Interesting Julius Jones news


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the reason for the low YPC is the amount of carries... those backs were effective and were able to keep BP in his game plan of running the ball... JuJo does not do that... he is a Home Run Hitter with an YPC that is missleading!!!

I dont buy for 1 second JuJO is more effective than CuMart and OJ Anderson... but if u wanna talk YPC be my guess! BP is about carries and controlling the game not YPC!!!

some of these RBs have 100 more carries...

that was cute!!!


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theogt;1250128 said:
Every year there are 20+ running backs that reach 1000 yards. That's pretty average.

If by "every year" you mean "twice in NFL history," then you're correct. In most years, only about half of the teams have a 1,000-yard rusher. Over the past 10 seasons, the average has been 17.0. Only 12.6 per season have reached 1,200 yards. And of the 1,000-yard rushers, only 11.5 per season have averaged at least 4.1 yards per carry (Julius average) -- and only 9.1 per season have rushed for 1,100 yards and averaged 4.1 yards per carry (which Julius is likely to do).

If the season ended right now, Julius would finish 13th in rushing. And of those 13 guys who reached 1,000 yards, he'd have the ninth-best YPC average. Out of the 16 guys with at least 225 carries, Julius has the eighth-best YPC.

So, even though Julius hasn't had a great season, it's still a pretty good season. And thinking that he could be replaced by any old running back drafted in the second, third or fourth round is ludicrous. If that was the case, there would be a lot more players doing better than Julius.


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Yeah, I didn't think it was quite 20, but that number looked better for making my point. ;)


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MONT17;1251880 said:
the reason for the low YPC is the amount of carries... those backs were effective and were able to keep BP in his game plan of running the ball... JuJo does not do that... he is a Home Run Hitter with an YPC that is missleading!!!

It's pretty difficult to have a misleading YPC with a sample size of 247 carries.


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Beast_from_East;1251867 said:
But JuJo is doing this splitting carries. If he got all the carries like Emmitt used to, I would agree. But for posters to just say any back is an upgrade is ridiculous.

With JJ and MB3 splitting carries, you example is not 60+ yards a game, more like 120+ yards a game back.

No the splitting carries has nothing to do with it when you're talking about simply having 1000 yards at this point. Any halfway decent RB only needs 18 carries a game to get to 1000 after 14 games at 4 YPC. JJ is averaging 17.5 carries per game.

So if that were the end of the story all would be fine.. but the problem is he's struggled as the season has wore on. His YPC has dropped off big.

One could argue that maybe if he got more carries it would help since he's gotten less as time has went on.

But on the other hand you could look at it the other way around. If so many of his carries werent totally ineffective early in games the last couple months maybe we'd feed him the ball more.

Again it's not just us fans wondering what the heck is going on.. BP is too.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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David Myers is owning this thread. :laugh2: Good job, David.

There's a very obvious crew that really doesn't like Julius, and most of it is comprised of the same people who didn't like him from the start. (The "Tapper" comments are a pretty good indicator). If Julius were as bad as some here say, he couldn't start for a college team. That's absurd.

Now is Julius a great back? No, he isn't. But he *does* provide a home run threat that our offense can use, and he obviously provides some other things that Coach Parcells likes -- otherwise, the player would be on the bench.

And why you'd risk trading Julius for a pick (which would be a very low pick if you believed some of the evaluations here) just to take another back who could turn out to be a Chris Perry or worse is beyond me.

Oh wait, no it isn't... Some people would be happy to see Julius run out of town just to prove they were "right" about him. :cool:


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Home run threat? What home run threat? One per season isn't a threat.

Here are his numbers over the last 9 games (excluding the one run against New Orleans):


For a whopping grand total of 3.2 YPA. Including the New Orleans run it bumps up to 3.7 YPA.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The run against the Saints was a home run. (And why would you exclude it?) The run against the Panthers last year was a home run. The run against the Bears his rookie year was a home run.

I love Marion, have from the start, but those are runs he simply can't make.

