News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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how ignorant are you? jfc

i believe you asked for them in another thread and somebody posted them a while back

There is NO full transcript of the texts. only selective ones, yet based on that, you've already came to a that's ignorant..please don't ever serve on a jury!!
There is no good scenario that comes of this.

If Ezekiel Elliott has his suspension removed, then he might just believe his knuckleheaded behavior is acceptable, and continue to have rumors and police reports filed against him until he eventually ruins his life.

If Ezekiel Elliott serves even one of the six games he is suspended for, a horrible precedent is set. Namely, the mere accusation of DV is so serious that despite the legal process declaring him to be innocent, the NFL acts whimsically when handing out punishments.

Furthermore, with even one game suspended under DV, he could be banished on the mere accusation of it, before the legal system can even examine the facts.

I hope that the NFL is immediately taken to task for their overreach, but Elliott is going to lose no matter how this turns out.

I am so tired of people saying this. **** THAT ****. This isn't about how much of a knucklehead he can be. This is about this mans reputation. If he really didn't do it for the rest of his life he will be accused as a woman beater.
I can only laugh at the Steve Smith, employee of the NFL Network, tweet posted in this thread. Smith twice sucker punched teammates, once seriously injuring a teammate. The NFL didn't suspend him for either offense (the team did, 1 and 2 game suspensions).

The NFL's hypocrisy knows few bounds.
"Selective texts" LOL

> Admits to not seeing the texts
> Criticizes texts like they are worthless

CONTEXT is important, not two or three texts... I'm talking about the full transcript of the conversation, which the NFL league has seen and you and I have not...,
There is NO full transcript of the texts. only selective ones, yet based on that, you've already came to a that's ignorant..please don't ever serve on a jury!!

Just like you have done by this panel hand picking different elements while ignoring the statements which are damning to her accusation? Get real man.
I'm sure the suspension will be reduced but I'd also think that the the NFL fully expected an appeal and is prepared, that kind of scares me.
CONTEXT is important, not two or three texts... I'm talking about the full transcript of the conversation, which the NFL league has seen and you and I have not...,

True, like the context could be "tell the police Zeke drug me out of the car," but what isnt said is the car is on fire. Zekes a damn hero. Good call. Theres a ton of other scenarios that would change the context of that paticular text.
I hope this suspension opens the young mans eyes and he grows up a bit, seeing how easy his career could be taken away. Having said that, from here on out who is gonna stop any person from crying wolf and accusing star players of wrong doing, either for monetary reasons or to get them suspended and weaken their teams.
Good post. That about sizes it up.
Just like you have done by this panel hand picking different elements while ignoring the statements which are damning to her accusation? Get real man.

I have no idea if he did or did not, the four panel viewed the evidence and they came to that conclusion, not me!!
Let me know if I missed anything:

RB - Zeke - 6 games
DE - Gregory - entire season
DL - Irving - 4 games
DE - Moore - 2 games
LB - Wilson - likely more than 6 games considering the severity of the incident
CB - Carroll - likely a few games for a DUI
CB - Lewis - not charged for DV incident, will NFL punish him anyway?
Yep. Hard to read.
The NFL statement specifically mentions that they talked to the Ohio accuser. Did the NFL interview the lady from the parade?
I don't know if anybody answered your question but according to what I saw on espn yes to your question they did talk to her.
The #1 thing Zeke can do is appeal, serve the reduced suspension, return and dominate the league.

The #1 thing the Cowboys can do is stay focused on football, prepare and refuse to discuss it with the media, and win every game during Zeke's suspension.

The NFL has suspended Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott for the first six games of this season, the result of a yearlong investigation into allegations of domestic violence.

How did we get here and what happens next? Let's take a closer look.

What exactly did Elliott do?

Perhaps the more precise question is this: What does the NFL believe he did?

OK. What does the NFL believe he did?

According to a letter commissioner Roger Goodell sent to Elliott, the league determined that Elliott used physical violence "multiple times" against a woman he had an "intimate relationship" with in July 2016 while in Columbus, Ohio. These findings violated the NFL's personal conduct policy, which was updated in December 2014 to allow six-game suspensions on the first offense of domestic violence. That baseline can be increased or decreased based on mitigating circumstances.

That's the policy put in place after the Ray Rice incident?

Yes. The NFL was embarrassed when it saw the video of Rice -- a Baltimore Ravens running back at the time -- punching his then-fiancé in an elevator. Prior to the video's widespread release, Goodell had suspended Rice only two games -- the standard first-offense penalty at the time.

Huh. What sort of legal trouble is Elliott facing?

None. In September 2016, the Columbus city attorney's office announced it would not pursue charges, citing "conflicting and inconsistent information."

No charges? Does the NFL know more than the justice system?

Not necessarily. It does not need to meet the same legal threshold. The league employs its own investigative structure. In this case, it used an advisory panel made up of two attorneys, a retired player (Hall of Famer Ken Houston) and the CEO of The Women of Color Network (Tanya Lovelace).

The investigation yielded what the NFL found to be credible photographic and digital evidence of domestic violence. The league has the institutional right to penalize players regardless of the legal outcome

Really? I'd like to see that in writing.

The NFL's personal conduct policy states in part: "[E]ven if your conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, if the league finds that you have engaged in conduct [prohibited by the policy], you will be subject to discipline."

What about the accuser? How does the NFL know she is telling the truth? How does the NFL know that Elliott caused the injuries in the photographs?

In his letter, Goodell acknowledged the concerns expressed by Elliott's representatives about the credibility of the accuser and "alternative causation." However, Goodell wrote, "there has been no persuasive evidence presented on your behalf with respect to how [the accuser's] obvious injuries were incurred other than the conjecture based on the presence of some of her bruising which pre-dates your arrival."

"No persuasive evidence presented on your behalf."

Yes. This line speaks to the NFL's lower threshold for discipline relative to the legal system. The city attorney cited "conflicting" information in deciding not to press charges. The NFL said Elliott didn't provide evidence to support a different explanation. In other words, Elliott was unable to prove his innocence. In court, he would have to be proven guilty. This is an issue that has arisen frequently in NFL discipline.
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