iPhone 4

theogt;3448240 said:
I would have agreed before the iPhone 4. But this thing is way ahead of everything else out there right now. There may be phones that can match the hardware, but when you add in design and UI, I wouldn't consider anything else personally.

Either you are hell bent bias or you are not actually looking at the iPhone's competitors. The iPhone 4 is not way ahead of everything else. The iPhone UI IMO while very nice isn't as good as Androids for the pure and simple fact that Androids is far more customizable and feature packed. With the release of Android 2.2, several of the gaps where Android is clearly better than the iPhone, become even more glaring.

Of course there are areas where the iPhone is better than Android, but it is in no way "way ahead".

One thing that I do love about the iPhone 4 is the new display. That is a thing of beauty and is better than my Nexus One. Although, the Nexus One display is very nice also. It's clear and very sharp.
TheCount;3447559 said:
Personally I think its to grant them credibility in the eventual law suits. You don't want to go on the defense stand with these issues confirmed and having no proof you've done anything to try and fix the issue.

At least you can say hey, we hired 3 to 4 new engineers just for antenna issues. We aren't being negligent.

Especially after Jobs comes out and says it's an issue with how your hand is built, not how the phone is built.

And it begins...



Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues

By Neil Hughes
Published: 08:05 AM EST

Numerous lawsuits were filed this week against Apple, as a number of consumers hope to take the company to task over reception issues that arise with the new iPhone 4 when the left side of the device is covered with a hand.

At least three class-action complaints were filed in California, Maryland, and Texas. The largest was filed in a U.S. District Court in Oakland, Calif., and has a list of 11 plaintiffs included in the complaint, residing in California and New Jersey. The other two each include one plaintiff.

Apple has been accused of violation of the Federal Communications Act, three counts of products liability related to negligence, defect in design and breach of implied warranty, intentional and negligent misrepresentation, fraud by concealment, unfair business practices and more.

"The iPhone 4 manifests design and manufacturing defects that were known to Defendants before it was released which were not disclosed to consumers, namely, a connection problem caused by the iPhone 4's antenna configuration that makes it difficult or impossible to maintain a connection to AT&T's network," the California complaint reads.

"Defendants have failed to provide customer support to assist iPhone 4 customers regarding this defect. Consumers are left with three options: hold their phones in an awkward or unnatural manner, return their phones and pay 10% 'restocking fee,' or purchase Apple's own 'bumper' cases for their phones, costing $29.99 in addition to the premium they have already paid for the phones themselves, which may somewhat ameliorate the iPhone 4's defects."


The complaints also target AT&T, the exclusive wireless carrier of the iPhone in the U.S. They allege that the company helped to design, manufacture and market the new iPhone 4.

The California suit also references e-mails allegedly sent by Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs, in which he reportedly told one customer that they were holding their iPhone 4 "the wrong way."

The class action suit filed in Oakland seeks damages, and also asks the court to issue an injunction on Apple and AT&T, forcing them to "undertake an informational campaign" to let the general public know the "wrongfulness" of the companies' practices. It was filed on Wednesday, June 30.

The first sign of a potential lawsuit arise on Tuesday, when a California law firm asked people, via their website, to share their experiences with reception on the iPhone 4. Wednesday's California lawsuit was filed by that same law firm: Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff LLP.

After the iPhone 4 was released last week, Reports began to grow that Apple's latest handset can lose reception when gripped wit the left hand. On some devices, covering or even just touching the point on the metal perimeter antennas meet on the bottom left corner of the phone can cause loss of signal and even dropped calls.

When the iPhone 4 was announced earlier this month, Apple revealed that the metal band around the outside of the device has breaks in it to allow the multiple antennas inside the device -- for cellular service, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and more -- to establish connections. The larger metal piece on the right side of the phone serves as the GSM/UMTS cellular antenna, and the smaller portion on the left side is responsible for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS.

Apple publicly responded to reports of reception issues, stating that any mobile phone has reception issues when held improperly. The company suggested that customers avoid gripping the handset in the lower left corner, or use "one of many available cases" to prevent one's skin from touching the metal band.
theogt;3448240 said:
I would have agreed before the iPhone 4. But this thing is way ahead of everything else out there right now. There may be phones that can match the hardware, but when you add in design and UI, I wouldn't consider anything else personally.

Neither would I. It really is a great device.
nyc;3448285 said:
Either you are hell bent bias or you are not actually looking at the iPhone's competitors. The iPhone 4 is not way ahead of everything else. The iPhone UI IMO while very nice isn't as good as Androids for the pure and simple fact that Androids is far more customizable and feature packed. With the release of Android 2.2, several of the gaps where Android is clearly better than the iPhone, become even more glaring.

Of course there are areas where the iPhone is better than Android, but it is in no way "way ahead".

One thing that I do love about the iPhone 4 is the new display. That is a thing of beauty and is better than my Nexus One. Although, the Nexus One display is very nice also. It's clear and very sharp.
We know you hate Apple. Your input isn't really needed.

Thanks, though.
theogt;3448393 said:
We know you hate Apple. Your input isn't really needed.

Thanks, though.

