If this is factually correct, every player in the NFL needs to be very concerned.Essentially the entire case of the NFL resides on the fact that they have text data putting Elliott with Thompson at these various times and they have photos of injuries that she claims happened on those days and that's it. And what they did was basically take the position that it's up to Elliott to explain how she got hurt and if he couldn't, then they believe he beat her.
where are these texts, have you seen them, again you or I have not seen the texts...
Take roger down jerry. Make this nasty and uncomfortable for the owners to toss roger out finally.
The evidence must be more that a few owners want him punished bs.
For someone that keeps claiming people don't know what they are talking about and how they need to research things, you seem woefully ignorant to facts of this case.
Post of the day. Well said.I don't know what to think of this whole thing. This just sux as a Cowboy fan.
Go ahead dude, try to play dumb again. I dare you.
how ignorant are you? jfcwhere are these texts, have you seen them, again you or I have not seen the texts...
Essentially the entire case of the NFL resides on the fact that they have text data putting Elliott with Thompson at these various times and they have photos of injuries that she claims happened on those days and that's it. And what they did was basically take the position that it's up to Elliott to explain how she got hurt and if he couldn't, then they believe he beat her.
You ain' kiddin! This non sense needs to change. The league needs to highlight their greatest assets not try to destroy them.The next CBA is gonna be interesting.
Stupid remarks don't impress me. No one said ALL. The fact is most strippers have a past (or present). Not all, but most.a
You ain' kiddin! This non sense needs to change. The league needs to highlight their greatest assets not try to destroy them.
I read the report. It doesn't refute what I said.
For one, the events on the 22nd clearly call into question her credibility. If she lied about the events of the 22nd, any logical person can conclude it's possible she lied about the other nights as well. Further, we have a signed witness statement refuting the claim that the only incident she got into was just someone pulling her hair. Again, any logical person would again conclude there is a real credibility issue here.
Here's essentially what the league has said. They have claimed this girl has injuries and while they can't prove with certainty Elliott did it, they believe Elliott did it and it's up to Elliott to prove he didn't do it and explain away her injuries.
Here's a key quote:
"there is no dispute that you and Ms. Thompson were together on the dates identified, and no evidence to suggest that anyone else could have caused those injuries."
What the NFL is saying is we know you were with Ms. Thompson those days and we believe those injuries are from those days and now it's up to you to tell us how she got those bruises if she didn't get them from you.
That's absurd.
Those text have been widely reported without dispute for over a year now. Your grasping at straws.[/QUOTE
You don't have the full transcripts of the texts or the context, nor do I, the difference is I didn't come to the conclusion already based on three or four texts....the league came to the conclusion on all the evidence they have gathered...
More then that I"m afraid based on what I heard this afternoon. Metadata from her phone when she took pictures of the injuries detailed the exact date and time of the photos. They could then back into other texts between Zeke and her that showed he was there right before she took the photos of the injuries. If indeed true, they have proof UNLESS someone else injured her right after Zeke left and she then took the photos. I wouldn't call her a perfect witness. They did determine she lied about other injuries and asked friends to testify about those injuries and they did not. IMO in a court of law he would have never been convicted because there is evidence she tried to in some cases to get folks to lie for her. NFL standard apparently isn't beyond the shadow of a doubt as they say..
I'm not the one conflating criminal court and civil or in this case NFL code of conduct policy...and snips of reports of selective texts when you don't know the context or in some, there's hours between the texts..what happened in those hours, were there other texts, you don't know nor do I, I'm just not making the conclusion that it's conclusive she lied CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT...The NFL apparently has all that evidence from many sources of phones and came to the conclusion from the four independent outside panel that reviewed all of the evidence that there was enough evidence under their code of conduct to suspend him, end of story....
One person did but overall I haven't really heard it. I think nowadays people on tv want to be on the "right" side of things so you're going to get stuff mainly slanted towards the woman on this topic. It makes it hard IMO to ever have things "fair". This is the reaction to how people felt women were done wrong in the past and I understand that but if all folks do is the exact same thing in reverse all it leads to is people getting just as fed up on the other side. Funny thing is most people probably agree at the core that hitting women is not cool its just how some go about it that puts people on different sides. I'm not for DV or violence period unless its self defense or war but when you have some coming off as pandering,grandstanding, and or virtue signaling I'm not here for that either.I can't possibly read this all.
Is anyone in the media mentioning the screenshots of text messages between the liar and her friend?
I haven't heard that side of the story in a while