News: It is official! Zeke suspended 6 games **merged**

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Can Zeke sue the NFL for defamation of character? They are labeling him a woman beater with no proof. This will cost him millions in endorsements. IF they had proof that he actually did this, fine, ban him for life but they based their decision on their personal belief that he did it, not the evidence. If I am Zeke, I would sue them for every penny they have and or ever will have. Shut the NFL down. This can not stand.. or hey, let's all accuse the starting QB's of every team we play this year of abusing us.. that way they all get suspended before we play them.. after all, evidence is not needed now.
They will bend over as per usual. Honestly the players get ZERO support from them...
union---oh man that is not right....if the NFLPA cannot help then there is way too much power for the commissioner....that is not right he can just levy punishment when there were not enough evidence for arrest
CONTEXT is important, not two or three texts... I'm talking about the full transcript of the conversation, which the NFL league has seen and you and I have not...,

Context is the excuse people use when they often can't explain their position.

Those texts don't need "context" especially in light of the fact that there is a signed affidavit from HER friend saying the same thing, that she wanted the girl to cover for the victim and back her story.
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It's embarrassing for you now.

There is no additional context for these texts or the witness statements. It's very clear in the texts the alleged victim asked her to lie about what happened. Further, she confirms that in a signed affidavit.

Further, let's point out that you got caught not knowing your facts. You believed the texts didn't exist. You also believed the witness who backed Elliott was Elliott's friend. You believed the potential banishment was just a reporter saying something that wasn't true despite the fact it was clearly written in the letter the NFL sent to Elliott that you kept telling people to read because apparently they don't know the facts of the case.

But other than that, you are doing a great job.

Full texts don't exist in the public, FACT
I was talking about Hardy not Elliot -so who's wrong
Banishment if he appealed this case, nowhere is that stated, only going forward - FACT

you might need some reading comprehension
I'm sure the suspension will be reduced but I'd also think that the the NFL fully expected an appeal and is prepared, that kind of scares me.

They always know and expect appeals on their issues, especially big suspensions. This will be nothing new for them.

In the end, they control the appeal so they probably don't have to produce anything more than they have to win. That's why I think this might go to the courts.
I agree completely. The NFL letter says the next slip up will result in a BAN from the NFL.

This has now impacted the FUTURE of the Dallas Cowboys. Ezekiel Elliot cannot be counted on. Dallas MUST draft another starting caliber RB next year and/or move on from Zeke COMPLETELY.

The punishment may be unfair, but league rules are league rules

Yep. This team and their track record off the field is something else. I don't know what is rotten in this organization but I know when things are more than coincidental.
erod----Can someone tell me...if zeke appeals and or goes to court do they let him play until resolved? Brady got to wait a year?..this way we can play Giants with Zeke?
He can practice all pre-season no matter what and play in PS games

He has already appealed so it is up to the NFL to set a hearing date within 10 days

Then after the hearing and a guilty verdict his suspension would start 9/2 ....but it is doubtful it gets heard by then

If the suspension is upheld he can then appeal to the Federal Courts for relief...... if they give him a stay or injunction he can keep playing until it is fully resolved....... that could take well into 2018

If they don't give him a stay then he would be immediately suspended and kept away from the team for 6 weeks without pay or practice
I am so tired of people saying this. **** THAT ****. This isn't about how much of a knucklehead he can be. This is about this mans reputation. If he really didn't do it for the rest of his life he will be accused as a woman beater.

The last years worth of incidents, Dallas bar fight, driving 100mph in Dallas, pulling down a womans shirt at a Dallas parade... all that, shows he doesn't care about his reputation whatsoever. At least not enough to make good decisions.
People on here don't know the difference between a criminal case and a civil case, just because he wasn't charged, doesn't mean he didn't do anything....I just think he should appeal, what ever the outcome, serve the suspension and move on, clean up your act off the field and stay out of trouble....four independent concluded from the evidence collected, evidence I don't have access too that he was 50.1% guilty in their eyes under the code of conduct policy of the NFL, so take your medicine and move on..I haven't concluded that he is guilty or not, I don't have the evidence the panel had, just that he should put it behind him and move on!

