News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Listening to the NFL conference call is infuriating. States that Zeke could not provide witnesses on how she got the bruises. Only saying he didn't know, maybe she fell down the stairs, bumped into tables at work, or some other way. So they basically take her account, even though she also provided no witnesses.

This is a woman who has shown to lie to police.
This is a woman who has been heard saying she will ruin Zeke.
This is a woman who has been in fights with other women outside bars.
This is a woman who has advised others to lie for her.

So the precedent is now set: Women's word vs Players word is gold. Be warned NFL players, this is going to not end well for many of you.

From here on out, its guilty until proven innocent.
It's part of a greater problem, which is people pursuing the "guilty until proven innocent" standard. That's no exaggeration. There are people who think that "innocent until proven guilty" is too troublesome because people get away with stuff. There are groups that coach people to lie about being victims of crime. It's reprehensible.

The guilty until proven innocent has been happening everywhere

Porn industry
Recently, a writer at Polygon got fired and labeled a predator for flirting with adults in DMs

We have an issue with witch hunts, and there are selective groups out there that are higher on the victim pole that can say whatever they want and they will rally an army. It's a problem, and the people speaking out against it are the ones labeled degrading words.
erod----Can someone tell me...if zeke appeals and or goes to court do they let him play until resolved? Brady got to wait a year?..this way we can play Giants with Zeke?

The appeal will likely be over before the season starts and I doubt they get rid of the suspension entirely. The only way it appears Elliott would be eligible to play Game 1 would be taking this to court and getting an injunction that allows him to play while the court case works it's way through the system.
- Bar fight was never connected to him, stop the bullcrap
- "Pulling down" a consenting woman's shirt may be dumb, it's not criminal

I haven't heard about driving 100mph, but you're lumping this in with other incidents that are far more reputation damaging.
He's stringing together negative incidents multiple times a year. Whatever the severity, this will not end well.. In this situation, the NFL has egregiously overstepped its authority, don't get me wrong. I'm not siding with them on this.
Listening to the NFL conference call is infuriating. States that Zeke could not provide witnesses on how she got the bruises. Only saying he didn't know, maybe she fell down the stairs, bumped into tables at work, or some other way. So they basically take her account, even though she also provided no witnesses.

This is a woman who has shown to lie to police.
This is a woman who has been heard saying she will ruin Zeke.
This is a woman who has been in fights with other women outside bars.
This is a woman who has advised others to lie for her.

So the precedent is now set: Women's word vs Players word is gold. Be warned NFL players, this is going to not end well for many of you.
numnuts---Now i see your first i was so upset at Zeke....but if a woman can lie and slander and threaten and try to get others to lie and fight other people...and then the judge ( commiss ) takes her side that will set a precedent for others to do the same and ruin careers....i hope Jones has a good plan to fight this
Can Zeke sue the NFL for defamation of character? They are labeling him a woman beater with no proof. This will cost him millions in endorsements. IF they had proof that he actually did this, fine, ban him for life but they based their decision on their personal belief that he did it, not the evidence. If I am Zeke, I would sue them for every penny they have and or ever will have. Shut the NFL down. This can not stand.. or hey, let's all accuse the starting QB's of every team we play this year of abusing us.. that way they all get suspended before we play them.. after all, evidence is not needed now.

He could at the risk of opening himself up to discovery. His advisors might be telling him to just ride it out and not prolong the drama, if he ever wants to recover and have an endorsement career at some point down the road.
And do you remember Baltimore police shooting, He had his hands up,don't shoot, and that he was shot in the did that turn out, all turned out to be a lie in the end!! Don't believe everything you hear or read without the full context, that's what I'm saying!


The two situations are not even in the same realm, context or not.

Dude. There is no context needed. The texts indicate that the victim wanted her friend to lie for her. ADDITIONALLY THERE IS A SIGNED AFFIDAVIT FROM THE WITNESS STATING THE SAME THING.

That's the context. You don't need anymore information.
The appeal will likely be over before the season starts and I doubt they get rid of the suspension entirely. The only way it appears Elliott would be eligible to play Game 1 would be taking this to court and getting an injunction that allows him to play while the court case works it's way through the system.
I predict that is exaclty what happens...... the NFL will try to run to NY again like they did with Brady and EE and the NFLPA will search out Judge Doty in Minnesota if he is still around
He's stringing together negative incidents multiple times a year. Whatever the severity, this will not end well.. In this situation, the NFL has egregiously overstepped its authority, don't get me wrong. I'm not siding with them on this.

Him being at a club the time a fight happened =/= he is the problem. There are countless people there, you can't control those people. If I remember correctly, Dak was at that club earlier as well...

Again, stop the bullcrap. You want to talk about him pulling down the woman's top? Cool, that is AT MOST public indecency. Gronk does this crap on a nearly daily basis - releasing photos of girls in their underwear in his hotel room, humping a bus, motorboating women...
The last years worth of incidents, Dallas bar fight, driving 100mph in Dallas, pulling down a womans shirt at a Dallas parade... all that, shows he doesn't care about his reputation whatsoever. At least not enough to make good decisions.

Driven over 100mph - check
Been in bar fight - check
Been to Mardi Gras parade with girls pulling their tops and getting assistance from others - check
Went to weed shop in Seattle - check

These all have been checked off for myself. Yet have not been in trouble with the law and feel I'm a responsible citizen, a good father, and good husband. Guess not......
The appeal will likely be over before the season starts and I doubt they get rid of the suspension entirely. The only way it appears Elliott would be eligible to play Game 1 would be taking this to court and getting an injunction that allows him to play while the court case works it's way through the system.

If he's going to be suspended for Game 1, that is the big Sunday night game that should be key to the NFL's ratings for week 1. I would love nothing more than for the Cowboys to announce their inactive list right before the game as Dak Prescott, Dez Bryant, Tyron Smith, Travis Frederick, and Sean Lee. They would never do it, but it would be funny if they did.
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