News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Actually, you show you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. The NFL cannot subpoena witnesses to testify before the grand jury. They can't subpoena evidence. They can't put anyone under oath. I'm in my 28th year as a Federal Agent, so I know what I'm talking about. The released information says that the NFL interviewed a dozen or so witnesses and reviewed photos, etc. That took over a year????? I've interviewed a dozen witnesses in a day or two and I've completed extremely complex investigations in much less time. The NFL knew what its decision was going to be before undertaking this so-called investigation. Call it the Ray Rice scared ****less effect.
Post Of The Day! Completely owns everyone's reply siding w/ the NFL.
Yeah that part about texting "proof" to her friends seems kind of sketchy. I could see this if it was an isolated incident, but over the course of 5 days seems strange.
And she changed her story on multiple occasions and was outed for a desire to railroad Zeke and recruit friends to help. That's their evidence. Nothing
the press will go nuts over this it will truly be a three ring circus in dallas the next weeks it sure is hard to watch season after season swirl down the drain something needs ot change in dallas they have bad culture there its really hard to win with suspensions and all the negative attention that players bring to the organization hard to fight stupid that starts at the top and runs all the way to the bottom
The next weeks? They won't let it go until the suspension is over and if we struggle it will only be worse.
Your logic is flawed. The "letter", a piece of paper did not judge Zeke. The letter, rather, explains that numerous credible, objective people looked into every aspect of this matter, including fair and full hearings with Zeke's side and judged him guilty.

I do not for a moment think all the people brought in to this are part of a big anti-Cowboys conspiracy.
My logic is sound. The letter is made to get folks to believe their side. To be honest I never said/implied it was any Cowboys conspiracy so I don't understand what the point of bringing that up was for. I said these people are inconsistent and still believe that.

Oh c'mon Phil! I love ya man but that dude was clearly an animal with temper issues. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume other players have knocked clipboards out of coaches hands but how many of them were accused of DV? All I'm saying is where's there's smoke, there's fire. I know it was after the fact but being caught with cocaine also doesn't help. I never said it made him automatically guilty, it just could lead to people questioning his character and credibility a la Zeke.
I agree he had temper issues but I'm honestly hesitant to speak on people I don't know off certain issues. I've saw Dez act wild on the field and other players and can't extend that to they might hit women or be some savage. That's all I'm saying because without the DV thing nobody is using that clipboard incident to say he might beat women and the like. I think that's fair to say and that's my only point. As far as the coke I know many of people that do that so I don't have much to say bad about it. It is crazy when you're around people that do it in control it isn't as big of a thing as you'd think. I personally wouldn't do it but those I know have done it say its like some super red bull.

I think we agree for the most part on this issue just was like eh I can't get on board with the stretch from clipboards to DV because if that's the test hell I might be looked at as guilty for being aggressive when playing sports lol
I doubt you're singling me out as I was pretty neutral. I think the whole non guaranteed money deal is going to be a huge sticking point. When you see above average baseball/basketball players getting 9 figure guaranteed could be ugly. The salary cap nerds will probably faint if it ever happens

to be clear I was not singling you out. I'm simply saying when this was going on there were a few of us who were on the side of the players and wanted them to hold out in their best interest and most here attacked them for it and wanted their football back and could care less about the players at any level.
I disagree. He may or may not deserve 6 games for the incident with his girlfriend, how ever when he pulled on the woman's top, exposing her, that's a sexual assault. Now the girl ended up being fine with it, however at the time he did it, it was a sexual assault.

Even beyond that, the sheer STUPIDITY of doing something like that WHILE under investigation for domestic violence is mind boggling.
Actually, you show you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. The NFL cannot subpoena witnesses to testify before the grand jury. They can't subpoena evidence. They can't put anyone under oath. I'm in my 28th year as a Federal Agent, so I know what I'm talking about. The released information says that the NFL interviewed a dozen or so witnesses and reviewed photos, etc. That took over a year????? I've interviewed a dozen witnesses in a day or two and I've completed extremely complex investigations in much less time. The NFL knew what its decision was going to be before undertaking this so-called investigation. Call it the Ray Rice scared ****less effect.

Yep. They were investigated by one of the top law firms in the country over that.


I saw this on Twitter. This should be stickied to the top unless it is false.
anyone that cries about this being some pro-NYG conspiracy are morons.

The NFL protects the shield, full stop. and that includes not being sued into oblivion by women's groups or boycott campaigns impacting the owner's bottom line.

This is 100% Zeke's fault. Not Goodell, not Mara.
What they don't have is statements made under the stipulation that lying to them could result in charges pressed against them and a likely prosecution.

The statements and affidavits taken by law enforcement does.

They're the NFL.

They do not need them.

You guys keep confusing real life with the NFL...
You're most probably right. But they (the company) weigh many factors into any disciplinary action. There's an appeals process and I have heard of instances where folks got their punishment reduced after appeal. But to fight these things also costs a ton of money in legal fees. Zek can probably afford it but a lot of folks can't.

There are lawyers that will take this on for free. This is such as high publicity case that if Zeke wanted to he can bring suite against the NFL.
The difference is that we know that EE doesn't have a criminal background.

If Thompson is a stripper, there's a decent likelihood she could have a criminal background. There's a lot of questioning of her story and some of the other things she did. We know EE's criminal background (or lack thereof), we don't know anything about Thompson's.

So we're assuming she has a criminal background now? That's somewhat of a stretch. Even if she did it doesn't make her uncredible. For the record, I'm not saying her accusations aren't shady but the same can be said about Zeke's behavior.
the NFL is not a court. Zeke and his lawyers did not have an opportunity to cross examine any of the witnesses the NFL allegedly interviewed. This was someone reviewing matters and deciding to substitute his views over what the police had reviewed.

You just explained all the reasons why it's not a court. The NFL and many companies with a personal conduct policy don't allow you to cross examine the witnesses simply because it's not a court. They present you with the findings and then you can file an appeal. If Zek has evidence of his own that mitigates the circumstances of his suspension, then the company (NFL) can take that under consideration.

And the police may have decided not to press charges for many reasons even though the lady may have been assaulted in some way. Companies like the NFL don't have the same legal standard as the police or the criminal courts.
anyone that cries about this being some pro-NYG conspiracy are morons.

The NFL protects the shield, full stop. and that includes not being sued into oblivion by women's groups or boycott campaigns impacting the owner's bottom line.

This is 100% Zeke's fault. Not Goodell, not Mara.

Sounds like Jews voting for Hitler. No harm there.
Your logic is flawed. The "letter", a piece of paper did not judge Zeke. The letter, rather, explains that numerous credible, objective people looked into every aspect of this matter, including fair and full hearings with Zeke's side and judged him guilty.

I do not for a moment think all the people brought in to this are part of a big anti-Cowboys conspiracy.

Where is this letter?
why? the only thing i ever heard him involved in was lifting the shirt of that woman, but she was all good with that. step back and look, what else was there? maybe i am missing something? I mean that fight didn't involve him as witnesses will say to that. They also have friends and phone proof that that gf was out to get him. so unless there is something else I am unaware of, not sure where the knucklehead comment comes from.

If you don't consider Elliott's judgement lacking... Well then.
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