Newman was a good pick. Scandrick, a 4th rounder was a good pick. Jenkins did have 1 incredible year (unfortunately, Wade was the very exact opposite coach he needed).
But in today's NFL with there being so many passes, particularly short ones to the outside, having a 'cover corner' doesn't really work. The opposing team is going to complete passes because they are high probability throws. Thus, it becomes increasingly more important that the corners be able to bring the ball carrier down quickly rather than back in 1995 when WR's usually ran more deeper pass patterns. The safeties are also asked to do a lot more. They essentially have to be able to play both positions, blitz, play the run, play zone, play over the top, and play man-to-man. Yet, we hope to 'get by' at safety.
It's just like the O-Line. We neglected the importance of having a good, smart center. Gurode had physical talent, but couldn't make the line calls. And he was good for about 3 awful games a year. We kept blaming the O-Line collectively, the RB's, the coaches, etc...but then you get a good, smart center in Frederick and suddenly the O-Line looks quite good and the guards aren't as big of a problem.
I see that we have talent on this roster for the past few years, but between organization philosophies that favor the wrong positions and a coaching staff that struggled to consistently put some of these players in the best position to perform well...we end up going 8-8.