Dude I think everyone gets the difference between the two cases. I even think that if the NFL has credible evidence of wrongdoing he'd lose a lot of fans from this very forum. What most of the people, if not all, have been arguing is this decision doesn't add up *based on the evidence they have provided so far*. You keep saying "Look it's in the report! See it .. see it!" But in reality, and what you are not grasping, there isn't a shred of evidence they supplied that warrants anything other than a "you need to make better choices of who your acquaintances are before something really does happen". I don't know if he did or didn't do it.. but you set a bad precedent that people can accuse and YOU the accused have to disprove. Comprende?
They always know and expect appeals on their issues, especially big suspensions. This will be nothing new for them.

In the end, they control the appeal so they probably don't have to produce anything more than they have to win. That's why I think this might go to the courts.
Ok, so if it goes to court and they don't have enough evidence don't you think they would expect that as well? Obviously the NFL is pretty dumb and arrogant but after everything that's gone down in the past few years do you really think they're THAT stupid that they don't think they have enough evidence to hold up in an actual court? Not arguing, serious question and concern.

For example, could there be other texts or a "smoking gun" we don't know about or that the NFL isn't obligated to release. Can you imagine if he denied it up and down and then they produce so irrefutable proof? That would be mucho no bueno.
Listening to the NFL conference call is infuriating. States that Zeke could not provide witnesses on how she got the bruises. Only saying he didn't know, maybe she fell down the stairs, bumped into tables at work, or some other way. So they basically take her account, even though she also provided no witnesses.

This is a woman who has shown to lie to police.
This is a woman who has been heard saying she will ruin Zeke.
This is a woman who has been in fights with other women outside bars.
This is a woman who has advised others to lie for her.

So the precedent is now set: Women's word vs Players word is gold. Be warned NFL players, this is going to not end well for many of you.
I am so tired of people saying this. **** THAT ****. This isn't about how much of a knucklehead he can be. This is about this mans reputation. If he really didn't do it for the rest of his life he will be accused as a woman beater.

It's part of a greater problem, which is people pursuing the "guilty until proven innocent" standard. That's no exaggeration. There are people who think that "innocent until proven guilty" is too troublesome because people get away with stuff. There are groups that coach people to lie about being victims of crime. It's reprehensible.
6 games is completely ridiculous. but let's be honest about why we are even here. It's because Zeke Elliot is a complete idiot and keeps putting himself in stupid situations.

RB is the most disposable position in professional football. If he keeps on acting like an idiot, draft his replacement and move the f on. I got no time for some idiot kid ruining a team's season.
DIAF--- I totally makes me so upset to watch Zeke live like he is above the law and entitled.....the cowboy team has to quit covering for him and hold him accountable because he hurt his team very much
The last years worth of incidents, Dallas bar fight, driving 100mph in Dallas, pulling down a womans shirt at a Dallas parade... all that, shows he doesn't care about his reputation whatsoever. At least not enough to make good decisions.

- Bar fight was never connected to him, stop the bullcrap
- "Pulling down" a consenting woman's shirt may be dumb, it's not criminal

I haven't heard about driving 100mph, but you're lumping this in with other incidents that are far more reputation damaging.
Can Zeke sue the NFL for defamation of character? They are labeling him a woman beater with no proof. This will cost him millions in endorsements. IF they had proof that he actually did this, fine, ban him for life but they based their decision on their personal belief that he did it, not the evidence. If I am Zeke, I would sue them for every penny they have and or ever will have. Shut the NFL down. This can not stand.. or hey, let's all accuse the starting QB's of every team we play this year of abusing us.. that way they all get suspended before we play them.. after all, evidence is not needed now.

I fully expect him to sue for defamation if he wins his first court case.
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