I swear some fans will never get it


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I've gone from hoping to win the race to just waiting for the inevitable crash on turn 3 late. Either way, I'm watching. Just for the entertainment value.

One of the more entertaining parts is seeing fans who are shocked every time the race ends the same way. Youtube is full of them this week. :popcorn:
I was already laughing at us in the 1st quarter.

My buddy was explaining to me at halftime how Dak would pile up 400 yds of O and people would claim he had a good game. Just pure, sad, entertainment!!!!


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I keep thinking if they have enough talent on the roster and are healthy going into the playoffs, they could one more championship in my lifetime. I would bet money against it, but I will keep watching.


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Nonsense - Jerry has built a very good team and has drafted very well. Got free agents and made trades to put a very good product on the field.

I even believe he has the right coaching staff or a good coaching staff in place. The flaw in all of this is thinking Dak is a top QB or even a bus driver. He isn’t. He doesn’t even play ok in these playoff games. He is downright awful. You can talk about the defense but last year the defense played fine. Dak is always awful. Until they realize this the team is not winning. He will never go through 3 or 4 playoff games without having an awful game that cost Dallas the game. I’m not talking about just playing ok. I would take that. He can’t make simple reads. He misses too many throws. Takes bad sacks. Turns the ball over. It’s almost like he is trying to lose he plays that bad. And if it was one time it wouldn’t matter. He does it every year in the playoffs
No he didn't. Jerry threw 11 all pros into the field w/ 11 High School quality players and called it a good team.


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I keep thinking if they have enough talent on the roster and are healthy going into the playoffs, they could one more championship in my lifetime. I would bet money against it, but I will keep watching.
We don't have enough talent on the roster. It's been wildly apparent all year that we cannot stop good running games. No was was that going to parlay into a super bowl appearance.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Hire this coach! Draft this player! Sign this free agent!

It doesn't matter.

Every player and coach who have passed through this organization for the last 28 years, most of whom you now hate because they failed to achieve the ultimate goal, were hired/signed by the general manager (Jerry) and director of player personnel (Stephen).

And guess what, they will hire/sign the next ones, too. Why? Because they gave themselves jobs-for-life.

Blame Dak like you blamed Romo, then blame the next QB. Blame Garrett and McCarthy, whatever you need to do. They're all symptoms of the disease.

As long as the cancer calls the shots, it doesn't matter.

Be glad for a 12 win season and an occasional wild card win, because that's as good as it gets. They have shown us their ceiling. How many decades does it take?
Buh bye bye…..


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He's like the Yankees.
Loves the glitz. Forgets about team
As a diehard Astros fan(and a fan of anyone BUT the Yanks), we are so lucky that the Yanks owners had no clue that their last WS victories were won by the pitching staff. I mean, they had 4-5 #1 pitchers. You just don't get that luxury on any other team.


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hum, so jerry sucks so we can blame the losers and chokers on the field. sounds good.


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We don't have enough talent on the roster. It's been wildly apparent all year that we cannot stop good running games. No was was that going to parlay into a super bowl appearance.
I wasn’t specifically referencing this year’s roster. Just any given year in the future. With the current salary cap, almost every team has areas of weakness. But I agree with you, they have to find a way to shore that up going into next year.


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McClay has stated how he loves his role in Dallas and is comfortable in his position.
He is a rare breed that does not want the limelight.

He’s still a part of the organization in huge role and making the decisions and that was my part. You can say no one will hire Jerry or Stephen, fine. You can’t however then gloss over or ignore the fact that they discovered will mcclay and he’s happy enough here to stay- which if Jerry and Stephen are so insufferable…..he wouldn’t be.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Cheap shots aren't necessary. Respecting the opinions of others is what mature adults do.
Yes that would be true. If Rocky was a mature adult.

But he obviously isn’t.

Rocky very rarely discusses football like an adult.
>90% of his posts are only for belittling and attacking others.
He is obviously compensating for something.


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hum, so jerry sucks so we can't blame the losers and chokers on the field. sounds good.
we should just be happy the loser are out there, doesn't matter they are getting paid to play. We should just give up and say Jerry sucks. you guys are the worst players in the NFL but we love you and can't blame you. keep on choking, we understand.. It's Jerry's fautl.


1st Round Pick
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Everyone gets it.

Getting a better team and coaches is the only hope.

What’s sad though is seeing the team do nothing and carrying on with business as usual.

That’s when Jerry Jones is the real problem.

Keeping Jason Garrett for a decade is the worst thing Jerry ever did to this organization.


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The fans on here quit worse than the players.
The smart ones do…
I’ll bet you’ll be wearing your cowboys merchandise proudly at the beginning of next season and then hide it out of sight after they lose again in another disappointing season.

Saw a whole bunch of people wearing caps, jerseys etc… prior to the game with GB
Been a week… haven’t seen a single cap or anything cowboys…

So buy JJ’s stories, cause he’s laughing all the way to the bank.


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I just don't think those changes are possible with what we have.

Player selection.
Square pegs in round holes.
Understanding of what other teams are doing to you on the field.
Situationally naive play call.
Objective deficient play design.
Players not understanding their individual roles and objectives during each play, maybe never even made aware, maybe never even realized by the coaching staff that is supposed to make them aware.
Study leadership principals and player accountability. All has to function fully on a team level, That takes management principals in application. This includes explanation of roles in an environment of changing schemes and applicatios. It's not an easy process,

Talent levels aren't a matter of wishing it done. Today's NFL demands the ability to limit an opponents passing attack; producing with one's own passing game; and belng able to control an opponent defensively either in the passing game or the run. Then one can at least gamble for momentums.

Being able to pass at a high level and defend passes strongly and that team has a general advantage.

Dallas has a strong passing game and at the start of next season, a very potent cornerback group possible. That has to be retained and in cost effective manner as well. That has to be done by the now present team. No second guessing to it, to take another step beyond this season.

A strong linebacker can be added and used as well.


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@Jake How many decades does it take?

For SF it is 3 decades.
For Detroit it is a bunch more than 3 decades. Same with a handful of other teams.
For the Ravens it is 1.2 decades.