News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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CBA allows the NFL to operate without fear for antitrust in terms of salaries, draft etc etc.

They are allowed to discipline players based on the CBA.

Where does the CBA allow punishment of Zeke that is not consistent with previous cases in terms of the amount of punishment compared to previous cases in terms of the degree of infraction and the likelihood of infraction.

When compared with the evidence of the Ray Rice case (2 games), Zeke's 6 games is madness.
Hardy's 10 games are less ridiculous, but I believe the level of the proof is much more certain that what is going on here.

Those are fair questions, and will certainly be pursued by Zeke's attorneys.

The NFL has taken a number steps since then to patch up some of the vulnerabilities they had there.

First, one of the reasons the trial court ruled for Brady originally is because he found that Brady was not on advance notice that deflating footballs would result in a four game penalty. That - plus the fact that there WAS so much inconsistency in the prior DV cases - the is why the NFL adopted a clear advance policy for first time offenders of six game suspensions.

Morevover, Goodell lost the bounty gate appeal because not only did he voluntarily give up his right to serve as arbitrator to a three person panel led by Tagliabue, that panel had a problem with the commissioner - a non expert - being the only person to review the evidence. That is why in the EE case the league enlisted a four person independent advisory panel to review the record and advise Goodell.

Given the law of the Brady case, these steps might not ultimately have been necessary for the league to win any lawsuit by Zeke. But the fact that they were adopted gives them even more cover to argue that the PROCESS (not the conclusions -- which are irrelevant in a court csss here) was fair and consistent with the league policy and the CBA.

If I'm Zeke's lawyers I would absolutely emphasize the Josh Brown suspension. But all the league likely had to do is argue that Goodell - the ultimate power under the CBA - saw the facts differently, and the court would likely feel compelled under the Brady case, the Peterson case, and federal labor law to defer to the league on that question.
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Hm. Was her getting into a drunken brawl at the club with another chick part of that timeline?

The brawl took place on the 21st which explains the bruises on the 22nd.

What the NFL is saying is that they know that pics taken on the 17th and 19th actually were taken prior to the brawl. They then put the burden of proof on Zeke.

The thing is that she had lied to police about where she had gotten bruises before. I baffles me how they just take the other incidences of the exact same allegation she lied about at face value. Then you have her exposed as trying to start a conspiracy.

It's mindblowing. I mean it's certainly possible she is telling the truth but you know not only that she lies about this but the great lengths to which she will go to lie.

I didn't have respect for the league office before but I really hope this opens even more eyes. It's disgusting especially in how they claim to honor law enforcement and the troops for protecting our freedom. Despicable.
I'll do you better than quotes. Here is a link to the actual letter. Read it all, esp page 2. You will see that when it comes to the formal basis of the suspension it is indeed Article 46 - the "conduct detrimental" clause. In other words, you are demonstrably wrong yet again.



Page 5. It speaks of the domestic violence policy and mandatory 6 game suspension.
Dude, you just don't get it.

The league doesn't win by avoiding federal law. They win BECAUSE of it.

You don't even need to take my word for it. Just go ask a lawyer you trust instead of trying to play attorney. They will set you straight.
You are a pillar of salt in this City of Gomorrah...
Unfortunately, you may just be right. Even more unfortunately- I can't dislike you for shining lights in instances of darkness.
I can dislike you for being a dirty, disgusting NYC fan, but me ma was from Long Island.

You dirty so-and-so...
Page 5. It speaks of the domestic violence policy and mandatory 6 game suspension.

Yes - but that policy is issued UNDER Article 46. So it is ultimately just an application of the "conduct detrimental" rules.

That's why the SI article and the Harvey tweets - among lots of other sources - are assessing this under Article 46.
You are a pillar of salt in this City of Gomorrah...
Unfortunately, you may just be right. Even more unfortunately- I can't dislike you for shining lights in instances of darkness.
I can dislike you for being a dirty, disgusting NYC fan, but me ma was from Long Island.

You dirty so-and-so...

Haha. Sounds fair to me!
one example (only 1)
You are a pillar of salt in this City of Gomorrah...
Unfortunately, you may just be right. Even more unfortunately- I can't dislike you for shining lights in instances of darkness.
I can dislike you for being a dirty, disgusting NYC fan, but me ma was from Long Island.

You dirty so-and-so...

Ask him to prove anything he claims and he comes up with nothing but links you are expected to read that don't even say what he claims.

He's here to have us despair over Zeke's case. Nothing more and nothing less. Like Thompson he is willing to lie about it too.
The brawl took place on the 21st which explains the bruises on the 22nd.

What the NFL is saying is that they know that pics taken on the 17th and 19th actually were taken prior to the brawl. They then put the burden of proof on Zeke.

The thing is that she had lied to police about where she had gotten bruises before. I baffles me how they just take the other incidences of the exact same allegation she lied about at face value. Then you have her exposed as trying to start a conspiracy.

It's mindblowing. I mean it's certainly possible she is telling the truth but you know not only that she lies about this but the great lengths to which she will go to lie.

I didn't have respect for the league office before but I really hope this opens even more eyes. It's disgusting especially in how they claim to honor law enforcement and the troops for protecting our freedom. Despicable.

Yeah, the sheer absurdity makes one pretty speechless.

In cases where judgment is left to a party's discretion, there is usually a "reasonable" person standard that means, you know, you exercise the right like a person that has even the slightest amount of ethics and morality.

Given what's transpired and what's officially on the record, unless they have literal proof of him admitting to it, how you could deem her credible is so ridiculous, it reeks of bias.
Ask him to prove anything he claims and he comes up with nothing but links you are expected to read that don't even say what he claims.

He's here to have us despair over Zeke's case. Nothing more and nothing less. Like Thompson he is willing to lie about it too.
You are the voice of my True Conscious, brother. I would probably follow your advice to my inevitable demise, if I wasn't under a Union that scoffs at outside legal counsel.
You are the voice of my True Conscious, brother. I would probably follow your advice to my inevitable demise, if I wasn't under a Union that scoffs at outside legal counsel.

Hey I am not saying to follow me. I am just saying that guy is lying us to make us feel worse about this situation. IOW, don't follow him.
Yeah, the sheer absurdity makes one pretty speechless.

In cases where judgment is left to a party's discretion, there is usually a "reasonable" person standard that means, you know, you exercise the right like a person that has even the slightest amount of ethics and morality.

Given what's transpired and what's officially on the record, unless they have literal proof of him admitting to it, how you could deem her credible is so ridiculous, it reeks of bias.

Supposedly the NFL has "damning" texts and emails (Zeke emails?)

I haven't seen this anywhere. But it was claimed here earlier, does anyone have a link to this or did I miss it in the NFL statement?
Hey I am not saying to follow me. I am just saying that guy is lying us to make us feel worse about this situation. IOW, don't follow him.
Eh... you know I follow you already. You one of my Main Mans...

I get what you be's saying my friend.
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