Why do people want so badly to discredit this guy?

Let me ask it another way: If Jones is as worthless as you guys suggest, why does Parcells keep playing him?


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Chocolate Lab;1251906 said:
The run against the Saints was a home run. (And why would you exclude it?) The run against the Panthers last year was a home run. The run against the Bears his rookie year was a home run.

I love Marion, have from the start, but those are runs he simply can't make.

Why do people want so badly to discredit this guy?

Let me ask it another way: If Jones is as worthless as you guys suggest, why does Parcells keep playing him?
Yes, they're homeruns, but who wants a big league slugger that only hits one homerun per season?

I'm not sure why Parcells keeps playing him. He's obviously not too happy with his performance lately. He stated as much in his press conference. Then again, I'm not sure why it took 7 weeks to bench Bledsoe either.


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Chocolate Lab;1251906 said:
The run against the Saints was a home run. (And why would you exclude it?) The run against the Panthers last year was a home run. The run against the Bears his rookie year was a home run.

I love Marion, have from the start, but those are runs he simply can't make.

Why do people want so badly to discredit this guy?

Let me ask it another way: If Jones is as worthless as you guys suggest, why does Parcells keep playing him?

Why did people want to keep discrediting Bledsoe? His numbers werent bad.

And Parcells keeps playing him cause he doent want to give the ball to Barber 25 times a game. What else can he do then? Give it to Polite or Kincade?

BP like the rest of us is hoping he comes out of it. The Saints game looked like maybe he might. But then it was right back to 6 for 12 in the 1st half against the Falcons.. and 13/26 or whatever overall.


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Chocolate Lab;1251906 said:
The run against the Saints (2006) was a home run. (And why would you exclude it?) The run against the Panthers (2005) last year was a home run. The run against the Bears(2004) his rookie year was a home run.

I love Marion, have from the start, but those are runs he simply can't make.

Why do people want so badly to discredit this guy?

Let me ask it another way: If Jones is as worthless as you guys suggest, why does Parcells keep playing him?

We're paying him that much for one HR a year? I'm sorry, but Tyson Thompson can do that for us, and he comes at a much cheaper price.


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summerisfunner;1251917 said:
I think it's safe to say that trading Julius, to draft another back

is a pretty, stupid idea
It's so stupid that we considered doing it this year. :rolleyes:


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summerisfunner;1251917 said:
I think it's safe to say that trading Julius, to draft another back

is a pretty, stupid idea

Depends on the back. If it's Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch, it's not such a bad idea. If it's Kenny Irons or Garrett Wolffe, it's a stupid idea.

Bob Sacamano

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YoungBuck;1251922 said:
Depends on the back. If it's Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch, it's not such a bad idea. If it's Kenny Irons or Garrett Wolffe, it's a stupid idea.

agreed, but I don't think we have a shot to draft AD or Lynch


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summerisfunner;1251921 said:
no, we were approached by the Jets

we said no
I believe the rumor was that we wanted Maroney and were considering trading Julius.


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theogt;1251901 said:
Home run threat? What home run threat? One per season isn't a threat.

Here are his numbers over the last 9 games (excluding the one run against New Orleans):


For a whopping grand total of 3.2 YPA. Including the New Orleans run it bumps up to 3.7 YPA.

Overall yards per carry isn't a particularly accurate way of looking at rushing success. If you rush for 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 and 44 yards, you're averaging a whopping 5.4 yards per carry -- but you actually had only one good run (assuming none of the others are short-yardage carries when only 1 or 2 yards were needed). Conversely, if you rush for 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4 and -4 yards, you're averaging only 3.5 yards per carry, but you've had only one bad run, and you're most likely moving the chains very well.

Guess which type of runner Jones has been this season?

Bob Sacamano

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theogt;1251927 said:
I believe the rumor was that we wanted Maroney and were considering trading Julius.

wrong, in the PC sometime after the draft, someone asked BIll if they were entertaining trading Julius, he said no, that the Jets approached them about it