I think all owe Claiborne an apology *merged*

Props for 1 play, and complaints for the rest of the game.

In my mind, 1 play does not change anything. If he played even average today, we don't need that INT to begin with.

No, one play did change the game, entirely! That's the nature of football. Short term memory! Good job Mo!
A good deed does not wash out the bad, nor does a bad deed wash out the good. Each should have its own reward.

-Stannis Baratheon.
I know its fun to rag on Mo. But seriously, plays like that are exactly why he was so highly regarded and drafted so high. It was nice to see his alleged playmaking abilities finally show up.

I'll take a bad game like that every day of the week if it means a game saving INT.
I think Mo owes us a lot more big plays before we owe him an apology.
If I told you guys in July 4th quarter interceptions by Bruce Carter and Mo would seal a Cowboys win.....I'd be voted the biggest idiot here.
He made a great catch, on a poorly overthrown pass. Other than that, he was a liability.
No!! He is still garbage! One pick that the QB was off and any old man could have caught as a defender.

Britt was right there with him and didn't play the ball well. He couldn't get past Mo. When they talk about CB and ball skills, that play is what they are talking about. The play that Claiborne made is an example of a CB playing the ball better than the WR he is covering. Claiborne dominated the route.
I dont owe him ****. He owes us better play throughout a game and less finger pointing at other players when he gets burned by TE's. I dont like him and one good serendipitous play in a game against a team thats reeling and has a backup QB does not warrant an apology or respect.
Because he made one single play? Nope. No apology from me. Good play but he's still terrible and a huge liability.
He made a huge play. I was bracing for a Rams comeback victory. For him to seal the deal with that pic was fantastic. Garrett nearly gave him a concussion with a head slap he was so excited. Let's hope he can build on this and makes more big plays.
Nope. I was there in person. He is horrid. You don't congratulate someone who sets a house on fire and then comes by a few hours later and decides to put it out.

Teague so you drove to the slum of Lou for game, good man.
I actually do owe him an apology. When the ball was thrown, I instantly started cursing because I knew it was going to be yet another big play at Mo's expense. Good job blind squirrel, savor that one nut that you snagged today!

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