...and we know you are all over Apple's jock, so we already know what you think without even needing to say anything.
Go to Youtube and search for "iPhone4 vs HTC Evo" and click the first video. (cartoon) You will see theogt trying to buy his iPhone 4. :lmao2: :lmao:

Can't link it here due to language.
nyc;3448409 said:
...and we know you are all over Apple's jock, so we already know what you think without even needing to say anything.
I don't care for Apple products other than the iPhone and iPad. Can't stand their computers. If my opinion about the iPhone disqualifies me from having an opinion on the iPhone, that's just weird.

I don't have an irrational attachment or hatred to faceless corporations as you do. I prefer Google web browsers, Microsoft OSs, Apple iPhones -- basically I prefer the best consumer product, regardless of who makes it.
theogt;3448524 said:
I don't care for Apple products other than the iPhone and iPad. Can't stand their computers. If my opinion about the iPhone disqualifies me from having an opinion on the iPhone, that's just weird.

I don't have an irrational attachment or hatred to faceless corporations as you do.

I don't hate Apple, I hate Steve Jobs. (I seem to have to reiterate this every time) I don't even hate the iPhone. The iPhone as a whole has a few aspects to it that are better than Android, but overall the Android OS is easily superior to the iPhone OS.
nyc;3448529 said:
but overall the Android OS is easily superior to the iPhone OS.

Curious what you think makes it superior?

If having a fragmented OS makes it superior...
kapolani;3448546 said:
Curious what you think makes it superior?

If having a fragmented OS makes it superior...

It is more feature rich, far more customizable, you can run any app you want (and write any app you want), it supports Flash, and best of all it's maturing and adding more functionallity at a breakneck pace.

I think it's better than iPhone OS now, next year they probably won't even be comparable. iPhone OS isn't maturing at the same pace as Android. When the first iPhone came out I believe a year or so later the first Android device came out. That Android device was nothing to write home about. Today that isn't the case.

If Android can show up a year late to the show and is already considered better than the iPhone by many, what happens next year or even the year after that? Apple is in trouble, thats why they are trying to sue HTC.

btw, the fragmented OS rumor is not really true. That was started by Apple. Android is still produced by Google. Others just customize it and add stuff for their specific device.
nyc;3448285 said:
Either you are hell bent bias or you are not actually looking at the iPhone's competitors. The iPhone 4 is not way ahead of everything else. The iPhone UI IMO while very nice isn't as good as Androids for the pure and simple fact that Androids is far more customizable and feature packed. With the release of Android 2.2, several of the gaps where Android is clearly better than the iPhone, become even more glaring.

How does having X versions of Android and Y different screen resolutions and Z different touch/multi touch interfaces help programmers?

Developers follow the money. Where are the stories of the developers making money through Android?

Apple has down a great job of making things easy for the end user.

Creating a version per carrier per vendor has been tried by many (motorola) and was and still is a nightmare to manage.

How is Android different from Windows Mobile conceptually? Android is just another Linux distro from Google for a mobile platform.

I still don't see where it's superior...
kapolani;3448590 said:
I still don't see where it's superior...

How about you actually go check out a Nexus One or Evo4? Something tells me you've never actually used one. Otherwise you wouldn't be so quick to judge.
nyc;3448587 said:
It is more feature rich, far more customizable, you can run any app you want (and write any app you want), it supports Flash, and best of all it's maturing and adding more functionallity at a breakneck pace.

Flash? LOL. How's that battery life?

I think it's better than iPhone OS now, next year they probably won't even be comparable. iPhone OS isn't maturing at the same pace as Android. When the first iPhone came out I believe a year or so later the first Android device came out. That Android device was nothing to write home about. Today that isn't the case.

Who's going to support all the different versions?

What marketplace?

If Android can show up a year late to the show and is already considered better than the iPhone by many, what happens next year or even the year after that? Apple is in trouble, thats why they are trying to sue HTC.


btw, the fragmented OS rumor is not really true. That was started by Apple. Android is still produced by Google. Others just customize it and add stuff for their specific device.

It's customized for their specific hardware.

I'm a software engineer. I code. I code for different platforms i.e. windows/linux etc.

It is not a rumor. It is the way it is.

As a developer why would I choose to code for a specific device when I can choose to code for a platform with 100+ million devices.
nyc;3448594 said:
How about you actually go check out a Nexus One or Evo4? Something tells me you've never actually used one. Otherwise you wouldn't be so quick to judge.

Nexus One?

That piece of crap?

You mean the one that Google has stopped making/selling because it flopped horrifically?

That one?
I've tried Android devices.

I'm a gadget guy.

The Android OS is not as polished nor refined like the IOS.
kapolani;3448597 said:
Nexus One?

That piece of crap?

You mean the one that Google has stopped making/selling because it flopped horrifically?

That one?

Piece of crap? Give me a break. My wife even says my Nexus One is better than her iTouch.

btw since you obviously have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, Google only stopped selling the Nexus One online. You will soon be buying them in the T-Mobile stores instead. :rolleyes: The Nexus One isn't going anywhere.

I seriously doubt you've actually used one as you claim. If so, you had a had made your decision to not like it before you ever picked it up.

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