How good is Dak?


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How good is Dak? The said he was top 10 but after this year is top 5. What a great pick.
It’s time for Dak to prove he’s a Super Bowl contending QB! The playoffs don’t line up hardly any better than this for a team so I believe it’s now or never for Dak! Let’s Go!!


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How good is Dak? The said he was top 10 but after this year is top 5. What a great pick.
He may be average, But he has been playing lights out! Nice to actually see a good dude succeed, he deserves it.
Succeed yes, underachieved at critical times, also yes! It’s time for Dak to prove he’s a Super Bowl contending QB! The playoffs don’t line up hardly any better than this for a team so I believe it’s now or never for Dak! Let’s Go!!


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I posted the per game stats for every QB that played at least 3 seasons worth of games since 2016 (37 QBs). When you average out his ranking in every major category he ranks 6th (i.e. consistency of stats - the lowest ranking of any single stat was 12th out of 37 QBs). To say that over the course of 113 games his average game stats puts him in that ranking means he is definitely better than an average QB.

Even his post season stats put him in the top 3rd of post season QBs in that time. Very similar results for 4th quarter comebacks and game winning drives.
Yes, his “Regular Season” stats are fantastic but he’s 2-4 in the post season and it’s time for Dak to prove he’s a Super Bowl contending QB! The playoffs don’t line up any better than this for a team so I believe it’s now or never for Dak! Let’s Go!!


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Burrow ain’t better than Dak. Dak can make every throw Joe can, can read defense as good as Joe and has a stronger arm than J
WTH are you talking about?

Dak drove the Cowboys for the lead with 3 minutes left in the game vs the Dolphins. It was our Defense who couldn't stop the Dolphins from easily driving down the field for the game winning FG.

Similar against the Lions, except this time Dak did succeed in leading the Offense for a game leading TD late in the game. It was our Defense once again who easily allowed the Lions to March down the field in the waning 2 minutes to potentially tie the game but luckily stopped the Lions from scoring their game winning 2 point try.

In both games against very good and well above .500 playoff teams, Dak played very well and led the team to late game leads.

Stop spreading lies just to appease your hatred.


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WTH are you talking about?

Dak drove the Cowboys for the lead with 3 minutes left in the game vs the Dolphins. It was our Defense who couldn't stop the Dolphins from easily driving down the field for the game winning FG.

Similar against the Lions, except this time Dak did succeed in leading the Offense for a game leading TD late in the game. It was our Defense once again who easily allowed the Lions to March down the field in the waning 2 minutes to potentially tie the game but luckily stopped the Lions from scoring their game winning 2 point try.

In both games against very good and well above .500 playoff teams, Dak played very well and led the team to late game leads.

Stop spreading lies just to appease your hatred.


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Wait a minute! Remember that we lost both of those games while only scoring 19 points in one & 20 in the other, which is not gonna get it done in the NFL, PERIOD!! The truth and facts of the issue is that Dak is very good in the regular season, especially against the NFC East but he has been very suspect against winning teams in big games & in the playoffs where he is 2-4 in 7 seasons. It’s now or never for Dak to prove he’s a Super Bowl quality QB as it doesn’t get much better than this! I hope he makes it all happen!


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How good is Dak? We'll know soon enough. I wanted him gone at times but overall I really liked him this year. Big Mike kinda pulled the right levers. My main issue from the previous seasons was that he kept the ball in his hands for way to long.

That seems to be a thing if the past now. He gets the ball out quickly and finds his targets. Every now and then his reads are still a tad slow and therefore he missed open guys. But I guess they all do, it's become an ultra fast game.

So, nobody can foresee the future. But from what we have seen so far, I think this year could be the year. For Dak and everyone else involved. My worries concern the failing run game which makes our offense one dimensional and puts more load on Dak's shoulders. Let's hope he's up to it.


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Dak was the best quarterback in football this year for about 14 games. And it really wasnt that close. Take out one bad game against SF, and the game against Buffalo, and he was absolutely elite- really was the best passer of the football this entire year.

Now he gets to prove it. He has about the easiest path he is going to have- it doesnt mean we will win, because, in my opinion, our defense is very overrated. But, he has to play well and I believe he will.

We should also note he hasn't played bad in the playoffs before, apart from going to San Fran. He now will get to prove he can beat them again if all turns out as expected.


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How good is dak? That is to be determined after the playoffs.


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You know I think the real question here is how good is the Dallas Cowboys Prescott can only go as far as his talent but as a team we've seen it in the playoffs there have been games we've been lacking defense there's games where the offensive lines not playing well there's no run game the opportunities the defense doesn't make the penalties the referees getting involved I mean this is stuffing games that the quarterback cannot control... And for the most part if you take into all the games that Prescott played in the playoffs he's played well enough to win but he can't make up for all the team deficiencies literally you're asking him by himself to be on A1 dimensional offense because that's what it's been like the last three playoff losses there's not been a run game the offensive lines been responsible for penalties not opening holes no run game and then you have lady lamb is the only target lately in the playoffs and if you could take him out nobody else is getting open...

So let's ask the question will this be the year the team actually all play well we're not asking for every player to be a superstar they don't need to make their mark they don't need to make a name for themselves they just needed to do their damn jobs!!!

I'm tired of our fan base blaming the quarterback he is not Superman he cannot do it alone this is a lot of moving parts in the game of football and you can't have three players mess it up you know like we seen way back with Patrick Creighton it doesn't take much or in the 2014 game it was more than the Dez Bryant catch it was the fumble it was the two missed field goals literally the team has been messing up and then the quarterbacks getting blamed...

I get the last two 49er games and the playoffs didn't end well and it looked like Prescott didn't play well but when you look at the actual game from the inside out we were beat down in the trenches and we didn't make the plays we needed to make well that changed today I'll ask

how good are the Dallas Cowboys???!!


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How good is dak? That is to be determined after the playoffs.
how good are the Dallas Cowboys???!! How good is that can only be answered on how good the team is. That is how it works in a team game Prescott will play well if he has some support if we don't have a run game and our offensive lines getting their tails kicked committing 11 penalties you know like in 2021 if we're behind the chains all day if the defense aren't making the biggest plays that the biggest moments we'll lose the game and again it'll be blamed on Prescott.... It's a team game and let's just hope we have a complete team show up today and the rest of the playoffs that's the only way we're advancing to the NFC championship game is with a good team effort...


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I guess I answered my own question from a few posts up..the playoffs determined that dak sucks.