If the Cowboys let Murray leave, I'd think AD has to be on the way


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For the same reason the Boys would let Murray walk, they won't pursue Peterson... the cost is too high.


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As somebody who would want him here if Murray costs too much, I can certainly see why some others might not.

Peterson's cost may be prohibitive. And if he's looking for big money, I'm out too.

Peterson's public image has take a big hit. Many people consider him a child abuser.

Peterson is hitting that 30 year old mark and many feel that's too old for a starting running back.

I think that there are several factors with him that could cause people to not want him in Dallas.

Like I said, I understand why people don't want him here. What I don't get is why people are dismissing him like he's going to be some average player.

Cost? We're going to be blowing it up anyway in about 3 years when Romo goes, so why not go all in and cash out on the work of "the process".

Public Image? Doesn't effect the field of play.

30 year old mark? We don't need him to be a MVP. Just a homerun threat that the defense has to worry about. He will be at minimum that much unless he breaks a leg.

The Cowboys have been a fringe team for over 20 years. At some point you have to pay a little to play, or you will keep going home in early January.. I've been saying this all offseason. Murray gets us back to the playoffs. Peterson puts us in the Superbowl. Improving the defense wins the Superbowl.

That should be the formula.


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Like I said, I understand why people don't want him here. What I don't get is why people are dismissing him like he's going to be some average player.

Cost? We're going to be blowing it up anyway in about 3 years when Romo goes, so why not go all in and cash out on the work of "the process".

Public Image? Doesn't effect the field of play.

30 year old mark? We don't need him to be a MVP. Just a homerun threat that the defense has to worry about. He will be at minimum that much unless he breaks a leg.

The Cowboys have been a fringe team for over 20 years. At some point you have to pay a little to play, or you will keep going home in early January.. I've been saying this all offseason. Murray gets us back to the playoffs. Peterson puts us in the Superbowl. Improving the defense wins the Superbowl.

That should be the formula.

You need to hurry up and write another post. Quick.:laugh:


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Like I said, I understand why people don't want him here. What I don't get is why people are dismissing him like he's going to be some average player.

Cost? We're going to be blowing it up anyway in about 3 years when Romo goes, so why not go all in and cash out on the work of "the process".

Public Image? Doesn't effect the field of play.

30 year old mark? We don't need him to be a MVP. Just a homerun threat that the defense has to worry about. He will be at minimum that much unless he breaks a leg.

The Cowboys have been a fringe team for over 20 years. At some point you have to pay a little to play, or you will keep going home in early January.. I've been saying this all offseason. Murray gets us back to the playoffs. Peterson puts us in the Superbowl. Improving the defense wins the Superbowl.

That should be the formula.

You haven't been paying attention. Dallas has been getting younger for over 2 years now so as to remain competitive every year.


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The Cowboys are close to a title and Murray is a big reason why. JG said so himself. Why would they let him walk over a million or 2 per year. I personally don't think they would unless they had a plan to improve the position. The only player that can bring improvement would be AD. He's all world.

If Murray leaves I'd think the Cowboys have solid info that AD won't be a Viking next year and both parties have a handshake agreement. It's a gamble for sure, but that's what Jerry is all about.

The cap, the fact that there is younger potentially better talent available in the draft, and Murray got over 1,000 of last years yards before being touched, which would suggest that the OL had alot to do with his overall success. Honestly, as much as I appreciate what Murray did last season, he is not worth more than what the Cowboys offered...and I'm not sure he is worth that.

As for AP...I don't think he is going anywhere and even if he does, I doubt seriously it will be to the Cowboys. Maybe the old regime...but this regime is being the smartest it has been since the cap was initiated.


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Show the factual information that backs your statement up.

There are a lot more 'facts' to suggest that AP isn't coming to Dallas then there is to support it. For one he is under contract with the Vikings. Two, why would anyone let Murray walk to sign AP for at least the same money when he has a lot more miles on him? If we are going to sign an expensive back it is going to be Murray else we will just draft someone.

...not to mention what kind of message does it send to the team to say we want guys that do things the right on and off the field and then pay AP big money when we aren't willing to do that for Murray who actually has done it the right way on and off the field.

There is zero chance we are getting AP...


You Have an Axe to Grind
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If they won't over pay for Murray, what makes you think they'll over pay for AP?

The only answer I can give to that is signing Peterson likely won't cost as much as retaining Murray. If the Cowboys lose Murray it's going to come down to what their options are at RB. If they don't see anyone out there who they feel can handle a brunt of the load Jerry may get desperate and go after Peterson which could lead to overpaying him but not to the extent it would likely take to keep Murray. Peterson's age along with the baggage he brings should keep teams from going all out to get him.
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People don't seem to get that Peterson in our offense would not need to be a get the ball every down, center of the offense back. We could literally dominate teams with the combo of a Peterson with this offensive line, and a mature bus driver Romo with Dez/Witten. Because whether we're running or throwing, we'd be elite in that essence of the game.

Peterson doesn't have to be the MVP anymore. Even at 30, he would give us a legitimate shot at a Superbowl. I get why people don't want him here, but it's frustrating to see people dismiss a generational talent like he would not help this team just because he's 1 year older than he was last year.

1 and a half years older than the last time he played... which was an average season for him, and just a few years removed from a torn ACL. If he is willing to come here cheap, great, but it looks like he is wanting Murray type money, and if we have to pay anyone Murray type money, I would rather just pay Murray.


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There are a lot more 'facts' to suggest that AP isn't coming to Dallas then there is to support it. For one he is under contract with the Vikings. Two, why would anyone let Murray walk to sign AP for at least the same money when he has a lot more miles on him? If we are going to sign an expensive back it is going to be Murray else we will just draft someone.

...not to mention what kind of message does it send to the team to say we want guys that do things the right on and off the field and then pay AP big money when we aren't willing to do that for Murray who actually has done it the right way on and off the field.

There is zero chance we are getting AP...

You failed to support the "zero" chance. Maybe next time.


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no, there are tons of posts assuring evereryone that Peterson would be released hours into free agency, so the Vikings could go on a free agent spending spree. I haven't kept up, but I'm like 99.9% sure it happened.

From what i remember there were lots of posts talking about him being released later on in free agency, like right before the draft, but sure carry on with the sarcasm lol


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From what i remember there were lots of posts talking about him being released later on in free agency, like right before the draft, but sure carry on with the sarcasm lol

there were definitely some that said other wise, they no who they are


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It's also been reported that he has been in meetings with the Vikes FO and GM. All while looking for houses in Dallas.
Who knows. It's all to get tweet attention by these media guys.


Well-Known Member
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For the same reason the Boys would let Murray walk, they won't pursue Peterson... the cost is too high.


Just bc we don't value Murray doesn't mean we don't value the signicantly better player


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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The Cowboys are close to a title and Murray is a big reason why. JG said so himself. Why would they let him walk over a million or 2 per year. I personally don't think they would unless they had a plan to improve the position. The only player that can bring improvement would be AD. He's all world.

If Murray leaves I'd think the Cowboys have solid info that AD won't be a Viking next year and both parties have a handshake agreement. It's a gamble for sure, but that's what Jerry is all about.

Deadman- darn good movie.
One of Johnnie's best, that flick was a very good turn for him. Think I'm going to throw that one on the tube...