News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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that wasn't Doty in the Hardy case....... it was an NFL appointed arbitrator named Nickerson or Hickerson....... Zeke would be smart to sue in Federal Court before the NFL announces it internal appeal ruling so the NFL can't go Judge shopping first

I will say this. There's one thing that makes me think there could be a way. Jerry Jones is one pissed off billionaire that looks stupid for his comments last week and wants blood.

If Jerry will put HIS legal team to this in the background, and if he can threaten Goodell within an inch of his professional life in private, then perhaps there's an ugly way out of this.

Jerry and the NFLPA have the most power here if they choose to wield it. Zeke just looks like a perp looking for an out.
Geez, I'm tired of this cycle with you.

Serious question. Your honest opinion. Did Zeke hit that girl?

With evidence released, and from what the NFL statement said? I would side with Zeke, but am open to whatever the NFL has to sway me.

Right now, we have a woman who threatened to ruin Zeke's career, 6 witnesses against her, and text messages trying to get her friend to lie. Now, you can go ahead and show me evidence as to why I should not side with Zeke as of now.

Again, I'm open to having new evidence swaying me - but this has yet to be released. Until then, this woman is not credible.
With evidence released, and from what the NFL statement said? I would side with Zeke, but am open to whatever the NFL has to sway me.

Right now, we have a woman who threatened to ruin Zeke's career, 6 witnesses against her, and text messages trying to get her friend to lie. Now, you can go ahead and show me evidence as to why I should not side with Zeke as of now.

Again, I'm open to having new evidence swaying me - but this has yet to be released. Until then, this woman is not credible.
We also have an athlete with a long, long track record of misbehavior who almost nobody is stepping up to speak on behalf of his character off the field.

Yes, she's a crazy stripper. But I still think he hit her at least on one occasion. We've seen his lack of respect for women on video already.
I heard the appeal wouldn't happen unless there's new evidence? ASSUMING Zeke's side isn't making inflammatory claims do you think there is hope on that front?

The night club incident never bothered me and the only way it would worry me is if they use the same thought process as the DV charge to suspend him.
Zeke is guaranteed an appeal with the NFL and has already filed according to reports and if he loses there he can sue in Federal Court.......... this could take a long time

There are no other investigations going on about Zeke's other conduct
We also have an athlete with a long, long track record of misbehavior who almost nobody is stepping up to speak on behalf of his character off the field.

Yes, she's a crazy stripper. But I still think he hit her at least on one occasion. We've seen his lack of respect for women on video already.

No, we have Zeke who was driving too fast and lifted up his girlfriends top during a parade - that's it. This is not on the level of assault - stop conflating the two.

What we have of this woman is proof that she lied, which I can point to and what is relevant to this case. Someone over the speed limit and being a knucklehead with his girl at a parade is not relevant here - it simply just isn't.
Yep, which is why I think this end on appeal to Goodell. He reduces the suspension a bit and agrees to drop the other investigation if Zeke accepts the sentence.

that is what they are hoping for.
it appears to me that zeke has enough evidence to win.

1. all her evidence is compromised as far as we know by the falsified attempt
2. there is an affidavit that provides probable cause for her bruises.
3. she is financially incentivized to create more false evidence like the bruises.
4 there is additional evidence that she had the bruises before zeke was there.
5. bruises take minutes to days to form so there is almost no way the NFL can proof that the bruises did not result from some other evidence during the possible days of time horizon.
6. furthermore NFL ignored the evidence in Zeke's favor in its letter - giving Zeke's attorney ammunition to say that they cherry picked evidence.
7. the punishment is not consistent with previous DV cases - Ray got 2 games and there was video of him beating the living crap out of the person. I think there was far more legal stuff with Hardy. 6 games would be completely inconsistent with comps from the other cases both in terms of severity and likelihood that he committed DV.
No, we have Zeke who was driving too fast and lifted up his girlfriends top during a parade - that's it. This is not on the level of assault - stop conflating the two.

What we have of this woman is proof that she lied, which I can point to and what is relevant to this case. Someone over the speed limit and being a knucklehead with his girl at a parade is not relevant here - it simply just isn't.
There's a ton of stories about him at Ohio State. This has been a weekly lifestyle for many years.
Helps to have quotes and such when you lack credibility.

I'll do you better than quotes. Here is a link to the actual letter. Read it all, esp page 2. You will see that when it comes to the formal basis of the suspension it is indeed Article 46 - the "conduct detrimental" clause. In other words, you are demonstrably wrong yet again.


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There's a ton of stories about him at Ohio State. This has been a weekly lifestyle for many years.

Anecdotes - you have stories that he roomed with Bosa and took drugs - Again, this is not equatable to freakin' assault, dude.

He has a "lifestyle" of partying - now, you can show me where he has a lifestyle similar to Brandon Marshall's with multiple abuse stories. I will wait...
I'll do you better than quotes. Here is a link to the actual letter. Read it all, esp page 2. You will see that when it comes to the formal basis of the suspension it is indeed the "conduct detrimental" clause. In other words, you are demonstrably wrong yet again.



Copy and paste too hard for you? I read the letter.

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Y, and all that.

Please point to me the part of the letter where they claim they are exempt from all federal law or any section of it.
Copy and paste too hard for you? I read the letter.

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Y, and all that.

Please point to me the part of the letter where they claim they are exempt from all federal law or any section of it.

Dude, you just don't get it.

The league doesn't win by avoiding federal law. They win BECAUSE of it.

You don't even need to take my word for it. Just go ask a lawyer you trust instead of trying to play attorney. They will set you straight.
CBA allows the NFL to operate without fear for antitrust in terms of salaries, draft etc etc.

They are allowed to discipline players based on the CBA.

Where does the CBA allow punishment of Zeke that is not consistent with previous cases in terms of the amount of punishment compared to previous cases in terms of the degree of infraction and the likelihood of infraction.

When compared with the evidence of the Ray Rice case (2 games), Zeke's 6 games is madness.
Hardy's 10 games are less ridiculous, but I believe the level of the proof is much more certain that what is going on here.
I will answer to whichever name you choose for me. None of them make anything I've said wrong.

And if you are reading stuff that deals with antitrust exemptions, then -- word to the side -- you are sniffing around an irrelevant place.

The mechanism by which trust are exempted from antitrust is in the National Labor Relations Act. It does not exempt firms from labor law as a whole. At the end of the day you have shown nothing.

I went ahead and read that letter too. It doesn't even say "conduct detrimental" much less exempt them from federal law. What it does do is quote this document which was where we got the quotes about arrests, charges, and court proceedings in the first place.

None of those applies.

You just get off to lying and arguing disingenuously? You get off to worrying people?

Anywho, I am done with you. You can scream into the void if it makes you feel better. If you can troll someone else into buying what your selling I will deal with that but I am done giving you a discourse as platform.
Anecdotes - you have stories that he roomed with Bosa and took drugs - Again, this is not equatable to freakin' assault, dude.

He has a "lifestyle" of partying - now, you can show me where he has a lifestyle similar to Brandon Marshall's with multiple abuse stories. I will wait...
There's a reason he lost his guaranteed contract because of this suspension. The Cowboys put that in there for a reason.
There's a reason he lost his guaranteed contract because of this suspension. The Cowboys put that in there for a reason.

Stop. Again, point to me where he has a history of abusing women.

Partying lifestyle =/= path to abusing females.

It is completely irrelevant here. If a partying lifestyle led to that, every male coming out of college would be smacking around women left and right.
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