Interesting Julius Jones news


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kartr;1251141 said:
No way, Barber doesn't have the speed to be a starter. He's a change of pace back. I'd rather trade Barber instead.
You aren't very bright are you?


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Wrangler87;1250102 said:
Comes from last years draft. Reports were that the Cowboys attempted to trade Jones to the Jets, and were going to try and draft Lawrence Maroney.

I don't think we trade Jones, but he certainly has to improve in certain aspects of his game.

Funny, he is a 1,000 yards back, but he just doesn't seem like one.

WOW, I sure would've LOVED that first scenario. maroney and MBIII back together again, what a duo!

Yes, JJ definitely doesn't seem like a 1000 yd back. Its the quietest 1000 yards I've ever seen.

I tell you, I don't think trading JJ is all that unlikely. He doesn't seem to have any homerun capability anymore, or doesn't run well enough anymore to utilize his openfield speed. In fact, I might be convinced that Tyson Thompson was running just as well or better than JJ is before TT broke his ankle. If that's the case, why not trade JJ away and look to upgrade, esp while JJ still has trade value? I definitely don't see JJ ever being any better than his brother, who has become more of a journeyman whom every team will replace the second it gets the chance.
RB's usually slip on draft day, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Peterson and Lynch end up in the 6-18 range rather than the 1-5 range.
Seems that Steven Jackson is looking better and better against the JJ/Spears combo.

Bob Sacamano

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Rack;1250359 said:
What round was Drew drafted?

I think it was the 4th round

now I would be ok if we spent that type of pick on a runner, which will probably be around the range we'll get for Julius anyways

Bob Sacamano

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theogt;1251795 said:
That's why you trade for more of them.

again, trading for the chance to draft a back, that has a 50% chance of giving us the same type of production, or worse, is an exercise in futility, IMO

and it's not like we'll be getting a great pick for JJ anyways


Continuity Is Overrated
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Beast_from_East;1250101 said:
Why in the world would we trade JuJo when Tuna has said multiple times that you have to have a pair of backs to win, one guy cant do it (unless you got LT of course)

So we trade JuJo and give Barber all the carries??? That would be freaking stupid, not gonna happen.
Because JuJo isn't that great and if we wanted a Rb that runs into piles without waiting for holes to develop we can grab another one from the draft.


Continuity Is Overrated
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kartr;1251141 said:
No way, Barber doesn't have the speed to be a starter. He's a change of pace back. I'd rather trade Barber instead.
Uhh, did someone ride the short bus today and forget their helmet?

Bob Sacamano

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Joe_Fan;1251801 said:
Because JuJo isn't that great and if we wanted a Rb that runs into piles without waiting for holes to develop we can grab another one from the draft.

but why? what's the point? if he's already here, why draft his exact replacement? that's a terrible waste of a pick


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summerisfunner;1251800 said:
again, trading for the chance to draft a back, that has a 50% chance of giving us the same type of production, or worse, is an exercise in futility, IMO

and it's not like we'll be getting a great pick for JJ anyways
Some people are happy with mediocrity.

Bob Sacamano

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thelost said:
Some people are happy with mediocrity.

:laugh2: whatever dude

I've already said our rushing game could be better, and that Julius is mediocre, well at least these past couple of months he has been, never said I was happy w/ either, just gave my reasoning as to why trading Julius, for the chance to draft his exact replica is both stupid and idiotic

and tell me thelost, what's the pick you think we can get in return for Julius? just delve a little further into I just want Julius off the team, because that's gonna solve everything


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summerisfunner;1251813 said:
:laugh2: whatever dude

I've already said our rushing game could be better, and that Julius is mediocre, well at least these past couple of months he has been, never said I was happy w/ either, just gave my reasoning as to why trading Julius, for the chance to draft his exact replica is both stupid and idiotic

and tell me theogt, what's the pick you think we can get in return for Julius? just delve a little further into I just want Julius off the team, because that's gonna solve everything
If we could fool someone into giving us a 2nd rounder, that'd be nice.


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summerisfunner;1251813 said:
:laugh2: whatever dude

I've already said our rushing game could be better, and that Julius is mediocre, well at least these past couple of months he has been, never said I was happy w/ either, just gave my reasoning as to why trading Julius, for the chance to draft his exact replica is both stupid and idiotic

and tell me thelost, what's the pick you think we can get in return for Julius? just delve a little further into I just want Julius off the team, because that's gonna solve everything
You base your whole argument under the premise that those of us that want to trade JJ are only hoping for someone with his exact ability. Your argument is dumb, no one has said that. We couldn't really do any worse. Fat arse Hambrick ave as much per carry as Jones has the last 9 games and all of last year.

Bob Sacamano

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2233boys;1251841 said:
You base your whole argument under the premise that those of us that want to trade JJ are only hoping for someone with his exact ability.


my premise is that the chance to get a similar player is 50/50, a couple of you said that we could certainly get the same type of player

don't like me repeating that dumb sentence...don't say something that dumb

and again, what round pick do you think we can get for Julius? IMO, not one that will significantly help the chances of getting a better RB, probably a 4th


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CactusCowboy;1250830 said:
It only takes 60+ yards a game to do 1000, not a great barometer of a great back anymore.

But JuJo is doing this splitting carries. If he got all the carries like Emmitt used to, I would agree. But for posters to just say any back is an upgrade is ridiculous.

With JJ and MB3 splitting carries, you example is not 60+ yards a game, more like 120+ yards a game back.

I am sure we can pick up one of those type of backs in the bottom of the first with no problem.:)